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List of works by George R. R. Martin

"... For a Single Yesterday"

1975 novelette by George R. R. Martin

A Beast For Norn

short story by George R. R. Martin

A Clash of Kings

1998 novel by George R. R. Martin

A Dance with Dragons

2011 english edition of A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons

2011 novel by George R. R. Martin

A Dream of Spring

book by George R. R. Martin

A Feast for Crows

2005 novel by George R. R. Martin

A Game of Thrones

1996 novel by George R. R. Martin

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

American fantasy drama television series

A Song for Lya

1974 novella by George R. R. Martin

A Song for Lya and Other Stories

book by George R.R. Martin

A Song for Lya and Other Stories

first edition of A Song for Lya and Other Stories

A Song of Ice and Fire

series of epic fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin

A Storm of Swords

2000 novel by George R. R. Martin

Aces Abroad

fourth volume in the Wild Cards shared universe fiction series

Aces High

1987 short story collection

Addam of Hull

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegon I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegon II Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegon III Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegon IV Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegon Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aegor Rivers

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aemon Targaryen

fictional character

Aemond Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aenys I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aerion Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Aeron Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Alannys Greyjoy

fictional character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Alicent Hightower

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Alliser Thorne

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Alysanne Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

And Death His Legacy

short story by George R. R. Martin

And Seven Times Never Kill Man

1975 novelette by George R. R. Martin

Arianne Martell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Arlan of Pennytree

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Arryk Cargyll

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Arya Stark

fictional character from A Song of Ice and Fire

Asha Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional city in A Song of Ice and Fire

Baela Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Baelor I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Baelor Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Balon Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Barristan Selmy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Battle of the Redgrass Field

Song of Ice And Fire war

Benjen Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Beyond the Wall

fictional location in Westeros


1977 novelette by George R. R. Martin

Black Trump

book by George R.R. Martin


episode of Game of Thrones (S2 E9)

Blood of the Dragon

1996 novella by George R. R. Martin

Boremund Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Borros Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional city in A Song of Ice and Fire

Bran Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Brandon Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Brandon the Builder

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Brienne of Tarth

character in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Brynden Rivers

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Call Him Moses

short story by George R. R. Martin

Card Sharks

book by George R.R. Martin

Casterly Rock

Catelyn Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Cersei Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Corlys Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Criston Cole

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daario Naharis

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daemon I Blackfyre

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daemon Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


female given name

Daenerys Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daenerys Targaryen (daughter of Aegon IV)

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daeron I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daeron II Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Daeron Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Dance of the Dragons

Song of Ice And Fire war

Dark Visions

horror anthology by Stephen King, Dan Simmons, and George R. R. Martin

Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels

1973 short story by George R. R. Martin

Davos Seaworth

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Dead Man's Hand

book by George R.R. Martin

Delena Florent

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Deuces Down

book by George R.R. Martin

Domeric Bolton

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


1994 television pilot directed by Peter Werner


screenplay by George R. R. Martin

Doran Martell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional language in "Game of Thrones"

Down and Dirty

book by George R.R. Martin


fictional location in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional castle in A Song of Ice and Fire

Dreamsongs: A RRetrospective

book by George R.R. Martin

Duncan the Tall

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Dying of the Light

1977 novel by George R. R. Martin

Eddard Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Edric Storm

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Elden Ring

2022 action role-playing video game developed by FromSoftware

Elia Martell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Ellaria Sand

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Erryk Cargyll

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional continent in A Song of Ice and Fire

Euron Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire



1974 short story by George R. R. Martin

Fevre Dream

1982 novel by George R. R. Martin

Fire and Blood

2018 novel by George R. R. Martin

Free Cities

fictional group of city-states in Essos in A Song of Ice and Fire

From the Journal of Xavier Desmond

short story by George R. R. Martin

Game of Thrones

American fantasy drama television series


character in A Song of Ice and Fire


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Gregor Clegane

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Grey Worm

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Greywater Watch


1981 novelette by George R. R. Martin


fictional castle

Harwin Strong

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Helaena Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Heroes for Hope

1985 Marvel comic book


fictional city in The Reach in A Song of Ice and Fire

Hizdahr zo Loraq

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional character

Horn Hill

fictional castle in A Song of Ice and Fire

House Arryn

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Baratheon

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Blackfyre

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Bolton

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Clegane

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Frey

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Greyjoy

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Lannister

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Martell

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Mormont

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Stark

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Targaryen

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Tarly

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Tarth

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Tully

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Tyrell

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House Umber

Song of Ice and Fire noble family

House of the Dragon

American fantasy drama television series

Howland Reed

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Hunter's Run

book by George R.R. Martin

I vargens tid

Norwegian translation of the first half of A Game of Thrones, a George R. R. Martin novel

