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List of works by Lee Anna Clark

A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Can Transform Mental Health Research

scientific article published on 07 March 2019

A critique of Gunderson's views of DSM-5: commentary on "seeking clarity for future revisions of the personality disorders in DSM-5".

scientific article published on October 2013

A self-report version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Symptom Checklist: psychometric properties of factor-based scales in three samples

scientific article published on 15 November 2006

Adult separation anxiety disorder in DSM-5

scientific article published on 02 April 2013

Affect, behavior, and cognition in personality and functioning: An item-content approach to clarifying empirical overlap

scientific article published on 14 March 2019

Affective traits in schizophrenia and schizotypy

scientific article published on 29 July 2008

Aging and the HPA axis: Stress and resilience in older adults.

scientific article

An Integrative Analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Hypomanic Personality Scale: Implications for Construct Validity

scientific article published on 15 January 2016

An integrative dimensional classification of personality disorder

scientific article

An item response theory integration of normal and abnormal personality scales

scientific article

Antagonism trait facets and comprehensive psychosocial disability: Comparing information across self, informant, and interviewer reports

scientific article published in October 2017

Anxious and Depressive Symptomatology Among Male Youth: The Joint and Interactive Contribution of Temperament and Executive Functioning

scientific article published on 11 January 2016

Are Improvements in Cognitive Content and Depressive Symptoms Correlates or Mediators during Acute-Phase Cognitive Therapy for Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder?

scientific article

Aspects of extraversion and their associations with psychopathology

scientific article published on 15 August 2019

Assessing cognitive therapy skills comprehension, acquisition, and use by means of an independent observer version of the Skills of Cognitive Therapy (SoCT-IO).

scientific article

Assessment and Diagnosis of Personality Disorder: Perennial Issues and an Emerging Reconceptualization

scientific article

Attachment and Effortful Control in Toddlerhood Predict Academic Achievement Over a Decade Later.

scientific article

Belief in narcissistic insecurity: Perceptions of lay raters and their personality and psychopathology relations

scientific article published on 3 November 2017


scientific article

Changes in cognitive content during and following cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: substantial and enduring, but not predictive of change in depressive symptoms

scientific article published on June 2007

Clinical and personality traits in emotional disorders: Evidence of a common framework

scientific article published on August 2016

Comparability of self- and other-rated personality structure

scientific article published on 07 February 2019

Constructing validity: New developments in creating objective measuring instruments

scientific article published on 21 March 2019

Continuation-phase cognitive therapy's effects on remission and recovery from depression

scientific article published on April 2009

Correspondence of psychiatric patient and informant ratings of personality traits, temperament, and interpersonal problems

scientific article published in March 2002

Could Treatment Matching Patients' Beliefs About Depression Improve Outcomes?

scientific article published on 08 December 2018

Criterion A of the AMPD in HiTOP

scientific article published on 10 May 2018

Defined symptom-change trajectories during acute-phase cognitive therapy for depression predict better longitudinal outcomes.

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Dependency, impulsivity, and self-harm: traits hypothesized to underlie the association between cluster B personality and substance use disorders

scientific article

Deriving an empirical structure of personality pathology for DSM-5.

scientific article

Detecting Sudden Gains during Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Cautions from a Monte Carlo Analysis

scientific article

Deterioration in psychosocial functioning predicts relapse/recurrence after cognitive therapy for depression

scientific article published on 09 June 2008

Development and initial validation of the disinhibition inventory: a multifaceted measure of disinhibition

scientific article published on 18 February 2009

Development and validation of Big Four personality scales for the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality—Second Edition (SNAP-2)

scientific article published on January 16, 2012

Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales

scientific article (publication date: June 1988)

Development and validation of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality Brief Self-Description Rating Form (SNAP-BSRF).

scientific article published on 19 May 2014

Distress and fear disorders: an alternative empirically based taxonomy of the "mood" and "anxiety" disorders

scientific article published in December 2006

Do comorbid social and other anxiety disorders predict outcomes during and after cognitive therapy for depression?

scientific article published on 25 August 2018

Do maladaptive behaviors exist at one or both ends of personality traits?

scientific article

Do patients' cognitive therapy skills predict personality change during treatment of depression?

