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List of works by Shunsuke Mawatari

A New Species of Nereiphylla (Polychaeta, Phyllodocidae) from Hokkaido, Northern Japan

scientific article published in 1999

A New Species of the Genus Amathillopsis (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Amathillopsidae) from Japan

A new cheilostome bryozoan with gigantic zooids from the North-West Pacific

scientific article

A new freshwater species of the genus Jesogammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Anisogammaridae) from northern Japan

scientific article

A new genus and species of celleporid bryozoan with ancestrula triad from Hokkaido, Japan

scientific article published in February 1986

A new genus and species of monostiliferous hoplonemertean (Nemertea: Enopla: Monostilifera) from Japan

scientific article

A new species of Hedgpethia (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida, Colossendeidae) from southwestern Japan

scientific article

A new species of Mysta (Annelida, Polychaeta, Phyllodocidae) from Japan

scientific article published in 2001

A new species of Nesotanais (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from Japan, with a key to species and a note on male chelipeds

scientific article

A new species of Nesotanais (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from Japan, with a key to species and a note on male chelipeds. Appendix 1: Moving image of live Nesotanais ryukyuensis.

scientific article published on 18 February 2010

A new species of the genus Nuuanu (Amphipoda, Melitidae) from brackish waters of the Strait of Malacca, Malaysia

A new, interstitial species of Terrestricythere (Crustacea: Ostracoda) and its microdistribution at Orito Beach, northeastern Sea of Japan


A revision of Heterosignum (Asellota, Isopoda, Paramunnidae) with descriptions of three new species

scientific article published in December 2002

A revision ofEogammarusBirstein, 1933 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Anisogammaridae), with a description of a new species

scientific article published on 28 August 2006

Allocyclops (Allocyclops) austronipponicus, a New Species of Cyclopoid Copepod (Crustacea: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) from Okinawa Island, Japan

scientific article published in 2005

Are plumatellid statoblasts in freshwater bryozoans phylogenetically informative?

scientific article published on 01 May 2011

Bryoanthrathiophene, a new antiangiogenic constituent from the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata (d'Orbigny, 1852).

scientific article published in September 2002

Comparative anatomical study of internal brooding in three anascan bryozoans (Cheilostomata) and its taxonomic and evolutionary implications

scientific article

Cribrimorph and OtherCauloramphusSpecies (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) from the Northwestern Pacific

scientific article published on February 1, 2011

Diversity and taxonomy of intertidal Bryozoa (Cheilostomata) at Akkeshi Bay, Hokkaido, Japan

scientific article published in July 2007

Diversity and taxonomy of rocky‐intertidal Bryozoa on the Island of Hawaii, USA

scientific article published on 25 December 2006

Doryporella smirnovi sp. nov. (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) and its impact on phylogeny and classification

scientific article

Ernst Mayr in Japan, October 1994.

scientific article published in September 2005

Freshwater Bryozoa of Lake Biwa, Japan

scientific article published in 2011

Freshwater Bryozoa of Okinawa, Japan, with descriptions of Rumarcanella gen. nov. (Phylactolaemata: Plumatellidae) and two new species

scientific article published on 5 January 2011

Freshwater Bryozoa of Tonle Sap, Cambodia

scientific article published in June 2007

Hygrobates (Hygrobates) capillus sp. nov. (Arachnida: Acari: Hydrachnidia: Hygrobatidae) from South-central Honshu, Japan, with Records of Two Allied Species

scientific article published in 2005

Intertidal Bryozoa (Cheilostomata) of Ketchikan, Alaska

scholarly article by Matthew H. Dick et al published 23 December 2005 in Journal of Natural History

Les Alcyonidium (Bryozoa, Ctenostomida) des côtes du Japon

scholarly article published in 1986

Marine Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) from Hokkaido, Northern Japan, with Descriptions of Two New Species

Marine Tubificidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) from Shirahama, Western Japan, With a Description of a New Species

scientific article published in December 1997

Munnidae from Japan (Crustacea : Isopoda : Asellota)

scientific article published in March 2001

New cheilostome bryozoans from the Middle Miocene of Hokkaido, Japan, and the first fossil occurrences of Kubaninella and Hayamiellina gen. nov

scientific article published in October 2004

Ostracods (Crustacea) from Sarobetsu Marsh, Northern Hokkaido, Japan : Taxonomy and Phenology with Description of Pseudocandona tenuirostris sp. nov

Paralytic toxicity in the ribbon worm Cephalothrix species (Nemertea) in Hiroshima Bay, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan and the isolation of tetrodotoxin as a main component of its toxins

scientific article

Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Jesogammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Anisogammaridae) deduced from mitochondrial COI and 12S sequences

scientific article

Pleurogonium (Crustacea : Isopoda : Asellota : Paramunnidae) from Hokkaido, Northern Japan, with Descriptions of Two New Species

scientific article published in 2001

Potamostoma shizunaiense gen. et sp. nov. (Nemertea: Hoplonemertea: Monostilifera): a New Brackish-Water Nemertean from Japan

scientific article published on April 1, 2003

Redescription and Taxonomic Reassessment of Nemertellina minuta Friedrich, 1935,sensuYamaoka, 1940 (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea, Monostilifera)

scientific article published in 2000

Round-trip catadromous migration in a Japanese amphipod, Sternomoera rhyaca (Gammaridea: Eusiridae).

scientific article published on September 2006

Santia katoi sp. nov., a New Isopod Crustacean from Shirahama, Japan (Asellota : Santiidae)

scientific article published in December 2000

Sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) from waters adjacent to the Nansei Islands of Japan

scientific article published on 16 February 2007

Sea spiders of the genusNymphon(Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) from waters around the Nansei Islands, Japan

scholarly article by Yoshie Takahashi et al published June 2012 in Journal of Natural History

The Zoological Society Prize. Taxonomy of invertebrates. Towards a better understanding of biodiversity

scientific article published in December 2002

The internal-brooding apparatus in the bryozoan genus Cauloramphus (Cheilostomata: Calloporidae) and its inferred homology to ovicells

scientific article published on 01 December 2007

The origin of ascophoran bryozoans was historically contingent but likely

scientific article (publication date: 7 September 2009)

Three New Species of Free-living Marine Nematodes (Nematoda: Enoplida) from Northern Japan

Two New Species of Capitellidae (Annelida : Polychaeta) from Hokkaido, Northern Japan

scientific article published in 1998

Two New Species of Munnogonium (Isopoda : Asellota : Paramunnidae) from Japan

scientific article published in 2000

Two new species of Japanese Microporella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in the Döderlein Collection, Musée Zoologique, Strasbourg

Two new species of ochridacyclops (Kiefer, 1937) (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from Kenya and Nepal

scientific article

Water mites of the genusHygrobatesKoch, 1837 (Acari: Parasitengona: Hygrobatidae) from Hokkaido, northern Japan

scientific article published in September 2005