Ice Dragon

book by George R.R. Martin

Illyrio Mopatis

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

In the House of the Worm

novella by George R. R. Martin

In the Lost Lands

short story by George R. R. Martin

Iron Throne

fictional throne

Jacaerys Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jaehaerys I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jaime Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Janos Slynt

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jaqen H'ghar

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jason Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jeor Mormont

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jeyne Poole

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jeyne Westerling

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Joffrey Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Joffrey Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jojen Reed

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jokers Wild

book by George R.R. Martin

Jokertown Shuffle

Jon Snow

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Jorah Mormont

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Kampen om jerntronen

Norwegian translation of the second half of A Game of Thrones, a George R. R. Martin novel

Khal Drogo

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


King in the North

fictional title from A Song of Ice and Fire

King's Landing

fictional location in A Song of Ice and Fire


A Song of Ice and Fire organization

Kirky Hassary

Castle from the series Song of Ice and Fire

Kongenes kamp

Norwegian translation of the first half of A Clash of Kings, a George R. R. Martin novel

Lady of House Sunderly

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Laena Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Lancel Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Larys Strong

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Le Volcryn

Le Volcryn

Le Volcryn


anthology of fantasy novellas

Legends II

short story anthology

Loaves and Fishes

1985 novella by George R. R. Martin

Lost and Found

28th episode of the second season of The Twilight Zone

Lucerys Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Lyanna Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Lyman Beesbury

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Lyonel Strong

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


Lysa Arryn

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Mace Tyrell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Maegor I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Maekar I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Mance Rayder

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Manna from Heaven

short story by George R. R. Martin

Margaery Tyrell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Marked Cards

book by George R.R. Martin

Maron Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Meathouse Man

1976 novelette by George R. R. Martin

Meera Reed

character in A Song of Ice and Fire



character in A Song of Ice and Fire


character in A Song of Ice and Fire


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Myrcella Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Night King

fictional character from the Game of Thrones series

Night Shift

short story by George R. R. Martin

Night of the Vampyres

short story by George R. R. Martin

Night's Watch

Song of Ice and Fire organization


1987 film


1980 Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact edition


1980 novella by George R. R. Martin

Nor the Many-Colored Fires of a Star Ring

Nymeria Sand

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Obara Sand

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Oberyn Martell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional city in A Song of Ice and Fire

Olenna Tyrell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


1980 novella by George R. R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle

Only Kids Are Afraid of the Dark

short story by George R. R. Martin


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Otto Hightower

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


1973 short story by George R. R. Martin

Path of the Dragon

2000 novella by George R. R. Martin


Petyr Baelish

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Podrick Payne

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Portraits of His Children

book edition (en)

Portraits of His Children

1987 short story collection by George R. R. Martin

Portraits of His Children

1985 novelette by George R. R. Martin


fictional castle and island in A Song of Ice and Fire


Quellon Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Ramsay Bolton

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Red Keep

fictional castle at King’s Landing in A Song of Ice and Fire

Red wedding

fictional event in the Game of Thrones franchise

Remembering Melody

1981 short story by George R. R. Martin

Renly Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rhaena Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rhaenyra Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire and House of the Dragon

Rhaenys Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rhaenys Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire, daughter of Rhaegar

Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Aemon)

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rickon Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional castle in A Song of Ice and Fire

Robb Stark

fictional character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Robert Arryn

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Robert Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rodrik Cassel

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Rodrik Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


Short story anthology edited by George R. R. Martin

Roose Bolton

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Run to Starlight

short story by George R. R. Martin

Samwell Tarly

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


short story collection by George R.R. Martin first published in 1981


1979 novelette by George R. R. Martin


publication of George R. R. Martin's short story in The Big Book of Science Fiction in 2016

Sandor Clegane

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Sansa Stark

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Second Helpings

short story by George R. R. Martin

Seven Kingdoms

fictional political entity in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire

Shadow Twin

2004 novella by Daniel Abraham, Gardner Dozois and George R. R. Martin


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Shell Games

short story by George R. R. Martin

Shiera Seastar

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Shireen Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Slide Show

1973 short story by George R. R. Martin

Songs of Stars and Shadows

1997 short story collection by George R.R. Martin

Songs the Dead Men Sing


fictional continent in A Song of Ice and Fire

Stannis Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones

Storm's End

fictional castle in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional city in Dorne in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tales of Dunk and Egg

series of novellas by George R. R. Martin

The Armageddon Rag

1983 novel by George R. R. Martin

The Bear and the Maiden Fair

episode of Game of Thrones (S3 E7)

