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List of works by Peter Warren

(A.) Evans Knossos fresco atlas. With Catalogue of plates by M. Cameron and S. Hood. Farnborough, Hants: Gregg Press. 1967. Catalogue pp. 42. 1 plan. Portfolio 19 colour plates. £12

(A.) Kanta The Late Minoan III period in Crete: a survey of sites, pottery and their distribution. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 58.) Göteborg: Åström. 1980. Pp. x + 383, [145] plates, [4] maps. Price not stated

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in November 1982

(C. R.) Long The Ayia Triadha sarcophagus: a study of late Minoan and Mycenaean funerary practices and beliefs. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 41.) Göteborg: Åström. 1974. Pp. 90, pl. 34. Sw. kr. 100

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in November 1976

(C.) Gillis Minoan conical cups: form, function and significance. (Stud.Med.Arch. 89). Göteborg: Åström, 1990. Pp. v + 200, 17 plates, 98 text figs.£42.60

(H.-G.) Buchholz and (V.) Karageorghis Prehistoric Greece and Cyprus: an archaeological handbook. Trans. from the German by F. Garvie. London: Phaidon. 1973. Pp. 514. 1911 illus. (inc. 4 col. plates). Text figs. Maps. £18·50


(J. W.) Shaw Minoan Architecture: Materials and Techniques. (Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene vol. XLIX, N.S. XXXIII [1971].) Rome: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato. 1973. Pp. 256. 253 text figs

(K. P.) Foster Minoan ceramic relief. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 64.) Göteborg: Åström. 1982. Pp. xiii + 196, [15] plates. Price not stated

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in November 1984

(K.) Branigan The foundations of palatial Crete: a survey of Crete in the Early Bronze Age. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1970. Pp. xvi + 232. 16 plates. 47 text figures. £2·80.(K.) Branigan The tombs of Mesara: a study of funerary architecture a

(L.V.) Watrous Kommos III: the late Bronze Age pottery. Ed. J.W. Shaw and M.C. Shaw. Princeton UP, 1992. Pp. xviii + 238 + illus. £107

A New Minoan Deposit from Knossos c.1600 B.C., and its Wider Relations

A Stone Receptacle from the Cave of Hermes Kranaios at Patsos

A Stone Vase Maker's Workshop in the Palace at Knossos

article published in 1967

Aegean Metalwork of the Early and Middle Bronze Age. By Keith Branigan. 10¾ × 8½. Pp. xv + 216 + 14 figs. + 18 tables + 44 pls. Oxford: University Press (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology), 1974. £18

An Arab Building at Knossos

Ancient Sites in the Province of Ayios Vasilios, Crete

Art and Archaeology (C.) Davaras and (P.P.) Betancourt The Hagia Photia Cemetery 1: The Tomb Groups and Architecture. (Prehistory Monographs 14). Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2004. Pp. xxviii + 264, illus., maps, plans. £60. 1931534136

scholarly article by P.M. Warren published in November 2007

Art and archaeology (C.F.) Macdonald and (C.) Knappett with contributions by (I.) Schoep, (J.) Weingarten, (V.) Isaakidou and (T.) Carter Knossos. Protopalatial Deposits in Early Magazine A and the South-West Houses. (British School at Athens Supplem

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in November 2009

Art and archaeology (M.) Bietak, (N.) Marinatos and (C.) Palivou with a contribution by (A.) Brysbaert Taureador Scenes in Tell el-Dab'a (Avaris) and Knossos. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 43/Untersuch

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in November 2009

Ayia Triada. Haghia Triada nel periodo palaziale. By F. Halbherr [and others]. (Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene, 55 [n.s. 39].) Rome: ‘L'Erma’ di Bretschneider. 1980. Pp. 365, numerous illus. (incl. plates, text figs, maps, plans (som

Bogdan Rutkowski. The cult places of the Aegean. London & New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. 267 pp., 314 figs., 2 maps. £35 & $35

Circular Platforms at Minoan Knossos

Colin Renfrew: The archaeology of cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. With contributions by P. A. Mountjoy, Elizabeth French, John G. Younger, John F. Cherry, Alec Daykin, Jennifer Moody, Lyvia Morgan and Nick Bradford, and with the assistance of Callu


Copper and Bronze Working in Early Bronze Age Crete. By Branigan K.. Pp. 122, incl. 4 graphs and 13 figs. Lund, 1968. Price Swedish Kr. 75


encyclopedia article

Debla, an Early Minoan Settlement in Western Crete

Excavations at Palaikastro VI

article by L. H. Sackett et al published November 1965 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Frank H. Stubbings: Prehistoric Greece. (The World of Archaeology.) London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1972. 95 pp., 85 illustrations (18 in colour). £1.95

