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List of works by Ian Bateman

A 'Natural Experiment' Approach to Contingent Valuation of Private and Public UV Health Risk Reduction Strategies in Low and High Risk Countries


A management approach that drives actions strategically: balanced scorecard in a mental health trust case study

scientific article published in January 2006

Agriculture. Sustainable intensification in agriculture: premises and policies.

scientific article published in July 2013

An Experiment on Risky Choice Amongst Households

An assessment of the nonmarket benefits of the Water Framework Directive for households in England and Wales


Analysing the Agricultural Costs and Non-market Benefits of Implementing the Water Framework Directive


Anchoring and Yea-saying with Private Goods: An Experiment

Applied Environmental Economics


Assessing a Kerbside Recycling Scheme: A Quantitative and Willingness to Pay Case Study


Avoid pitfalls of consensus methods

scientific article published in Nature

Benefits transfer of willingness to pay estimates and functions for health-risk reductions: a cross-country study

scientific article

Beyond implicit prices: recovering theoretically consistent and transferable values for noise avoidance from a hedonic property price model


Bound and path effects in double and triple bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation

article by Ian Bateman et al published July 2001 in Resource and Energy Economics

Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom

Scientific article, 2012/2013

Bringing the real world into economic analyses of land use value: Incorporating spatial complexity

Can ranking techniques elicit robust values?

Coastal Management for Sustainable Development: Analysing Environmental and Socio-Economic Changes on the UK Coast

Coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation for policy and management: Managed realignment case studies in England


Comparing contingent valuation and contingent ranking: a case study considering the benefits of urban river water quality improvements.

scientific article

Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting

scientific article published on June 2015

Consistency Between Contingent Valuation Estimates: A Comparison of Two Studies of UK National Parks


Consistency and construction in stated WTP for health risk reductions: A novel scope-sensitivity test


Contingent ranking of river water quality improvements

Contingent valuation and hedonic pricing: problems and possibilities

Contract cheating & the market in essays

Contrasting conventional with multi-level modelling approaches to meta-analysis: expectation consistency in UK woodland recreation values

Cost-effective mitigation of diffuse pollution: setting criteria for river basin management at multiple locations

scientific article

Cross-Country Comparisons of Covid-19: Policy, Politics and the Price of Life

scientific article published on 04 August 2020





EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2012


EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2013


EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2014


EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2019

scientific article published on 02 April 2020

Economic Analysis for Ecosystem Service Assessments


Economic Analysis for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis and Scenario Valuation of Changes in Ecosystem Services


Economic Assessment of the Recreational Value of Ecosystems: Methodological Development and National and Local Application


Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments

scholarly article

Economic valuation of policies for managing acidity in remote mountain lakes: Examining validity through scope sensitivity testing

Ecosystem services: response

scientific article


Editorial: EAERE, ERE and the Research Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic

scientific article published on 11 May 2020

Editorial: Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus

scientific article published on 04 August 2020

Editorial: Professor David W. Pearce

Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies

scientific article published in 1995

Empirical and public choice evidence for hyperbolic social discount rates and the implications for intergenerational discounting


Environmental carrying capacity and tourism development in the Maldives and Nepal


Erratum: The environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality

scholarly article

Estimating Arrival Numbers for Informal Recreation: A Geographical Approach and Case Study of British Woodlands


Estimating Four Hicksian Welfare Measures for a Public Good: A Contingent Valuation Investigation


Estimating the range of economic impacts on farms of nutrient leaching reduction policies


Evaluating non-user willingness to pay for a large-scale conservation programme in Amazonia: a UK/Italian contingent valuation study


Exposure to Environmental Urban Noise Pollution in Birmingham, UK

article by Julii S. Brainard et al published December 2004 in Urban Studies

Extending cost benefit analysis of UK highway proposals: environmental evaluation and equity

Fire, Tractors, and Health in the Amazon: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Policy

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

First impressions count: interviewer appearance and information effects in stated preference studies

article published in 2004

Generic Modelling of Faecal Indicator Organism Concentrations in the UK

scholarly article by John Crowther et al published 20 June 2011 in Water

Household Versus Individual Valuation: What’s the Difference?

Household versus Individual Valuation: What's the Difference?

Improving Benefit Transfer Demand Functions: A GIS Approach


Integrated assessment of water framework directive nitrate reduction measures

Integrating stakeholder analysis in non-market valuation of environmental assets


Introduction to the special issue in honour of David W. Pearce: environmental economics and policy

Large changes in Great Britain’s vegetation and agricultural land-use predicted under unmitigated climate change

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Learning design contingent valuation (LDCV): NOAA guidelines, preference learning and coherent arbitrariness

article by Ian Bateman et al published March 2008 in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: an interdisciplinary simulation study

article by R.Kerry Turner et al published August 1999 in Ecological Economics

Methods for Valuing Preferences for Environmental and Natural Resources: An Overview

