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List of works by Robin Osborne

(C.) Mossé Le citoyen dans la Grèce antique. Paris: Nathan, 1993. Pp. 127. Fr. 49

(C.) Ulf Ed. Wege zur Genese griechischer Identität. Die Bedeutung der früharchaischen Zeit. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996. Pp. 323. DM 280. 3050028998

(E.) Fantham and (M.) Gagarin Eds. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 7 vols, illus. £625. 9780195170726

(H.) Cancik and (H.) Schneider Eds. Der neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1996–2003. 12 vols in 13. Pp. 10,200, illus. 3,380. 3476014703 (cased)

(J.E.A.) Masséglia Body Language in Hellenistic Art and Society (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Representation). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xxiv + 362. £80. 9780198723592


(L.) Migeotte L'emprunt public dans les cités grecques: recueil des documents et analyse critique. (Collection d'études anciennes.) Quebec: Éditions du Sphinx and Paris: Les Belles Lettres. 1984. Pp. [iii] + 436, 5 plates. Price not stated

(M. H.) Hansen Demography and democracy: the number of Athenian citizens in the fourth century B.C. Herning: Systime. 1986. Pp. 116. D kr. 140

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published November 1987 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

(M.B.) Cosmopoulos Ed. The Parthenon and its Sculptures. Cambridge UP, 2004. Pp. xvi + 214, illus. £45. 0521836735.(W.B) Dinsmoor and (W.B. Jr) Dinsmoor The Propylaia to the Athenian Akropolis 2: The Classical Building, ed. by A.N. Dinsmoor. Princet

(M.D.) Fullerton Greek Art. Cambridge UP, 2000. Pp. 176, illus. 0521779731. £11.95 (pb).(N.) Himmelmann Reading Greek Art. Essays by Nikolaus Himmelmann, selected by (H.) Meyer, edited by (W.) Childs. Princeton UP, 1998. Pp.xxi + 317, illus. 0691058

(N.) Salomon Le cleruchie di Atene, caratteri et funzione. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 1997. Pp. 272. L28, 000. 877419865

(N.G.L) Hammond Collected Essays. I. Studies in Greek Literature and History, excluding Epirus and Macedonia. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1993. Pp. viii + 558. 9025610439/902561014-5(N.G.L) Hammond Collected Essays. II. Studies concerning Epirus and Macedoni

article published in 1999

(R.) Garland The Piraeus from the fifth to the first century B.C. London: Duckworth, 1987. Pp. viii + 280, [34] illus. (incl. plates, text figs, maps, plans). £28.00.

(S.) Settis et al. Eds. I Greci. Vol. 1: Noi e i Greci. Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1996. Pp. xlii + 1150. L 150,000.(S.) Settis et al. Eds. Vol. 2: Una storia greca, Pt. 1, Formazione (fino al VI secolo a.C). Turin: Giulio Einaudi. 1996. Pp. xlii + 1409.

(S.D.) Lambert Rationes Centesimarum. Sales of Public Land in Lykourgan Athens. (ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΣ 3) Amsterdam: Gieben, 1997. Pp. xv + 327. FL 140.00. 9050631576

(S.D.) Lambert The phratries of Attica. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1993. Pp. xi + 424. $69.50

A Revolution in Roman History?

A crisis in Archaeological History? The seventh century B.C. in Attica

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in November 1989

Archaeology and the Athenian Empire

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in January 1999

Archaic Greece

scholarly article

Archaic Greek History

Archaic and Classical Greek Temple Sculpture and the Viewer

scholarly article published 1 November 2000

Are Memories Made of This?: Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories, by Susan E. Alcock, 2002. (WB Stanford Memorial Lectures Series.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN 0-521-81355-7 hardback, £37.42 & US$60; IS

Art and Archaeology (D.C.) Haggis Kavousi I: The Archaeological Survey of the Kavousi Region. (Prehistory Monographs 16). Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2005. Pp. xxxii + 242, 71 figs, 39 plates. £50/$80. 1931534187. (A.S.) Henry Torone. The L

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in November 2007

Attic Script. A Survey. By Henry R. Immerwahr. 284 × 225mm. Pp. xxiii + 214 + 42pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology), 1990. ISBN 019-813223-9. £65·00

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in March 1990

Buildings and Residence on the Land in Classical and Hellenistic Greece: The Contribution of Epigraphy

Cities of the Ancient Mediterranean

Classical Landscape revisited

Colonial Cancer

Cultures as languages and languages as cultures


D.H. Garrison Ed. A Cultural History of the Human Body in Antiquity (A Cultural History of the Human Body 1). Oxford and New York: Berg, (2010). Pp. viii + 376, illus. £60. 9781847887887

David Ridgway. The first Western Greeks. xx+180 pages, 14 plates, 38 figures. 1992. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN 0-521-30882-8 hardback £32.50; ISBN 0-521-42164-0 paperback £10.95.L. Braccesi & De Miro (ed.). Agrigento e la Sicilia G

Democracy and Religion in Classical Greece

Economic growth and the politics of entitlement


Fusing the Horizons, or Why Context Matters

GREEK CULTURE(S) C. Dougherty, L. Kurke (edd.): The Cultures within Ancient Greek Culture. Contact, Conflict, Collaboration . Pp. xx + 289, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Cased, £50/US$70. ISBN: 0-521-81566-5


Geometric Art (S.) Langdon Art and Identity in Dark Age Greece, 1100–700 B.C.E. Pp. xviii + 388, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Cased, £50, US$90. ISBN: 978-0-521-51321-0