The Bear and the Maiden Fair

2013 song composed by Ramin Djawadi with lyrics by George R. R. Martin performed by The Hold Steady

The Exit to San Breta

short story by George R. R. Martin

The Fortress

short story by George R. R. Martin

The Glass Flower

1986 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Hedge Knight

1998 novella by George R. R. Martin

The Hero

short story by George R. R. Martin

The High Sparrow

character in Game of Thrones as well as A Song of Ice and Fire

The Ice Dragon

1980 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Last Defender of Camelot

episode of The Twilight Zone (S1 E59)

The Lion and the Rose

episode of Game of Thrones (S4 E2)

The Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr

short story by George R. R. Martin

The Monkey Treatment

1983 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Mystery Knight

2010 novella by George R. R. Martin

The Needle Men

1981 short story by George R. R. Martin

The Once and Future King

episode of The Twilight Zone (S2 E1)

The Pear-Shaped Man

1987 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Plague Star

1985 novella by George R. R. Martin

The Pointy End

episode of Game of Thrones (S1 E8)

The Princess and the Queen

novella by George R. R. Martin

The Princess and the Queen, or, The Blacks and the Greens

2013 novella by George R. R. Martin

The Rains of Castamere

fictional song appearing in A Song of Ice and Fire

The Rains of Castamere

song from The Game of Thrones soundtrack

The Rise of the Dragon

2022 book by George R. R. Martin

The Road Less Traveled

episode of The Twilight Zone (S2 E12)

The Road Less Traveled

screenplay of the episode of The Twilight Zone

The Rogue Prince

2014 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Runners

short story by George R. R. Martin

The Sandkings

1995 television episode directed by Stuart Gillard

The Second Kind of Loneliness

1972 short story by George R. R. Martin

The Second Sons

fictional mercenary in A Song of Ice and Fire

The Skin Trade

1988 novel by George R. R. Martin

The Sons of the Dragon

novelette by George R. R. Martin set in the A Song of Ice and Fire series

The Stone City

1977 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Storms of Windhaven

1975 novella by Lisa Tuttle & George R. R. Martin

The Sworn Sword

2003 novella by George R. R. Martin

The Toys of Caliban

episode of The Twilight Zone (S2 E10)

The Way of Cross and Dragon

1979 novelette by George R. R. Martin

The Winds of Winter

novel by George R. R. Martin

The World of Ice & Fire

edition (en)

The World of Ice & Fire

2014 book by George R. R. Martin

Theon Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

This Tower of Ashes

1976 short story by George R. R. Martin

Tommen Baratheon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tormund Giantsbane

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Trystane Martell

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tuf Voyaging

1986 science fiction fix-up novel by George R. R. Martin


fictional castle in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tycho Nestoris

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tyene Sand

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tyland Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tyrion Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Tywin Lannister

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


Under Siege

1985 novelette by George R. R. Martin

Unsound Variations

1982 novella by George R. R. Martin

Vaemond Velaryon

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Valyrian Freehold


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Victarion Greyjoy

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Visenya Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Viserys I Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Viserys II Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Viserys Targaryen

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


Walder Frey

character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Walder Rivers

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional structure in A Song of Ice and Fire


2008 post-apocalyptic fiction book


fictional continent in A Song of Ice and Fire

White Walker

fictional entity in Game of Thrones

Wild Cards

science fiction and superhero anthology series

Wild Cards

first volume in the Wild Cards book series


1981 fix-up novel by George R. R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle

With Morning Comes Mistfall

1973 short story by George R. R. Martin

World of Ice and Fire

fictional world created by George R. R. Martin


character in A Song of Ice and Fire

Yohn Royce

character in A Song of Ice and Fire


fictional city in A Song of Ice and Fire

Bouře mečů

book edition published in 2018

Des astres et des ombres

2001 paperback edition (fr)

Hon na lovce

book edition published in 2018

Hostina pro vrány

book edition published in 2018

Hra o trůny

book edition published in 2017

Hra o trůny: oficiální omalovánky

book edition published in 2016

La Fleur de verre

2014 short story collection by George R. R. Martin published in France

Le Chasseur et son ombre

2008 paperback edition (fr)

Ledový drak

book edition published in 2015


book edition published in 1992

Oheň a krev: historie targaryenských králů v Západozemí. Svazek první

book edition published in 2019

Oheň a krev: historie targaryenských králů v Západozemí. Svazek první

book edition published in 2023

Rytíř Sedmi království

book edition published in 2020

Snové písně

book edition published in 2018–2019

Střet králů

book edition published in 2017

Sídlo červa

book edition published in 2017

Tanec s draky

book edition published in 2019

Větrný přístav

book edition published in 2020