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List of works by Shaun Cole

A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation


A forward-modelling method to infer the dark matter particle mass from strong gravitational lenses

scientific article published on 26 January 2022

A lightcone catalogue from the Millennium-XXL simulation

scientific article

A marked correlation function analysis of halo formation times in the Millennium Simulation


A possible cold imprint of voids on the microwave background radiation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A recipe for galaxy formation

scientific article

A two-point correlation function for Galactic halo stars

scientific article

A unified model for the spatial and mass distribution of subhaloes


A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation


Achieving convergence in galaxy formation models by augmenting N-body merger trees

Adding long-wavelength power to N-body simulations

scientific article

Addressing the too big to fail problem with baryon physics and sterile neutrino dark matter

scientific article

Aurigaia: mock Gaia DR2 stellar catalogues from the auriga cosmological simulations

scientific article

Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing

scientific article published on 7 March 2023

Biased Galaxy Formation in the Cold-Dark-Matter Scenario


Biased clustering in the cold dark matter cosmogony


Breaking the hierarchy of galaxy formation

scholarly article

Can the faint submillimetre galaxies be explained in the Λ cold dark matter model?


Chemical enrichment of ICM in a hierarchical galaxy formation model including SNe Ia

Clear and measurable signature of modified gravity in the galaxy velocity field

scientific article published on 5 June 2014

Cluster correlation functions in N-body simulations

article by V. R. Eke et al published 11 July 1996 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Cluster evolution as a diagnostic for Ω

scientific article

Cluster mass reconstruction from weak gravitational lensing

scientific article

Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations

scholarly article

Comparing semi-analytic particle tagging and hydrodynamical simulations of the Milky Way's stellar halo

scientific article

Constraining 0 using weak gravitational lensing by clusters

scientific article

Constraining the warm dark matter particle mass with Milky Way satellites


Constraints on the identity of the dark matter from strong gravitational lenses

scientific article

Constraints on the properties of warm dark matter using the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way

scientific article published in August 2021

Constraints on σ8 from galaxy clustering in N-body simulations and semi-analytic models

scientific article

Constraints on Ω from the IRAS redshift surveys

scientific article

Correcting for fibre assignment incompleteness in the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey

scientific article

Cosmological constraints from applying SHAM to rescaled cosmological simulations

scientific article

Cosmological parameters from cluster abundances, cosmic microwave background and IRAS

scholarly article

Cosmological parameters from cosmic microwave background measurements and the final 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey power spectrum

scholarly article

Creating mock catalogues of stellar haloes from cosmological simulations

scholarly article

Dark matter halo merger histories beyond cold dark matter – I. Methods and application to warm dark matter


Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background


Erratum: Estimating the dark matter halo mass of our Milky Way using dynamical tracers


Estimating the dark matter halo mass of our Milky Way using dynamical tracers


Estimating β from redshift-space distortions in the 2dF galaxy survey


Evidence for a non-zero and a low matter density from a combined analysis of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and cosmic microwave background anisotropies


Evolution of supermassive black hole spins in the ΛCDM cosmology

scholarly article by N Fanidakis et al published 1 October 2009 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Evolution of the Hubble sequence in hierarchical models for galaxy formation


Excursion set mass functions for hierarchical Gaussian fluctuations

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Faint galaxy counts as a function of morphological type in a hierarchical merger model


Fast generation of ensembles of cosmological n-body simulations via mode resampling

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Formation ofin situstellar haloes in Milky Way-mass galaxies

scholarly article

Fourier analysis of redshift-space distortions and the determination of


Full-sky map of the ISW and Rees-Sciama effect from Gpc simulations

article by Yan-Chuan Cai et al published 17 June 2010 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Galactic Stellar Haloes in the CDM Model

Galactic satellite systems in CDM, WDM and SIDM

scientific article published in December 2022

Galactic stellar haloes in the CDM model


Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models


Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxy radial alignments in GAMA groups

scientific article

Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): spectroscopic analysis


Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering

scientific article

Galaxy ecology: groups and low-density environments in the SDSS and 2dFGRS


Galaxy formation in a variety of hierarchical models

scientific article

Galaxy formation in the Planck Millennium: the atomic hydrogen content of dark matter halos

scientific article

Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N-body simulations

scholarly article

Galaxy groups in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the number density of groups

scientific article

Galaxy groups in the 2dFGRS: the group-finding algorithm and the 2PIGG catalogue


Galaxy groups in the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey: the luminous content of the groups

scholarly article

Generating dark matter halo merger trees


Grand unification of AGN activity in the ΛCDM cosmology

scholarly article by N. Fanidakis et al published 8 October 2010 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Gravitational lensing of fluctuations in the microwave background radiation

scientific article

Gravitational redshift and asymmetric redshift-space distortions for stacked clusters

scientific article

Halo concentrations from extended Press–Schechter merger histories

scientific article

Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites

scholarly article

Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties?

scientific article

Hierarchical clustering in chameleon f(R) gravity

scholarly article

Hierarchical galaxy formation

scientific article

How common is the Milky Way-satellite system alignment?


