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List of works by Wilton Everett Britton

Connecticut laws relating to the suppression of insect pests

New Haven, Conn.,Agricultural experiment station[1909?] | Library of Congress

Guide to the insects of Connecticut

Hartford,Printed for The Stat

Guide to the insects of Connecticut

By: Britton, Wilton Everett, - Alexander, Charles P. (Charles Paul), - Brues, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), - Crampton, Guy Chester, - Curran, Charles Howard, - Garman, Philip, - MacGillivray, Alexander Dyer, - Rohwer, S. A. - Viereck, Henry Lore

Insects attacking squash, cucumber, and allied plants in Connecticut

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1919.

Plant pest handbook for Connecticut

New Haven: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1933-1934.

The apple-tree tent-caterpillar

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1902.

The apple-tree tent-caterpillar, Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) americana Fabr

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1913.

The brown-tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1914.

The chief injurious scale-insects of Connecticut

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1905.

The eastern tent caterpillar

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1935.

The gypsy moth and the brown-tail moth

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1906.

The house fly as a disease carrier : and how controlled

Hartford, Conn.: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., [1912].

The new law concerning insect pests

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901.