Getting history from Greek archaeology – ‘some way to go’

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in September 2003

Greece in the Making 1200-479 BC

Greek Archaeology: A Survey of Recent Work

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in January 2004

Greek Inscriptions as Historical Writing

Greek Law in its Political Setting: Justifications not justice. Edited by L. Foxhall and A.D.E. Lewis. [Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1996. 154, (List of References) 11, (Index of Sources) 4, and (General Index) 2pp. Hardback £25·00 net. ISBN 0–19–8

article by Robin Osborne published November 1996 in Cambridge Law Journal

History (I.) Worthington Ed. in chief. Brill's New Jacoby. (Gale Virtual Reference Library.) Leiden: Brill, 2006-. €640.00 (unlimited site licence annual subscription)

Hoards, votives, offerings: the archaeology of the dedicated object

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in April 2004

Homer’s society

Humphreys (S.C.) The Strangeness of Gods. Historical Perspectives on the Interpretation of Athenian Religion . Pp. x + 399. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Cased £55. ISBN: 0-19-926923-8

I. Patera Offrir en Grèce ancienne: gestes et contextes (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 41). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, (2012). Pp. 292, illus. €57. 9783515101882


IMAGES OF YOUTH G. Ferrari: Figures of Speech. Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece . Pp. viii + 352, pls. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Cased, US$60/£42. ISBN: 0-226-24436-9

Intoxication and Sociality: The Symposium in the Ancient Greek World

Introduction: for tradition as an analytical category

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in September 2008

Introduction:Art and Agency and Art History

Is archaeology equal to equality?

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in June 2007

Island Towers: The Case of Thasos

J. Ma Statues and Cities: Honorific Portraits and Civic Identity in the Hellenistic World (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Representation). Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2013). Pp. xxv + 378, illus. £90. 9780199668915



Law in action in classical Athens

Limiting Demorcacy: The Political Exclusion of Women and Slaves

Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf. The sculptures of the Parthenon: aesthetics and interpretation. viii + 204 pages, 7 colour plates, 44 b&w figures. New Haven (CT) & London: Yale University Press; 0-300-07391-7 hardback £20

Men Without Clothes: Heroic Nakedness and Greek Art

scientific article (publication date: November 1997)

Olympia and Delphi Catherine Morgan: Athletes and Oracles: the Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century BC. (Cambridge Classical Studies.) Pp. xii + 324; 24 figs. Cambridge University Press, 1990. £27.50

Pastoral Economies C. R. Whittaker (ed.): Pastoral Economies in Classical Antiquity. (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Suppl. 14.) Pp. iii + 218. Cambridge: The Cambridge Philological Society, 1988. Paper, £15.00


Plato's Penal Code. Tradition, Controversy and Reform in Greek Penology. By Trevor J. Saunders [Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1991. xvii, 356, (Appendix) 5, (Bibliography) 12 and Indexes 40 pp. Hardback £50·00 net.]

Policing Athens. Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 430–320 B,C. By Virginia J. Hunter [Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1994. xv, 245, (Glossary) 2, (Select bibliography) 19 and (Indexes) 35pp. Hardback. ISBN 0–691–03268–8.]

Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece, by Joan Breton Connelly, 2007. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press; ISBN-13 978-0-691-12766-0 hardback £23.95 & US$23.95; xv+415 pp., 27 colour pls., 109 figs

scientific article published in October 2008

Pots, trade and the archaic Greek economy

Pride and prejudice, sense and subsistence


Projecting Identities in the Greek Symposion

Relics and Remains in an Ancient Greek World full of Anthropomorphic Gods

article by Robin Osborne published 1 January 2010 in Past & Present

Sex, Agency, and History: The Case of Athenian Painted Pottery

Sophocles and Contemporary Politics

Survey and Greek Society



The Art of Signing in Ancient Greece

article published in 2010

The Athenian Nation. Edward E. Cohen

The City-State M. H. Hansen (ed.): The Ancient Greek City-State. Symposium on the Occasion of the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters July 1–4, 1992. (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser, 67.) Pp. 281. Copenhagen: Th

The Religious Contexts of Ancient Political Thought

The Road From Lamia to Amphissa Edward W. Kase†, George J. Szemler, Nancy J. Wilkie, Paul W. Wallace(edd.): The Great Isthmus Corridor Route, Vol. I: Explorations of the Phokis–Doris Expedition. (Center for Ancient Studies, University of Minnesot

The erection and mutilation of the Hermai

The use of abuse: Semonides 7

The viewing and obscuring of the Parthenon frieze

Thucydides-Man and Text Simon Hornblower: Thucydides. Pp. x + 230. London: Duckworth, 1987. £19.95. June W. Allison: Power and Preparedness in Thucydides. (American Journal of Philology Monographs in Classical Philology, 5.) Pp. viii+168; 13 tables.

Urban Landscape and Architecture

scholarly article published 18 September 2012

Urban Sprawl: What is Urbanization and Why does it Matter?

V. Azoulay Les Tyrannicides d'Athènes. Vie et mort de deux statues. Pp. 372, ills, maps. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2014. Paper, €23. ISBN: 978-2-02-112164-3


What Travelled with Greek Pottery?

journal article; published in Mediterranean Historical Review, Jan 2007

Why did Athenian pots appeal to the Etruscans?

scholarly article by Robin Osborne published in October 2001

Winfried Schmitz: Nachbarschaft und Dorfgemeinschaft im archaischen und klassischen Griechenland

Women and Sacrifice in Classical Greece