How well can we really estimate the stellar masses of galaxies from broad-band photometry?


Large-scale structure in COBE-normalized cold dark matter cosmogonies

scholarly article

Lightcone mock catalogues from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation – I. Construction and application to the BzK colour selection


Massive dark matter haloes around bright isolated galaxies in the 2dFGRS

scholarly article

Maximum likelihood random galaxy catalogues and luminosity function estimation

scholarly article

Measuring Omega0 using cluster evolution

scientific article

Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey


Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation


Mock 2dF and SDSS galaxy redshift surveys

scholarly article

Mock galaxy redshift catalogues from simulations: implications for Pan-STARRS1

scientific article

Modeling galaxy formation in evolving dark matter halos

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Modelling galaxy clustering: is new physics needed in galaxy formation models?


Modelling galaxy merger time-scales and tidal destruction

scientific article published in January 2017

Modelling the evolution of galaxy clustering

scientific article

Modelling the redshift-space distortion of galaxy clustering


N-body dark matter haloes with simple hierarchical histories


New Upper Limit on the Total Neutrino Mass from the 2 Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Non-Gaussian fluctuations and the statistics of galaxy clustering

scientific article

Optical confirmation and redshift estimation of the Planck cluster candidates overlapping the Pan-STARRS Survey

scientific article

Orbital parameters of infalling satellite haloes in the hierarchical ΛCDM model


Pan-STARRS1: Galaxy clustering in the Small Area Survey 2

scientific article

Parameter constraints for flat cosmologies from cosmic microwave background and 2dFGRS power spectra

scientific article

Physical constraints on the central mass and baryon content of satellite galaxies

scientific article

Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM

scholarly article

Predictions for the SKA from hierarchical galaxy formation models

scholarly article

Predictions for the detection of tidal streams with Gaia using great-circle methods

scientific article

Principles of supernova-driven winds

scientific article

Probability Friends-of-Friends (PFOF) group finder: performance study and observational data applications on photometric surveys

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Projection effects in the strong lensing study of subhaloes

scientific article

PyAutoGalaxy: Open-Source Multiwavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology

scientific article published on 27 January 2023

PyAutoLens: Open-Source Strong Gravitational Lensing

scientific article published on 20 February 2021

Radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - II. Local radio luminosity functions for AGN and star-forming galaxies at 1.4 GHz


Reconstructing cluster lensing mass distributions from gravitational arclets

Recovering dark-matter clustering from galaxies with Gaussianization

scientific article

SPACE: the spectroscopic all-sky cosmic explorer

article by A. Cimatti et al published 24 May 2008 in Experimental Astronomy

Satellite galaxies in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation with sterile neutrino dark matter

scientific article

Satellite galaxy number density profiles in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

scientific article

Satellite systems around galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations

scientific article

Simulated observations of sub-millimetre galaxies: the impact of single-dish resolution and field variance


Simulations of the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies and quasars

scientific article

Spatial and luminosity distributions of galactic satellites

scientific article

Star formation trends in high-redshift galaxy surveys: the elephant or the tail?

scholarly article

Substructure analysis of selected low-richness 2dFGRS clusters of galaxies


Substructure in the stellar halos of the Aquarius simulations

scholarly article

Sunyaev-Zel'dovich fluctuations in the cold dark matter scenario

scientific article

Supervoid Origin of the Cold Spot in the Cosmic Microwave Background

Systematic Errors Induced by the Elliptical Power-law model in Galaxy–Galaxy Strong Lens Modeling

scientific article published on 02 December 2021

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Constraints on Cosmic Star Formation History from the Cosmic Spectrum

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Wiener reconstruction of the cosmic web

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: a targeted study of catalogued clusters of galaxies

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation functions, peculiar velocities and the matter density of the Universe

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: galaxy clustering per spectral type


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: galaxy luminosity functions per spectral type


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: hierarchical galaxy clustering

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: higher-order galaxy correlation functions

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity dependence of galaxy clustering


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity functions by density environment and galaxy type


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: power-spectrum analysis of the final data set and cosmological implications


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spectra and redshifts


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spectral types and luminosity functions

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spherical harmonics analysis of fluctuations in the final catalogue


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: stochastic relative biasing between galaxy populations


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the amplitudes of fluctuations in the 2dFGRS and the CMB, and implications for galaxy biasing


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the bJ-band galaxy luminosity function and survey selection function

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the bias of galaxies and the density of the Universe