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

Domains of psychosocial disability and mental disorders

scientific article published on 07 June 2018

Estimating outcome probabilities from early symptom changes in cognitive therapy for recurrent depression

scientific article published on 22 April 2019

Exploring callous and unemotional traits in youth via general personality traits: An eye toward DSM-5

scientific article published on August 20, 2012

Hoarding disorder: a new diagnosis for DSM-V?

scientific article

How much cognitive therapy, for which patients, will prevent depressive relapse?

scientific article published on 21 March 2008

Initial Steps to inform selection of continuation cognitive therapy or fluoxetine for higher risk responders to cognitive therapy for recurrent major depressive disorder

scientific article published on 22 March 2017

Integrating normal and pathological personality: relating the DSM-5 trait-dimensional model to general traits of personality

scientific article published on 16 April 2013

Integrating the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) into clinical practice

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Interpersonal problems as predictors of therapeutic alliance and symptom improvement in cognitive therapy for depression.

scientific article published on 4 February 2012

Interpersonal problems, personality pathology, and social adjustment after cognitive therapy for depression

scientific article published on 01 March 2003

Interrelations between psychosocial functioning and adaptive- and maladaptive-range personality traits

scientific article

Is sleep disturbance linked to short- and long-term outcomes following treatments for recurrent depression?

scientific article published on 31 October 2019

Livesley's lament on classifying personality pathology: A commentary

scientific article published on 17 December 2020

Locating eating pathology within an empirical diagnostic taxonomy: evidence from a community-based sample

scientific article

Longitudinal social-interpersonal functioning among higher-risk responders to acute-phase cognitive therapy for recurrent major depressive disorder

scientific article published on 13 April 2016

Maladaptive personality traits and the course of suicidal ideation in young adults with bipolar disorder: Cross-sectional and prospective approaches

scientific article published on 31 August 2020

Manifestations of personality impairment severity: comorbidity, course/prognosis, psychosocial dysfunction, and 'borderline' personality features

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Method matters: Understanding diagnostic reliability in DSM-IV and DSM-5.

scientific article

Moderators of continuation phase cognitive therapy's effects on relapse, recurrence, remission, and recovery from depression

scientific article

Multiple measures, methods, and moments: a factor-analytic investigation of change in depressive symptoms during acute-phase cognitive therapy for depression

scientific article

Mutual relevance of mainstream and cross-cultural psychology

scientific article published in August 1987

Narrative Identity and Personality Disorder: an Empirical and Conceptual Review

scientific article published on 09 October 2020

Negative affectivity: the disposition to experience aversive emotional states

scientific article

Neighborhood context, personality, and stressful life events as predictors of depression among African American women

scientific article published in February 2005

No place for placebos

scientific article published on 01 May 2011

Nomothetic and idiographic symptom change trajectories in acute-phase cognitive therapy for recurrent depression

scientific article published on April 29, 2013

Partner criticism during acute-phase cognitive therapy for recurrent major depressive disorder

scientific article published on 21 December 2018

Passive-submissive and active-emotional trait dependency: evidence for a two-factor model

scientific article published in June 2010

Patients with Huntington's disease have impaired awareness of cognitive, emotional, and functional abilities

scientific article published on May 2007

Patients' comprehension and skill usage as a putative mediator of change or an engaged target in cognitive therapy: Preliminary findings

scientific article

Personality Disorder Types Proposed for DSM-5

scientific article published on April 1, 2011

Personality and dyadic adjustment: Who you think your partner is really matters.

scientific article

Personality disorder across the life course

scientific article

Personality in a Hierarchical Model of Psychopathology

Personality in a Hierarchical Model of Psychopathology

Personality profiles as potential targets for intervention: Identification and replication

scientific article published on 25 July 2019

Personality traits as an organizing framework for personality pathology

scientific article published on 15 July 2019

Predictors of longitudinal outcomes after unstable response to acute-phase cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder

scientific article published on June 2015

Progress in achieving quantitative classification of psychopathology

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

Proposed changes in personality and personality disorder assessment and diagnosis for DSM-5 Part I: Description and rationale

scientific article published in January 2011

Proposed changes in personality and personality disorder assessment and diagnosis for DSM-5 Part II: Clinical application

