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List of works by Janet Currie

"The Minimum Wage and the Employment of Youth: Evidence from the NLSY"

scientific article published in April 1993

Accidental Death and the Rule of Joint and Several Liability

scientific article published in October 2009

Accidents Will Happen? Unintentional Injury, Maternal Employment, and Child Care Policy

scientific article published in January 2001

Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: Is There a Role for Physician Education?

scientific article published in August 2017

Air Pollution and Infant Health: Lessons from New Jersey

scientific article published in July 2008

Air Pollution and Infant Health: What Can We Learn From California's Recent Experience

scientific article published in January 2004

An Experimental Comparison of Dispute Rates in Alternative Arbitration Systems

scientific article published in August 1990

Are Public Housing Projects Good for Kids?

scientific article published in December 1997

Are Publicly Insured Children Less Likely to be Admitted to Hospital than the Privately Insured (and Does it Matter)?

scholarly article published August 2016

Biology as Destiny? Short and Long-Run Determinants of Intergenerational Transmission of Birth Weight

Breakfast of Champions? The School Breakfast Program and the Nutrition of Children and Families

scientific article published in July 2004

Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors in Economics? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial

scientific article published in March 2020

Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial

scholarly article published January 2010

Check Up Before You Check Out: Retail Clinics and Emergency Room Use

scientific article published in July 2017

Child Health and Young Adult Outcomes

scientific article published in November 2008

Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD

scientific article published in April 2004

Childhood Circumstances and Adult Outcomes: Act II

scientific article published in January 2017

Competition in Imperfect Markets: Does it Help California's Medicaid Mothers?

scholarly article published April 2004

Congestion Pricing, Air Pollution and Children’s Health


Cut to the Bone? Hospital Takeovers and Nurse Employment Contracts

scholarly article published January 2003

Diagnosing Expertise: Human Capital, Decision Making, and Performance among Physicians

scientific article published in January 2017

Distance to Hospitals and Children's Access to Care: Is Being Closer Better, and for Whom?

scientific article published in December 1998

Do Children of Immigrants Make Differential Use of Public Health Insurance?

Do Housing Prices Reflect Environmental Health Risks? Evidence from More than 1600 Toxic Plant Openings and Closings

scientific article published in January 2013

Do Low Levels of Blood Lead Reduce Children's Future Test Scores?

scientific article published in August 2016

Do Stimulant Medications Improve Educational and Behavioral Outcomes for Children with ADHD?

scientific article published in June 2013

Does Child Abuse Cause Crime?

scientific article published in April 2006

Does Head Start Help Hispanic Children?

scientific article published in October 1996

Does Head Start Make a Difference?

scientific article published in July 1993

Does Participation in Transfer Programs During Pregnancy Improve Birth Weight?

scientific article published in September 1991

Does Pollution Increase School Absences?

scientific article published in July 2007

Does Prenatal WIC Participation Improve Child Outcomes?

scientific article published in June 2018

Does the Marginal Hospitalization Save Lives? The Case of Respiratory Admissions for the Elderly

E-Cigarette Minimum Legal Sale Age Laws and Traditional Cigarette Use among Rural Pregnant Teenagers

scientific article published in November 2016

Early Test Scores, Socioeconomic Status and Future Outcomes

scientific article published in February 1999

Early-Life Health and Adult Circumstance in Developing Countries

scientific article published in September 2012

Exploding Asthma and ADHD Caseloads: The Role of Medicaid Managed Care

scientific article published in October 2017

Fetal Exposure to Toxic Releases and Infant Health

scientific article published in September 2008

Firm-Specific Determinants of the Real Wage

scientific article published in March 1992

First Do No Harm?: Tort Reform and Birth Outcomes

scientific article published in August 2006

Food Insecurity or Poverty? Measuring Need-Related Dietary Adequacy

From Infant to Mother: Early Disease Environment and Future Maternal Health

scientific article published in December 2011

Gender Gaps in Benefits Coverage

scientific article published in January 1993

Getting Inside the "Black Box" of Head Start Quality: What Matters and What Doesn't?

Has Public Health Insurance for Older Children Reduced Disparities in Access to Care and Health Outcomes?

scientific article published in July 2008

Health Insurance Eligibility, Utilization of Medical care, and Child Health

scientific article published in March 1995

Health Insurance and Less Skilled Workers

scientific article published in August 1999

Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Socioeconomic Status, Poor Health in Childhood, and Human Capital Development

scientific article published in May 2008

Heat or Eat? Cold Weather Shocks and Nutrition in Poor American Families

scientific article published in June 2002

Hospitals, Managed Care, and the Charity Caseload in California

scholarly article published December 2001

Human Capital Development Before Age Five

scientific article published in March 2010

Hydraulic fracturing and infant health: New evidence from Pennsylvania.

