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List of works by Jan Bevington Gillett

'Roger dedit': Plants from Senegal in the Gay Herbarium at Kew

scientific article published in 1962

(32). Proposal for the Conservation of the Generic Name 3657 Lotononis (DC.) Eckl. & Zeyh. (Leguminosae) Enum. Pl. Afr. Austr. 176 (Jan. 1836) versus Amphinomia DC. (Leguminosae) Prodr. 2: 522 (1825) and Leobordea Del. (Leguminosae) in Laborde [...]

scientific article (publication date: October 1957)

(827) Proposal to Conserve 7148 Chascanum E. Mey. (1838) against Plexipus Rafin. (1837) (Verbenaceae)

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

A Flora of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

scientific article published in 1951

A Further Note on Erythrina melanacantha (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), including a New Subspecies from Somalia

scientific article published in 1972

A New Name in Eriosema

scientific article published in 1962

A New Species of Cordyla from Somaliland

scientific article published in 1960

A New Species of Lonchocarpus (Leguminosae) from Northern Kenya

scholarly article by J. P. M. Brenan & J. B. Gillett published 1983 in Kew Bulletin

A New Species of Millettia Wight & Arn. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) from Kenya

scholarly article by J. B. Gillett published 1971 in Kew Bulletin

A New Species of Tephrosia from South Central Africa

scientific article

A New Subspecies of Indigofera asparagoides

scientific article published in 1958

A North American Institute for the Study of the African Flora Needed

scientific article (publication date: February 1968)

A Note on Sphaerocoma (Hafunia)

scientific article published in 1957

A Revision of Phaenohoffmannia Kuntze (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)

scientific article published in 1966

A Supplementary Note on Lonchocarpus kanurii (Leguminosae)

scientific article published in 1986

Additions to Our Knowledge of Indigofera L. in East Tropical Africa

scientific article published in 1970

An Earlier Name for Calpurnia subdecandra (L'Herit.) Schweick. (Leguminosae)

scientific article published in 1965

Arboreal Flora of Israel and Jordan

scientific article published in 1951

Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) in the Highlands of Tropical Africa

scientific article published in 1964

Biserrula L. (Leguminosae) in Tropical Africa and the Number of Fertile Stamens in This Genus

scientific article published in 1964

Clerodendrum makanjanum and C. wildii

scientific article published in 1960

Commiphora (Burseraceae) in South America and Its Relationship to Bursera

scientific article

Commiphora Jacq. (Burseraceae): Englerian Species Which ""Disappear""

scientific article published in 1973

Common Flowering Plants of Uganda

scholarly article by J. B. Gillett et al published 1964 in Kew Bulletin

Cordyla in Somaliland: A New Subspecies

scientific article published in 1962

Coronilla L. (Leguminosae) in Somaliland

scientific article published in 1964

Does Parkia Occur in Ethiopia?

scholarly article by J. B. Gillett published 1965 in Kew Bulletin

Further Notes on Trifolium L. in Tropical Africa

scientific article

Galega L. (Leguminosae) in Tropical Africa

scientific article published in 1963

Indigofera hirsuta L. & I. astragalina DC

scientific article published in 1960

Indigofera: New Species, Varieties and Names from West Tropical Africa

article published in 1955

Indigofera: New Taxa from Central Africa

scientific article published in 1960

Lotus in Africa South of the Sahara (Excluding the Cape Verde Islands and Socotra) and Its Distinction from Dorycnium

scholarly article by J. B. Gillett published 1958 in Kew Bulletin

Lt. V. L. Cameron's Collecting Localities in Central Africa: A Correction

scientific article published in 1960

Mbulu Clover no. 3

scientific article published in 1954


scholarly article by Richard Kenneth Brummitt & J B Gillett published 1966 in Kirkia; The Zimbabwe Journal of Botany

New Records from French Somaliland

scientific article published in 1966

Nomenclatural Notes: IX

scientific article published in 1958

Notes on Leguminosae (Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1966

Notes on Millettia Wight & Arn. in East Africa

scientific article published in 1961

Notes on Tephrosia in Tropical Africa

scientific article published in 1958

Notes on the Anacardiaceae of Eastern Africa

scientific article

Piliostigma v. Elayuna: An Appeal

scientific article (publication date: July 1961)

Schimper's First Visit to the Semien Range

scientific article published in 1957

Sesbania in Africa (Excluding Madagascar) and Southern Arabia

scientific article

Svensonia and Chascanum in East and North-East Tropical Africa and Arabia

scientific article

The Connaraceae, a Taxonomic Study with Emphasis on Africa

scientific article published in 1993

The Correct Interpretation of Erythrina melanacantha Taub. ex Harms, with a Key to the Ethiopian Species of Erythrina L.

scientific article published in 1963

The Fruit and Seeds of Erythrina brucei and the Identity of E. abyssinica

scientific article published in 1962

The Genus Craibia

scientific article published in 1960

The Genus Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in Somaliland

scientific article published in 1954

The Genus Trifolium

scientific article published in 1987

The Genus Trifolium in Southern Arabia and in Africa South of the Sahara

scientific article

The Indumentum of the Style in the Taxonomy of Tephrosia in Africa, with Notes on T. virgata H. M. Forbes and T. euchroa Verdoorn

scientific article published in 1958

The Plant Formations of Western British Somaliland and the Harar Province of Abyssinia

scientific article published in 1941

The Solution to a Minor Mystery in the Amaranthaceae

scientific article published in 1963

The Species Concept in Palaeontology

scientific article

The Species of Ormocarpum Beauv. and Arthrocarpum Balf.f. (Leguminosae) in South-Western Asia and Africa (Excluding Madagascar)

scientific article published in 1966

Trifolium Baccarinii

scientific article published in 1956

Trifolium somalense: A Clover with Tuberous Roots

scientific article published in 1958

Trigonella laciniata L. in Zambia: A Probable Instance of Long-Distance Transport of Seeds by Birds

article by J. B. Gillett published 1965 in Kew Bulletin

Upland Flowers of East Africa

scientific article published in 1970

Vermifrux Gillett (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), a New Name for Helminthocarpon A. Rich.

scientific article published in 1966

W. G. Schimper's Botanical Collecting Localities in Ethiopia

scholarly article by J. B. Gillett published 1972 in Kew Bulletin

What Is Aeschynomene leptobotrya Harms ex Bak.f.?

scientific article published in 1960

Xylocalyx (Scrophulariaceae) in Somaliland

scientific article published in 1958