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List of works by Marcus Niebuhr Tod

(A.-M. and A.) Bon Les timbres amphoriques de Thasos [École française d‘Athènes: Études thasiennes IV]. Paris: Boccard. 1957. Pp. 538, with 8 text figures and 2,272 illustrations of stamps. Price not stated

(G.) Klaffenbach Griechische Epigraphik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1957. Pp. 107. DM 7.80

(T.) Wiegand Didyma. II. Teil: Die Inschriften, von A. Rehm, herausgegeben von R. Harder. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 1958. Pp. xv + 391 with 108 figs

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pausanias

encyclopedia article

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Sparta

encyclopedia article

A Bronze Mirror in the Ashmolean Museum

A Greek Epitaph from Jaffa

A New Fragment of the Attic Tribute Lists

A New Fragment of the ‘Edictum Diocletiani’

A Statute of an Attic Thiasos

A Survey of Laconian Epigraphy, 1913–1925

An Oxonian Looks Back (1885-1945). G. C. Richards

An Unpublished Attic Decree

An Unpublished Epigram in Oxford

Archaeology in Greece 1901—1902

scholarly article by Robert Carr Bosanquet published in November 1902

Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis: a Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth Centuries B.C. By A. E. Raubitschek, with the collaboration of L. H. Jeffery. Pp.xv + 545. Cambridge, Mass.: Archaeological Institute of America, 1949

scholarly article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod published in November 1950

EB-11 / Aristodemus

encyclopedic article

EB-11 / Aristomenes

encyclopedic article

Edmund Groag, Die Römischen Reichsbeamten Von Achaia Bis Auf Diokletian. (Schriften der Balkankommission: Antiquarische Abteilung, IX.) Wien und Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky A.-G., 1939. Cols, xiv + 198. RM. 12

Epigrammata: Greek Inscriptions in Verse, from the Beginnings to the Persian Wars. By P. Friedländer and H. B. Hoffleit. Pp. x + 198; pl. 1. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press (Cambridge: University Press), 1948. 27s. 6d

Epigraphical notes from the Ashmolean Museum

Excavations at Palaikastro. II: § 10.—Hagios Nikolaos

article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod published November 1903 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Palaikastro. II: § 9.—Kouraménos

article by Richard MacGillivray Dawkins & Marcus Niebuhr Tod published November 1903 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Fouilles de Delphes III: Épigraphie. Fasc. VI. Les Inscriptions du Théâtre. By N. Valmin. Pp. 169; pl. 4. Paris: E. de Boccard, 1939. 240 frs.Fouilles de Delphes III: Épigraphie. Fasc. III: Inscriptions depuis le Tresor des Athéniens jusqu'aux B

article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod published November 1944 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Further Notes on the Greek Acrophonic Numerals

Greek Inscriptions at Cairness House

article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod published 1934 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Greek Inscriptions from Macedonia

Hellenica: Recueil d'épigraphie, de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques, VII. By L. Robert. Pp. 254; pl. 24. Paris: Librairie Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1949

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1907: §10.—Inscriptions

article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod et al published January 1907 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Imagines Inscriptionum Atticarum: Ein Bilderatlas epigraphischer Denkmäler Attikas. Edited by J. Kirchner. 2nd edition revised by G. Klaffenbach. Pp. 34; pl. 54. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 1948

Inscriptions from Eumeneia

Laudatory Epithets in Greek Epitaphs

article published in 1951

Letter-Labels in Greek Inscriptions

Notes and Inscriptions from South-Western Messenia

Notes on Attic Inventories

Notes on Inscriptiones Graecae V. 1

Notes on Some Inscriptions from Kalyvia Sokhas

Sidelights on Greek Philosophers

Some Unpublished ‘Catalogi Paterarum Argentearum’

THE ATHENIAN ASSESSMENT OF 425 B.C. By Benjamin Dean Meritt and Allen Brown West. (University of Michigan Studies: Humanistic Series, vol. XXXIII.) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1934. pp. XIV, 112, with 2 plates and 17 figs. $2.50

Teams of Ball-Players at Sparta

Thasos. Part I.—Inscriptions

The Alphabetic Numeral System in Attica

The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law. By J. H. Oliver. Pp. xiv + 179. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege), 1950. 40s

The Athenian Tribute Lists, II. By B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery, and M. F. McGregor. Pp. ix + 125; pl. 16 + 4 text figs. Princeton, N.J. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1949. $10

The Greek Acrophonic Numerals

The Macedonian Era

The Macedonian Era. II

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1913–14

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1914–15

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1915–1918

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1919–1920

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1921–1922

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1923–1924

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1923–1924

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1925–1926

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1929–1930

article published in 1931

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1931–1932

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1933–1934

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1945–7

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1948–9

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1950–51

The Progress of Greek Epigraphy, 1952–53

The Rhoummas Herm: A Postscript

The inscribed Epigram and the Person commemorated


Three Greek Numeral Systems

article published in 1913

§ VI.—Inscriptions