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List of works by Foss Leach

A stochastic approach to the reconstruction of prehistoric human diet in the Pacific region from bone isotope signatures

scholarly article

Archaeological Excavations at Pig Bay (N38/21, R10/22), Motutapu Island, Auckland, New Zealand, in 1958 and 1959

2017 article

Characterisation of 15 sources of Japanese obsidian: PIXE–PIGME analysis, and identification of archaeological specimens

scholarly article

Estimating live fish catches from archaeological bone fragments of snapper, Pagrus auratus

scholarly article

Excavation of a twelfth-century prepared-core prismatic-blade workshop at Oturehua, Central Otago, New Zealand

scholarly article

Obsidian floater washed up on a beach in the Chatham Islands: geochemical composition and comparison with other volcanic glasses

scholarly article

Prehistoric communities in Palliser Bay, New Zealand

1976 doctoral thesis by B. Foss Leach at University of Otago

The concept of similarity in prehistoric studies : a test case using New Zealand stone flake assemblages

1969 master's thesis by B. Foss Leach at University of Otago

The estimation of live fish size from archaeological cranial bones of New Zealand Red Cod Pseydophycis bachus

scholarly article

The estimation of live fish size from archaeological cranial bones of the New Zealand barracouta Thyrsites atun

scholarly article

The estimation of live fish size from archaeological cranial bones of the New Zealand kahawai Arripis trutta

scholarly article