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in September 1973

Greek Terracottas. By Higgins R. A.. Pp. liv, 169, pls. 68 (4 in colour), 30 text figures, 1 map. London, Methuen; New York, Barnes and Noble, 1967. Price 7 gns.Daidalika. Werkstätten Griechischer Kleinplastik Des 7. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. By Georg Ka

J. D. Evans and Colin Renfrew: Excavations at Saliagos near Antiparos. London: Thames and Hudson for British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1968. 237 pp., 59 pls., 92 figs. £5 5s

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in March 1969

J. N. Coldstream and G. L. Huxley (eds.): Kythera: excavations and studies conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the British School at Athens. London: Faber, 1972. 319 pp., 88 pls., 795 figs. (10 folding throw-outs), 3 maps. £20.00

article by Peter Warren published December 1973 in Antiquity

Juliet du Boulay: Portrait of a Greek mountain village. (Oxford Monographs in Social Anthropology.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. 296 pp., 8 pls., 4 tables. £6.00

scholarly article by Peter Warren published June 1976 in Antiquity

Kamares. A Study of the Character of Palatial Middle Minoan Pottery. By Gisela Walberg. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Boreas: Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 8.) 10½ × 7¼. Pp. 203 + 54 figs + 4 tables. U

review of a scholarly book

Keos. Vol. VI. Ayia Irini: Specialized Domestic and Industrial Pottery. By Hara S. Georgiou. 31×22.5 cm. Pp. xiv+63, 22 pls. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1986. ISBN 3-8053-0849-3. DM. 65

Knossos: The South House. By P A Mountjoy, with contributions by B Burke, K S Christakis, J M Driessen, R D G Evely, C Knappett and O H Krzyszkowska. 310mm. Pp xiii plus 224, 71 ills, 10pp of pls. London: British School at Athens, Supplementary Volum

Lord William Taylour: The Mycenaeans. Revised edition (Ancient Peoples and Places). London: Thames and Hudson, 1983. 180 pp., 151 illustrations. £12.50


Mallia. Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Exploration des maisons et quartiers ďhabitation (1956–1960). 4. By H. and M. van Effenterre. (Études crétoises, 22.) Paris: Geuthner. 1976. Pp. 111, frontis., 32 plates (2 folding), [3] text figs. Price n


encyclopedia article

Moving back to the towns

scientific article published in Nature

Mycenaean Greece. By Richard Hope Simpson. 28·6 × 22·2 cm. Pp. x + 246 + 15 figs. + 32 pls. Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Press, 1981. ISBN 0-8155-5061-8. $45·00

Natural Environment and Human Settlement in Prehistoric Greece Based on Original Fieldwork. By Bintliff John L.. 734 pages (Parts i and ii), 68 maps and diagrams. British Archaeological Reports. Supplementary Series 28, 1977. Price £13.50

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in December 1979

O. Krzyszkowska & I. Nixon (eds): Minoan Society. Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium 1981. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1983. 362 pp., 10 pls., 73 figs. £25.00 (board); £14.95 (paper)


R. J. Hopper: The early Greeks. (History of Civilization series.) London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976. 268 pp., 32 pls. £10.00

Sara A. Immerwahr. Aegean painting in the Bronze Age. 241 pages, 41 figures, 115 plates, 23 in colour. 1990. University Park (PA) & London: Pennsylvania State University Press; ISBN 0-271-00628-5 hardback £47.50 & $75

Social Archaeology in the Aegean

journal article; published in Nature on 1972-10-01

The Central Palace Sanctuary at Knossos. By Marina Panagiotaki. 245mm. Pp xviii + 300, 65 figs, 2 plans, 9 tables, 46 pls. London: British School at Athens, Supplementary volume 31, 1999. ISBN 0–904–887–30–8. £72.00

The Cyclades in the Bronze Age. By Barber R. L. N.. xviii + 283 pp., 168 illustrations. London: Duckworth, 1987. £28.00

The Minoan Unexplored Mansion at Knossos. 2 vols. (text and plates). By M. R. Popham, with others. 24.5 × 19 cm. Pp. viii + 310, 16 figs. + 233 pls. + fold. plan. London: Thames and Hudson for the British School of Archaeology at Athens (Supplementa

scholarly article by Peter Warren published in March 1986

The fresco of the garlands from Knossos

Travels in Crete, 1962

Trial KV (1969), A Middle Minoan Building at Knossos

Two Palatial Stone Vases from Knossos

article published in 1965

Well Built Mycenae. The Helleno-British Excavations within the Citadel at Mycenae 1959-1969. Fasc. 1. The Excavations. Edited by W. D. Taylour. 21 × 14·5 cm. Pp. 63, 1 fig. + 2 fold, plans + 1 microfiche (92 pp.). Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 198


book edition published in 2015