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List of works by Pierre Jouannet

Alcohol and male reproductive health: a cross-sectional study of 8344 healthy men from Europe and the USA

scientific article

Assisted Reproductive Technology affects developmental kinetics, H19 Imprinting Control Region methylation and H19 gene expression in individual mouse embryos

scientific article

Clinical data and parenthood of 63 infertile and Y-microdeleted men.

scientific article

Cumulative results including obstetrical and neonatal outcome of fresh and frozen-thawed cycles in elective single versus double fresh embryo transfers

scientific article

Decline in semen quality among fertile men in Paris during the past 20 years

scientific article

Environmental, occupational and familial risks for testicular cancer: a hospital-based case-control study

scientific article

Establishment of the paternal methylation imprint of the human H19 and MEST/PEG1 genes during spermatogenesis

scientific article (publication date: September 2000)

Genome Editing and Dialogic Responsibility: "What's in a Name?".

scientific article published in December 2015

Glycol ethers and semen quality: a cross-sectional study among male workers in the Paris Municipality

scientific article

How can the genetic risks of embryo donation be minimized? Proposed guidelines of the French Federation of CECOS (Centre d'Etude et de Conservation des Oeufs et du Sperme).

scientific article published on 10 June 2004

In vitro fertilization and embryo culture strongly impact the placental transcriptome in the mouse model

scientific article

Mutation analysis of the BOULE gene in men with non-obstructive azoospermia: identification of a novel polymorphic variant in the black population

scientific article

Optimal timing for oocyte denudation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection

scientific article published on 20 February 2012

Spatio-developmental distribution of the prion-like protein doppel in Mammalian testis: a comparative analysis focusing on its presence in the acrosome of spermatids

scientific article

Specific epigenetic alterations of IGF2-H19 locus in spermatozoa from infertile men

scientific article

The acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa

scientific article

The human "prion-like" protein Doppel is expressed in both Sertoli cells and spermatozoa

scientific article (publication date: 8 November 2002)

Time to pregnancy and semen parameters: a cross-sectional study among fertile couples from four European cities

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Zona pellucida from fertilised human oocytes induces a voltage-dependent calcium influx and the acrosome reaction in spermatozoa, but cannot be penetrated by sperm

scientific article