Modelling Environmental Equity: Access to Air Quality in Birmingham, England


Modelling environmental influences on property prices in an urban environment


Modified discounting method: some comments—1

Natural capital and ecosystem services informing decisions: From promise to practice

scientific article

On visible choice sets and scope sensitivity

article published in 2004

Ordering effects and choice set awareness in repeat-response stated preference studies


Policy design for the Anthropocene

article by Thomas Sterner et al published January 2019 in Nature Sustainability

Political affiliation and willingness to pay: An examination of the nature of benefits and means of provision

scientific article published in 2012

Predicting microbial pollution concentrations in UK rivers in response to land use change

scientific article published on 29 July 2010

Preference uncertainty as an explanation of anomalies in contingent valuation: coastal management in the UK

scholarly article

Procedural Invariance Testing of the One-and-One-Half-Bound Dichotomous Choice Elicitation Method


Professor Dame Georgina Mace (1953-2020)

scientific article published on 21 November 2020

Public funding for public goods: A post-Brexit perspective on principles for agricultural policy

Recent advances in the valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity

scholarly article by G. Atkinson et al published 1 March 2012 in Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Reducing gain–loss asymmetry: A virtual reality choice experiment valuing land use change

article by Ian Bateman et al published July 2009 in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Reply to Lindbert and McCool: 'A critique of environmental carrying capacity as a means of managing the effects of tourism development'


Revealed and stated preference valuation and transfer: A within-sample comparison of water quality improvement values

Revision of the EU Bathing Water Directive: economic costs and benefits

scientific article published on 21 December 2004

River Water Quality: Who Cares, How Much and Why?

Scenario realism and welfare estimates in choice experiments – A non-market valuation study on the European water framework directive


Scope sensitivity in households' willingness to pay for maintained and improved water supplies in a developing world urban area: Investigating the influence of baseline supply quality and income distribution upon stated preferences in Mexico City

Sensitivity analysis in calculating the social value of carbon sequestered in British grown Sitka spruce

Setting standards for high-quality placements.

scientific article published in September 2015

Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point

scientific article published on 13 January 2020

Spatial cost‐benefit analysis of blue restoration and factors driving net benefits globally

scientific article

Spatially explicit integrated modeling and economic valuation of climate driven land use change and its indirect effects

scientific article

Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation amongst distant beneficiaries: Charisma, endemism, scope and substitution effects

scientific article published in 2012

Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation amongst distant beneficiaries: charisma, endemism, scope and substitution effects

Structurally-consistent estimation of use and nonuse values for landscape-wide environmental change

scholarly article

Sustainable aquaculture through the One Health lens

scientific article published on 03 August 2020

Temporal stability and transferability of models of willingness to pay for flood control and wetland conservation


Testing competing models of loss aversion: an adversarial collaboration


The Axford Debate Revisited: A Case Study Illustrating Different Approaches to the Aggregation of Benefits Data


The Conflict Between Conservation and Recreation When Visitors Dislike Crowding: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Recreational Beach Users

The Family Under the Microscope: An Experiment Testing Economic Models of Household Choice

The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Nonlinear Effects and Aggregation Bias in Ricardian Models of Farmland Values

scientific article published in 2015

The UK timber market: An econometric model

The Value of Urban Green Space in Britain: A Methodological Framework for Spatially Referenced Benefit Transfer

The affect heuristic and the attractiveness of simple gambles

article by Ian Bateman et al published 2007 in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

The aggregation of environmental benefit values: Welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP


The assumption of equal marginal utility of income: how much does it matter?

The environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality

scholarly article by Carlo Fezzi et al published 16 February 2015 in Nature Climate Change

The first United Kingdom's National Ecosystem Assessment and beyond

The natural capital framework for sustainably efficient and equitable decision making

scientific article

The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

The social value of a QALY: raising the bar or barring the raise?

scientific article

The social value of carbon sequestered in Great Britain's woodlands

article published in 2009

The structure of motivation for contingent values: a case study of lake water quality improvement


The value of statistical life for adults and children: Comparisons of the contingent valuation and chained approaches

scholarly article

Tigers, markets and palm oil: market potential for conservation

scientific article published in April 2010

Time to fix the biodiversity leak

scientific article published on 14 February 2025

Towards an integrated environmental assessment for wetland and catchment management

Use and Nonuse Values for Conserving Endangered Species: The Case of the Mediterranean Monk Seal

Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to Estimate and Transfer Recreational Demand Functions


Using Individualised Choice Maps to Capture the Spatial Dimensions of Value Within Choice Experiments

scientific article published in 2019

Using gross ecosystem product (GEP) to value nature in decision making

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

Using isochrone surfaces in travel-cost models

Using revealed preferences to estimate the Value of Travel Time to recreation sites


Valuing Climate Change Effects Upon UK Agricultural GHG Emissions: Spatial Analysis of a Regulating Ecosystem Service


Valuing Provisioning Ecosystem Services in Agriculture: The Impact of Climate Change on Food Production in the United Kingdom


Valuing risk reductions: Testing for range biases in payment card and random card sorting methods


Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY Project.

scientific article published in May 2010