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List of works by John W. Hayes

(C.) Kardara Ῥοδιακὴ ἀγγειογραφία (Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικής Ἑταιρείας, 49.) Athens: the Author. 1963. Pp. xi + 310. 16 plates. 287 text figures. Price Drach. 325

A New Type of Early Christian Ampulla

article by J. W. Hayes published November 1971 in Annual of the British School at Athens

A pit group of c. 80-70 BC from Gravina di Puglia

article published in 1994

An early Byzantine ‘élite’ tomb in a domestic context at Kaukana, Sicily

scientific article published in 2009

British Museum. A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum 1. Greek, Hellenistic and Early Roman pottery lamps. By D. M. Bailey. London: British Museum Publications Ltd (for the Trustees). 1975. Pp. [viii] + 397, 150 plates. £45.00

Carausius, Admiral and British Monarch. (A.D. Century III.) His Life and Times

scholarly article by J. W. Hayes published in December 1927

Demetrias. Vol. IV. Keramik und Kleinfunde aus der Damokratia-Basilika in Demetrias. 2 parts. By Josef Eiwanger. (Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes, 25.) 29.5 × 21 cm. Pp. 263 + 120 ills. Bonn: Rudol

Early Christian pottery from Knossos: the 1978–1981 finds from the Knossos Medical Faculty Site

article by J. W. Hayes published November 2001 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Carthage: the British Mission. Vol. I. The Avenue du Président Habib Bourguiba, Salammbo. 1: The Site and Finds other than Pottery. By H. R. Hurst and S. P. Roskams. 2: The Pottery and Other Ceramic Objects from the Site. By M. G. Ful

article by J.W. Hayes published March 1987 in Antiquaries Journal

Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice) (=Supplements to Libya Antiqua, V). Vol. III Part 1. The Fine Pottery. By P. M. Kenrick. Part 2. The Lamps. By D. M. Bailey. 31 × 21·5 cm. Pp. xviii + 516, 77 figs., 1 plan + 24 pls.; pp. ix + 200 +

article by J. W. Hayes published September 1986 in Antiquaries Journal

Four Early Roman Groups from Knossos

Funerary Feasting in Early Byzantine Sicily: New Evidence from Kaukana

scientific article published in 2011

Hama. Fouilles et recherches de la Fondation Carlsberg 1931–1938. III, 2. Les poteries hellénistiques et les terres sigillées orientales by A. P. Christensen and C. Friis Johansen. (Nationalmuseets skrifter. Større Beretninger, 8.) Copenhagen: N

Hayes 1

Hayes 104

Hayes 172

Hayes 174

Hayes 48B

Hayes 51

Hayes 51B

Hayes 52B

Hayes 53A

ceramic form in Hayes (1972), pp.78-80

Hayes 54

Hayes 55

Hayes 56

Hayes 58B

Hayes 61

Hayes 67

Hayes 75

Hayes 82

Hellenistic and Roman pottery deposits from the ‘Saranda Kolones’ castle site at Paphos

Late Roman Pottery

book published in 1972

Milet V: Funde aus Milet, 1. Die megarischen Becher. By (A.-U.) Kossatz. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1990. Pp. xi + 143, plates. DM 320

Notes on Deneholes

scholarly article by J. W. Hayes published in June 1908

Rome, ancient

encyclopedia article

The Villa Dionysos Excavations, Knossos: The Pottery

scientific article published in November 1983