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List of works by Petri Karonen

Anders Chydenius i finländsk och svensk historieforskning och historieskrivning från 1800-talet till i dag

scientific article

Arno Tuurna – uusmaalaisesta ylioppilaasta karjalaiseksi heimopäälliköksi

scientific article published on 31 March 2021


Dying Prepared in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe. Anu Lahtinen and Mia Korpiola, eds. The Northern World 82: North Europe and the Baltic c. 400–1700 AD. Peoples, Economies and Cultures. Leiden: Brill, 2018. x + 212 pp. $109

scientific article


scientific article published on 10 July 2023

Korruptio ja huono hallinto tutkimuskohteena varhaismodernissa Ruotsissa

scientific article

Muistettu ja unohdettu musiikki

scientific article

Nordic Homicide in Deep Time: Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times

scientific article published on 16 February 2022

Rajaseudun käskynhaltijat korkealuokkaisen analyysin kohteena

scientific article published on 13 June 2022

Research on early modern Sweden

scientific article published on 10 July 2023

Swedish and Finnish Historiographies of the Swedish Realm, c. 1520–1809

scientific article published on 10 July 2023

Teräväkielinen ja liukas, mutta kruunulle korvaamaton virkamies

scientific article

The Peace Treaty of Fredrikshamn and its Aftermath in Sweden and Finland

scientific article

The Worst Offenders in the Provincial Towns: Serious Urban Crime and its Perpetrators in the Early Years of Sweden's Period as a Great Power

scientific article

The rise and fall of the Swedish Empire

scientific article published on 10 July 2023

Turun peevelit ja heidän aikansa suurvaltakauden Turussa

scientific article published in April 2022

Vaikuttamista, virkistystoimintaa ja kriittistä keskustelua: Professoriliiton Jyväskylän osasto 1970-luvun alusta 2020-luvulle

scientific article published on 3 October 2022