scientific article published in January 2011

Psychiatric patient and informant reports of patient behavior

scientific article published in February 2005

Psychiatric patient- and informant-reported personality: predicting concurrent and future behavior

scientific article published on December 2002

Psychometric evaluation of the restructured clinical scales of the MMPI-2

scientific article published on 01 September 2005

Psychometric properties of the Marital Adjustment Scale during cognitive therapy for depression: New research opportunities

scientific article published on 27 August 2020

Psychosocial functioning in the context of diagnosis: assessment and theoretical issues

scientific article

Quantifying and qualifying the preventive effects of acute-phase cognitive therapy: Pathways to personalizing care

scientific article published on 14 December 2015

Reducing relapse and recurrence in unipolar depression: a comparative meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy's effects

scientific article published on June 2007

Relations between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and personality: beyond Axis I-Axis II comorbidity

scientific article published on 01 December 2005

Relations of Shared and Unique Components of Personality and Psychosocial Functioning to Depressive Symptoms

scientific article

Replication and Extension: Separate Personality Traits From States to Predict Depression

scientific article published on June 20, 2013

Self-directed affiliation and autonomy across acute and continuation phase cognitive therapy for recurrent depression

scientific article

Self-report indicators of negative valence constructs within the research domain criteria (RDoC): A critical review

scientific article published on 28 October 2016

Separate Personality Traits From States To Predict Depression

scientific article published on April 1, 2003

Shared, not unique, components of personality and psychosocial functioning predict depression severity after acute-phase cognitive therapy

scientific article

Should an obsessive-compulsive spectrum grouping of disorders be included in DSM-V?

scientific article published on June 2010

Skills of Cognitive Therapy (SoCT): A new measure of patients' comprehension and use

scientific article published on September 1, 2011

Social anxiety disorder: questions and answers for the DSM-V.

scientific article published on February 2010

Stability and Change in Relations Between Personality Traits and the Interpersonal Problems Circumplex During Cognitive Therapy for Recurrent Depression

scientific article published in 2021

Stability and change in personality pathology: revelations of three longitudinal studies

scientific article published on October 2005

Stable remission and recovery after acute-phase cognitive therapy for recurrent major depressive disorder

scientific article

Structures of personality and their relevance to psychopathology: II. Further articulation of a comprehensive unified trait structure

scientific article published in December 2008

Temperament as a unifying basis for personality and psychopathology

scientific article published in November 2005

Temperament, personality, and the mood and anxiety disorders.

scientific article (publication date: 1994)

The Brave New World of Personality Disorder-Trait Specified: Effects of Additional Definitions on Coverage, Prevalence, and Comorbidity

scientific article published on January 2015

The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): A dimensional alternative to traditional nosologies

scientific article published on 23 March 2017

The Role of Moral Judgment in Personality Disorder Diagnosis

scientific article

The Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality for Youth (SNAP-Y): a new measure for assessing adolescent personality and personality pathology

scientific article

The contribution of executive functioning to academic achievement among male adolescents

scientific article published on 7 October 2009

The distinction between symptoms and traits in the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)

scientific article published on 26 September 2020

The structure of personality pathology: Both general ('g') and specific ('s') factors?

scientific article

The trait model of the DSM–5 alternative model of personality disorder (AMPD): A structural review.

scientific article published in 2022

The value of suppressor effects in explicating the construct validity of symptom measures

scientific article published on June 24, 2013

Three Approaches to Understanding and Classifying Mental Disorder: ICD-11, DSM-5, and the National Institute of Mental Health's Research Domain Criteria (RDoC).

scientific article published in September 2017

Three-pronged assessment and diagnosis of personality disorder and its consequences: personality functioning, pathological traits, and psychosocial disability

scientific article

Toward a theory of distinct types of "impulsive" behaviors: A meta-analysis of self-report and behavioral measures

scientific article published on 07 October 2013

Validation of a computerized adaptive version of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP)

scientific article published on 01 March 2005

Validity of sudden gains in acute phase treatment of depression

scientific article published in February 2005

What Is the General Factor of Psychopathology? Consistency of the p Factor Across Samples

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

When a Psychometric Advance Falls in the Forest

scientific article

“Impulsivity”: Relations between self-report and behavior

scientific article published on March 1, 2013