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List of works by Carol L. Krumhansl

Compatibility of motion facilitates visuomotor synchronization

scientific article

Cross-modal interactions in the perception of musical performance.

scientific article

Dimensions of emotion in expressive musical performance.

scientific article

Ethnicity effects in relative pitch

scientific article

Experimental strategies for understanding the role of experience in music cognition

scientific article

Measuring and modeling real-time responses to music: the dynamics of tonality induction.

scientific article

Melodic Expectation in Finnish Spiritual Folk Hymns: Convergence of Statistical, Behavioral, and Computational Approaches

scientific article

Modeling Tonal Tension

scientific article (publication date: April 2007)

Music to my eyes: cross-modal interactions in the perception of emotions in musical performance

scientific article

Neuroscience. Mental models and musical minds

scientific article

Perceived Triad Distance: Evidence Supporting the Psychological Reality of Neo-Riemannian Transformations

article by Carol L. Krumhansl published 1998 in Journal of Music Theory

Rhythm and pitch in music cognition

scientific article (publication date: 2000)

Roundtable I: Dissecting the perceptual components of music. Introduction

scientific article

Sensorimotor synchronization with chords containing tone-onset asynchronies

scientific article

The role of melodic and temporal cues in perceiving musical meter

scientific article

Tracing the dynamic changes in perceived tonal organization in a spatial representation of musical keys

scientific article (publication date: 1982)