scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article (publication date: September 1987)
scientific article
Electromagnetism textbook originally written by Edward M. Purcell in 1965 as the 2nd volume of the "Berkeley Physics Course"
0-07-004859-2 ed. of textbook Electricity and Magnetism
9781139005043 version of the EM textbook by Purcell
3rd edition hardback (978-1-107-01402-2) of Purcell "Electricity and Magnetism"
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in Nature
scientific article
scientific article published in Nature
scientific article published on 01 April 1948
scientific article published in Nature
scientific article published on November 1, 1977
scientific article published on 01 October 1953
scientific article
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
scientific article
scientific article published in Nature
scientific article published on October 14, 1997
scientific article
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