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List of works by Hildemar Scholz

(1089) Proposal to Conserve Aegilops caudata (Gramineae) with a Conserved Type

scientific article (publication date: May 1994)

(1342) Proposal to Reject the Name Secale creticum (Gramineae), a Threat to Hordeum bulbosum

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

(996) Proposal to Reject Festuca elatior L. with Comments on the Typification of F. pratensis and F. arundinacea (Poaceae)

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

A new species of Lolium (Gramineae) from Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain)

scientific article published on 21 December 2005

Addenda Ad Floram Ningxiaensem — Supplement to the flora of the Autonomous Region Ningxia, China

scientific article published in August 2000

Anadelphia liebigiana H. Scholz, spec. nov. (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1975

Aristida shawii spec. nov. aus der südlichen Libyschen Wüste

scientific article published in 1969

Beitrag zur Flora des Tibesti-Gebirges (Tschad)

scientific article published in 1966

Bemerkungen zur Flora Griechenlands: Gastridium phleoides und G. ventricosum (Poaceae)

scientific article published in 1986

Bemerkungen über Bromus madritensis und B. rubens (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1981

Brachiaria deflexa und B. multispiculata sp. nova (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1982

Bromus oostachys Bornm. (Gramineae) - erneute Untersuchung des Typusexemplars

scientific article published in 1981

Bromus regnii (Gramineae), a New Endemic Serpentine Annual Brome-Grass from Cyprus

scientific article published in 1995

Bromus sericeus subsp. fallax (Gramineae), eine neue Unterart aus dem Vorderen Orient (Sinai)

scientific article published in 1989

Centropodia forskalii subsp. persica (Gramineae): Eine Neubewertung

scientific article published in 1990

Contribution to the flora of Cyprus: a new species of Crypsis (Poaceae)

scientific article published in 2004

Contribution to the flora of Greece: a new species of Achnatherum (Poaceae)

scientific article published on 27 February 2006

Contribution to the flora of Greece: a new species of Arundo (Poaceae)

scientific article published in 2002

Der Stipagrostis plumosa-Komplex (Gramineae) in Nord-Afrika (The Stipagrostis Plumosa Complex (Gramineae) in North Africa)

scientific article published in 1972

Die Artbestimmung im Brachypodium pinnatum-Komplex (The Identification of Species within the Brachypodium pinnatum Complex)

scientific article published in 1968

Die Artengruppe Stipa pennata L. in Frankreich, in der Schweiz und angrenzenden Gebieten (The Species of Stipa Pennata L. Complex in France, Switzerland and Adjacent Territories)

scientific article published in 1968

Die Gattung Chasmopodium (Gramineae: Andropogonoideae) in Togo und anderen west-afrikanischen Ländern

scientific article published in 1977

Die Gramineen- und Cyperaceen-Brandpilze (Ustilaginales) aus Togo

scientific article published in 1981

Die Systematik der Avena sterilis und A. fatua (Gramineae). Eine kritische Studie

scientific article published in 1991

Die Taxonomie der Stipa fontanesii Parl., und S. maroccana, eine neue Art aus Marokko (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1996

Die Typen der Namen der von Alexander Braun beschriebenen Penicillaria-Taxa (Pennisetum americum)

scientific article published in 1979

Die Ustilagineen des Tibesti-Gebirges (Tschad)

scientific article published in 1966

Drei für Österreich neue Taxa der anökophytischen Gattung Bromus (Poaceae)

scientific article published in 2008

Drei neue Gramineen aus Iran und Libyen

scientific article published in 1981

Eine neue Aristida (Gramineae) aus Arabien

scientific article published in 1988

Eine neue Aristida-Art aus der Sahara (A New Species of Aristida from the Sahara)

scientific article published in 1968

Eine neue Danthoniastrum-Art (Gramineae) aus Albanien

scientific article published in 1982

Eine neue Eremopoa-Art (Gramineae) aus der Türkei

scientific article published in 1980

Eine neue Stipagrostis (Gramineae) aus den Sand-Wüsten Irans und Afghanistans

scientific article published in 1988

Eine neue Unterart der Stipagrostis pungens aus Algerien (A New Subspecies of Stipagrostis Pungens from Algeria)

scientific article published in 1971

Eine neue Vinca minor (Apocynaceae) aus der Schweiz

scientific article published in 1982

Einige botanische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in die libysche Sahara (April 1970) (Some Botanical Results of an Expedition in the Libyan Sahara (April 1970))

scientific article published in 1971

Eragrostis virescensJ. Presl(Poaceae), a new alien species for the Italian flora

scientific article published in April 1998

Ergänzungen und Anmerkungen zur Grasflora (Poaceae) der Kanaren

scientific article published in 1996

Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen zur "Flora iranica": Gramineae

scientific article published in 1981

Festuca rivularis, Poa maroccana und Stipa monticola (Gramineae) in Griechenland

scientific article published in 1993

Floristisches und Taxonomisches über einige Gramineae von Rhodos und Symi (Ost-Ägäis, Griechenland)

scientific article published in 1989

Grassland Evolution in Europe

scientific article (publication date: February 1975)