scientific article published on 13 December 2017

Inequality at Birth: Some Causes and Consequences

scientific article published in February 2011

Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018

scientific article published on 5 October 2021

Is Arbitration Addictive? Evidence From the Laboratory and the Field

scientific article published in January 1992

Is It Who You Are or Where You Live? Residential Segregation and Racial Gaps in Childhood Asthma

scientific article published in July 2017

Is the Impact of Health Shocks Cushioned by Socioeconomic Status? The Case of Low Birthweight

scientific article published in March 1999

Is there a Link Between Foreclosure and Health?

scientific article published in August 2011

Lead and Juvenile Delinquency: New Evidence from Linked Birth, School and Juvenile Detention Records


Longer Term Effects of Head Start

Male Jobs, Female Jobs, and Gender Gaps in Benefits Coverage

scientific article published in June 1992

Medicaid Expansions and Welfare Contractions: Offsetting Effects on Prenatal Care and Infant Health?

scientific article published in April 2000

Medicaid Managed Care: Effects on Children's Medicaid Coverage and Utilization

Medicaid and Medical Care for Children

scientific article published in March 1993

Mental Health in Childhood and Human Capital

scientific article published in July 2007

Mortality Inequality in Canada and the U.S.: Divergent or Convergent Trends?

scientific article published in June 2017

Mortality Inequality: The Good News from a County-Level Approach

scientific article published in May 2016

Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings and Longitudinal Data

scientific article published in December 2002

Networks or Neighborhoods? Correlations in the Use of Publicly-Funded Maternity Care in California

scientific article published in September 2002

Patient Knowledge and Antibiotic Abuse: Evidence from an Audit Study in China

scientific article published in December 2010

Pauvreté, Egalité, Mortalité: Mortality (In)Equality in France and the United States

scientific article published in May 2018

Physician Payments and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Medicaid Fee Policy

scientific article published in November 1994

Physician Practice Style and Patient Health Outcomes: The Case of Heart Attacks

scientific article published in June 2015

Preschool, Day Care, and Afterschool Care: Who's Minding the Kids?

scientific article published in August 2004

Public vs. Private Provision of Charity Care? Evidence from the Expiration of Hill-Burton Requirements in Florida

scientific article published in March 2010

Race, Children's Cognitive Achievement and The Bell Curve

scientific article published in August 1995

Reported Income in the NLSY: Consistency Checks and Methods for Cleaningthe Data

scientific article published in July 1994

Restrictions on Medicaid Funding of Abortion: Effects on Pregnancy Resolutions and Birth Weight

Rules vs. Discretion: Treatment of Mental Illness in U.S. Adolescents

scientific article published in October 2020

Rules, Coordination and Manipulability Among Arbitrators

scientific article published in August 1991

Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansions of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women

scientific article published in February 1994

School Quality and the Longer-Term Effects of Head Start

scientific article published in January 1998

Socioeconomic Status and Health: Why is the Relationship Stronger for Older Children?

scientific article published in August 2002

Something in the Water: Contaminated Drinking Water and Infant Health


Strikes and the Law in the U.S., 1881-1894: New Evidence on the Origins of American Exceptionalism

scientific article published in November 1995

Superfund Cleanups and Infant Health

scientific article published in March 2011

Technology and Big Data Are Changing Economics: Mining Text to Track Methods

scientific article published in February 2020

The 9/11 Dust Cloud and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Reconsideration

scientific article published in August 2014

The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity and Weight Gain

scholarly article published February 2009

The Impact of Collective Bargaining Legislation on Disputes in the U.S. Public Sector: No Policy May Be the Worst Policy

scientific article published in January 1992

The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing

scientific article published in January 2017

The Opioid Epidemic Was Not Caused by Economic Distress But by Factors that Could be More Rapidly Addressed

scientific article published in July 2020

The Take Up of Social Benefits

scientific article published in May 2004

Traffic Congestion and Infant Health: Evidence from E-ZPass

scientific article published in October 2009

Transfers in Cash and In Kind: Theory Meets the Data

scientific article published in October 2007

Treatment of mental illness in American adolescents varies widely within and across areas

scientific article published on 21 September 2020

U.S. Employment and Opioids: Is There a Connection?

scientific article published in March 2018

Understanding Doctor Decision Making: The Case of Depression

scientific article published in September 2018

Using Audit Studies to Test for Physician Induced Demand: The Case of Antibiotic Abuse in China

scientific article published in June 2012

Violence while in Utero: The Impact of Assaults During Pregnancy on Birth Outcomes

scientific article published in July 2018

Weathering the Storm: Hurricanes and Birth Outcomes

scientific article published in May 2012

Welfare and the Well-Being of Children: The Relative Effectiveness of Cash and In-Kind Transfers

scientific article published in November 1993

What Caused Racial Disparities in Particulate Exposure to Fall? New Evidence from the Clean Air Act and Satellite-Based Measures of Air Quality

scientific article published in January 2020

What Do We Know About Short and Long Term Effects of Early Life Exposure to Pollution?

scientific article published in October 2013

Within-Mother Estimates of the Effects of WIC on Birth Outcomes in New York City

scientific article published in August 2014

Youths at Nutritional Risk: Malnourished or Misnourished?

scientific article published in May 2000