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the blue galaxy fraction and implications for the Butcher-Oemler effect

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the clustering of galaxy groups

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the dependence of galaxy clustering on luminosity and spectral type

article by Peder Norberg et al published 1 June 2002 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the environmental dependence of galaxy star formation rates near clusters

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the local E+A galaxy population

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the luminosity function of cluster galaxies

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the nature of the relative bias between galaxies of different spectral type


The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the number and luminosity density of galaxies

scientific article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the population of nearby radio galaxies at the 1-mJy level

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the power spectrum and the matter content of the Universe

scholarly article

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: voids and hierarchical scaling models

scientific article

The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: clustering properties of radio galaxies

scientific article

The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: near-infrared galaxy luminosity functions


The DESI Bright Galaxy Survey: Final Target Selection, Design, and Validation

scientific article published on 26 May 2023

The DESI One-Percent Survey: A Concise Model for the Galactic Conformity of Emission-line Galaxies

scholarly article published in January 2024

The Epoch of Galaxy Formation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Evolution of Galaxy Mass in Hierarchical Models

The Halo Occupation Distribution and the Physics of Galaxy Formation

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Infrared Side of Galaxy Formation. I. The Local Universe in the Semianalytical Framework

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the photometric accuracy, completeness and contamination of the 2dFGRS and SDSS-EDR/DR1 data sets

scientific article

The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey: Star Formation Quenching in Group and Cluster Environments

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Pan-STARRS1 Small Area Survey 2

scientific article

The Pan-STARRS1 medium-deep survey: the role of galaxy group environment in the star formation rate versus stellar mass relation and quiescent fraction out to z ~ 0.8

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The clustering evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies


The clustering evolution of the galaxy distribution

scientific article

The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters

scientific article

The contribution of star-forming galaxies to fluctuations in the cosmic background light

scientific article

The core–cusp problem: a matter of perspective

scientific article

The dependence of velocity and clustering statistics on galaxy properties

scientific article

The distribution of satellite galaxies: the great pancake

scientific article

The effect of gravitational recoil on black holes forming in a hierarchical universe

scholarly article by Noam I. Libeskind et al published 13 April 2006 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - I. Model and results at z=0


The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - II. Satellite galaxies in the Local Group

scientific article

The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation — III. Environmental dependence in the luminosity function

scientific article

The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time: what is downsizing?

scientific article

The evolution of the star-forming sequence in hierarchical galaxy formation models


The evolution of the stellar mass versus halo mass relationship

scholarly article

The faint galaxy contribution to the diffuse extragalactic background light

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The far infra-red SEDs of main sequence and starburst galaxies

scientific article

The formation of shell galaxies similar to NGC 7600 in the cold dark matter cosmogony

scholarly article

The galaxy power spectrum: precision cosmology from large-scale structure?

scholarly article by Ariel G. Sánchez & Shaun Cole published April 2008 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The impact of galaxy formation on the X-ray evolution of clusters

scientific article

The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect in f(R) gravity

scholarly article

The journey of QSO haloes from z ∼ 6 to the present

scientific article

The mass function of dark matter haloes


The mass–concentration–redshift relation of cold and warm dark matter haloes


The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models

scientific article

The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models


The nature of galaxy bias and clustering


The orbital PDF: general inference of the gravitational potential from steady-state tracers

scientific article

The orbital PDF: the dynamical state of Milky Way sized haloes and the intrinsic uncertainty in the determination of their masses

scientific article

The parameter space of galaxy formation

scientific article

The properties of spiral galaxies: confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations

scholarly article

The redshift dependence of the structure of massive Λ cold dark matter haloes

scholarly article

The satellite luminosity functions of galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey

article by Quan Guo et al published 22 August 2011 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The seeds of rich galaxy clusters in the Universe

scientific article published in Nature

The shapes and alignments of dark matter halos

The spatial clustering of faint galaxies

scientific article

The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models


The statistical properties of Λ cold dark matter halo formation

scientific article

The statistics of CDM halo concentrations

scientific article

The structure of dark matter haloes in hierarchical clustering models


Theoretical Models of the Halo Occupation Distribution: Separating Central and Satellite Galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

To β or not to β: can higher order Jeans analysis break the mass–anisotropy degeneracy in simulated dwarfs?

scientific article published on 14 August 2020

Towards accurate modelling of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: the non-linear contribution

scholarly article

Value-added catalog of physical properties for more than 1.3 million galaxies from the DESI survey

scientific article published in November 2024

What Shapes the Luminosity Function of Galaxies?

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes

scientific article

What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes – II. The spherical Jeans equation

scientific article

Where are the stars?


Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?

scientific article

hbt+: an improved code for finding subhaloes and building merger trees in cosmological simulations

scientific article