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List of works by Robert Jordan

A Crown of Swords

1996 novel by Robert Jordan

A Crown of Swords

1996 edition

A Memory of Light

2013 novel by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

A Memory of Light

book edition (en)

Aelfinn and Eelfinn

Aes Sedai

fictional society in the universe of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time book series

Aethan Dor

Age of Legends


race of people in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time



fictional country from The Wheel of Time

Andoran invasion of Cairhien

fictional war in Wheel of Time universe



fictional town from The Wheel of Time

Aryth Ocean

fictional ocean from The Wheel of Time



fictional town from The Wheel of Time

Band of the Red Hand

Black Ajah

Black Tower

Blue Ajah


Breaking of the World

Brown Ajah


fictional city from The Wheel of Time


fictional country from The Wheel of Time


fictional sword from The Wheel of Time

Children of the Light

characters in Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time

Collam Daan

fictional university from The Wheel of Time

Conan the Defender

1982 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Defender

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Defender

Conan the Destroyer

1984 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Destroyer

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Destroyer

Conan the Invincible

1982 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Invincible

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Invincible

Conan the Magnificent

1984 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Magnificent

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Magnificent

Conan the Triumphant

1983 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Triumphant

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Triumphant

Conan the Unconquered

1983 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Unconquered

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Unconquered

Conan the Victorious

1984 novel by Robert Jordan

Conan the Victorious

Tor Books publisher edition of Conan the Victorious

Cor Darei

Crossroads of Twilight

2003 novel by Robert Jordan



group of fictional characters from The Wheel of Time

Deathwatch Guard


group of characters from The Wheel of Time

Dragon Reborn

concept in the "Wheel of Time" series


location in the world of the The Wheel of Time novels

Emond's Field

fictional village from The Wheel of Time

False Dragon

Far Aldazar Din

Far Dareis Mai

Far Madding


servants of the Dark One in Wheel of Time

Four Kings


fictional specie created by Robert Jordan

Gray Ajah

Great Blight

Green Ajah


Hama N'dore


Kinslayer's Dagger

fictional mountain range from The Wheel of Time

Knife of Dreams

2005 novel by Robert Jordan


anthology of fantasy novellas

Lord of Chaos

1994 novel by Robert Jordan

Lord of Chaos

1994 edition

Mistress of Novices

Mountains of Mist


New Spring

2004 novel by Robert Jordan

New Spring

2004 edition (en)

One Power

Rahien Sorei

Red Ajah


fictional country from The Wheel of Time


Seia Doon

Sha'mad Conde

Shadar Logoth



fictional country in The Wheel of Time series

Sovin Nai


Tain Shari

Tar Valon

fictional city from The Wheel of Time

The Conan Chronicles

1995 literary works collection by Tor Books

The Conan Chronicles II

1997 Random House short story collection by Robert Jordan

The Dragon Reborn

1991 novel by Robert Jordan

The Dragon Reborn

1991 edition

The Eye of the World

1990 novel by Robert Jordan

The Fallon Blood

book by Robert Jordan

The Fires of Heaven

1993 novel by Robert Jordan

The Fires of Heaven

1993 edition of the book by Robert Jordan

The Further Chronicles of Conan

1999 literary works collection by Tor Books

The Gathering Storm

2009 novel by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

The Great Hunt

1990 novel by Robert Jordan

The Great Hunt

1990 edition

The Path of Daggers

1998 novel by Robert Jordan

The Path of Daggers

1998 edition

The Shadow Rising

1992 novel by Robert Jordan

The Shadow Rising

1992 edition

The Wheel of Time

series of fantasy novels by Robert Jordan

The Wheel of Time universe

set of literary elements from the work The Wheel of Time

The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time

book by Robert Jordan

The World of the Wheel

fictional Universe - World of the Wheel

Tor Conan Series

book series of Tor Books


fictional animal

Towers of Midnight

2010 novel by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson


True Power


fictional ethnic group

Two Rivers

War of the Shadow


fictional person in The Wheel of Time novels

White Ajah


fictional city

Winter's Heart

2000 novel by Robert Jordan

Winter's Heart

2000 edition

Yellow Ajah



Kolo času. Bouře přichází 12

book edition published in 2016

Kolo času. Kolo času I.

book edition published in 2022

Kolo času. Křižovatka soumraku 10

book edition published in 2015

Kolo času. Nůž snů 11

book edition published in 2015

Kolo času. Velké hledání

book edition published in 2022

Kolo času. Vzpomínka na Světlo 14

book edition published in 2017

Kolo času. Věže půlnoci 13

book edition published in 2016

The Conan Chronicles

1995 hardback edition (en)

The Further Chronicles of Conan

1999 hardback edition (en)