Kurze Mitteilung über eine bemerkenswerte intraindividuelle Variabilität von Mikrohaaren in der Gattung Setaria (Gramineae) (Short Note on a Remarkable Intraindividual Variability of Microhairs in the Genus Setaria (Gramineae))

scientific article published in 1974

Liste der Gräser Libyens (List of the Grasses of Libya)

scientific article published in 1974

Nachricht von Callitriche lusitanica Schotsm. aus Spanien (Notice on Callitriche lusitanica Schotsm. from Spain)

scientific article published in 1969

Neue Taxa der Gattung Stipa sect. Stipa (Gramineae) aus dem Mittelmeergebiet

scientific article published in 1989

Neue und seltene Gramineen aus Togo (West-Afrika)

scientific article published in 1980

Neue und seltene eingebürgerte Adventivpflanzen in Togo

scientific article published in 1977

Neue und wenig bekannte mediterrane Gramineen-Taxa

scientific article published in 1990

New Aristida and Stipagrostis taxa (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 2000

New distribution and morphological data ofVulpia membranacea

scientific article published on 17 December 2001

Notes on Aegilops (Poaceae)

scientific article pubulished in 2007

Notes on Bromus danthoniae and relatives (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1998

Notiz über einen Eriochloa-Kallus bei Brachiaria lachnantha (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1989

Notizen zu einigen Axonopus-Arten (Gramineae-Paniceae) nach Berliner Typenmaterial

scientific article published in 1977

Notizen zur Gramineenflora von Kos und Nisyros (Ost-Ägäis, Griechenland)

scientific article published in 1991

Notulae Florae Beninensis — Beckeropsis laxior and Heteranthoecia guineensis (Poaceae) new for Benin (W Africa)

scientific article published on 13 December 2002

On the identity of Brachypodium firmifolium (Poaceae) from Cyprus

scientific article published 2007

On the occurrence of two taxa of the Setaria verticillata complex in Israel and the Sinai

scientific article published in November 1997

Oplismenus hirtellus Subspecies undulatifolius, a New Record for North America

scientific article published in 1999

Oreopoagen. novum, two other new grasses and further remarkable records from Turkey

scientific article published in 2004

Phalaris peruviana H. Scholz et P. Gutte, spec. nov. (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1978

Phragmites frutescens (Gramineae) re-visited. The discovery of an overlooked, woody grass in Greece, especially Crete

scientific article published in 2000

Phragmites in Crete, Cenchrus frutescens, and the Nomenclature of the Common Reed (Gramineae)

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Phytogeographical Notes on the Poaceae of Greece

scientific article published in 1990

Pilgerochloa eigiana sp. nova (Gramineae) aus der Türkei

scientific article published in 1982

Poa Studies 5. - The Genus Poa (Gramineae) in Greece: Annotated Check-List and Key to the Species

scientific article published in 1980

Poa akmanii (Poaceae), a new species from Turkey

scientific article published in 1997

Poa-Studien 6. - Die ökologische und taxonomische Wertigkeit der Zwiebelform bei den altweltlichen Poa-Taxa der subsect. Bulbosae (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1987

Quanten-Artbildung auch bei Stipagrostis (Gramineae)?

scientific article published in 1979

Questions about Indigenous Plants and Anecophytes

scientific article (publication date: November 2007)

Quezelia, eine neue Gattung aus der Sahara (Cruciferae, Brassiceae, Vellinae)

scientific article published in 1966

Short notes on Phleum sect. Achnodon (Gramineae)

scientific article published in October 1999

Some comments on the genus Bromus (Poaceae) and three new species

scientific article published in 2008

Stapfochloa (Poaceae: Cynodonteae, Chloridinae), a new genus from Africa

scientific article published in 2004

Stipa bavarica: Eine neue Federgrasart. XIII. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der europäischen Federgrassippen (Stipa Bavarica: A New Species of Feather-Grass)

scientific article published in 1968

Stipa tunetana, eine neue Art aus Tunesien, und das St. lagascae-Aggregat (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1991

Stipagrostis scoparia (Trin. et Rupr.) de Winter auch in Libyen gefunden (Stipagrostis scoparia (Trin. et Rupr.) de Winter Also Found in Libya)

scientific article published in 1970

Supplements to the flora of the Canary Islands, Spain:Poaceae

scientific article published in 2008

Synaptospermie und Heterodiasporie in der Gattung Bromus (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1978

The Euro+Med treatment of Festuca (Gramineae) — new names and new combinations in Festuca and allied genera

scientific article published in 2005

The Euro+Med treatment of Gramineae — a generic synopsis and some new names

scientific article published in 2006

The genera Aristida and Stipagrostis (Poaceae) in Iran

scientific article published on 14 August 2008

Two new Eragrostistaxa (Gramineae)

scientific article published in 1996

Vulpia gracilis spec. nov.

scientific article published in 1968

Zur Systematik der Gattung Bromus L. Subgenus Bromus (Gramineae) (On the Systematics of the Genus Bromus L. Subgenus Bromus (Gramineae))

scientific article published in 1970

Zwei Gramineen neu für Togo: Echinochloa glabrescens und Panicum Iaxum

scientific article published in 1978

Zwei neue Gramineen-Arten aus Libyen und einige nomenklatorische Änderungen (Two New Species of Gramineae from Libya and Some Nomenclatural Changes)

scientific article published in 1971

Zwei neue Taxa des Eragrostis pilosa-Komplexes (Poaceae)

scientific article published in 1988