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List of works by Sinclair Hood

(C.) Renfrew The emergence of civilisation: the Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millenium B.C. (Studies in prehistory.) London: Methuen; New York: Barnes & Noble. 1972. Pp. xxviii + 595. 33 plates (1 in colour). Numerous text figs. £14·75

(E.) Vermeule Greece in the Bronze Age. Chicago and London: the University of Chicago Press. 1964. Pp. xx + 406. 48 plates. 52 text figures. £3 12s

(F. H.) Stubbings Prehistoric Greece. (The world of archaeology.) London: Rupert Hart-Davis. 1972. Pp. 95. 8 colour plates. 67 black and white illus. £1·95

scholarly article by Sinclair Hood published in November 1975

(F.) Matz Kreta, Mykene, Troja. Die minoische und die homerische Welt. Stuttgart: Gustav Kilpper Verlag, 1956. Pp. 281, with 114 plates. DM 24.50

(F.) Schachermeyr Ägäis und Orient. (Denkschriften, österreichische Akad. der Wiss., philos.-hist. Klasse, 93.) Vienna: H. Böhlaus Nachf. 1967. Pp. 82. 7 maps. 63 plates. öS 136 (unbound); 156 (bound)

(G. A. S.) Snyder Minoische und mykenische Kunst: Aussage und Deutung. Munich and Zurich: Schnell and Steiner. 1980. Pp. 158, [32] plates. DM 39

(G. E.) Mylonas Aghios Kosmas. An Early Bronze Age Settlement and Cemetery in Attica. With an appendix on the Early Helladic skulls by J. L. Angel. Princeton: University Press. 1959. (London: Oxford U.P.) Pp. xviii + 191. 182 figures. 64 drawings. 16

(H.) Biesantz. Kretisch-Mykenische Siegelbilder. Stilgeschichtliche und chronologische Untersuchungen. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1954. Pp. 176, with 10 plates. DM. 14.50

(H.) Hauptmann and (V.) Milojčić Die Funde der frühen Dimini-Zeit aus der Arapi-Magula, Thessalien. (Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes 9.) Bonn: R. Habelt. 1969. Pp. viii + 135. 2 plans. 40 plates

(J.) Milojcic-v. Zumbusch and (V.) Milojcic Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Otzaki-Magula in Thessalien, 1. Das frühe Neolithikum. 2. vols. (Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes, 10–11.) Bonn: Rudo

(N. K.) Sandars The sea peoples: warriors of the ancient Mediterranean 1250–1150 B.C. (Ancient peoples and places, 89.) London: Thames and Hudson. 1978. Pp. 224, 8 col. plates, [132] illus. (incl. maps). £7.50

(N.) Platon La civilisation égéenne. 1. Du néolithique au bronze récent. 2. Le bronze récent et l'époque mycénienne. 2 vols. (L'évolution de l'humanité.) Paris: A. Michel. 1981. Pp. 425, [12] plates, 15 text figs.; pp. 478, [20] plates, 20 t

(O. T. P. K.) Dickinson The origins of Mycenaean civilisation. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 49.) Göteborg: Åström. 1977. Pp. 134, 11 text figs (including map). Sw. kr. 150

scholarly article by Sinclair Hood published in November 1979

(P.) Warren The Aegean civilizations. (The making of the past.) Oxford: Elsevier-Phaidon. 1975. Pp. 152, numerous illus. (many colour), 4 maps. £3·95

(R. Hope) Simpson A gazeteer and atlas of Mycenaean sites. (Bulletin of the Institute of classical studies, suppl. 16.) London: Institute of Classical Studies. 1965. Pp. v + 200. 6 maps. £2 10s

(V. E.G.) Kenna Cretan Seals: with a Catalogue of the Minoan Gems in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1960. Pp. xiii + 163. 23 plates. 172 text figures. £5 5s. 0d

A Hellenic Fortification Tower on the Kefala Ridge at Knossos

A Late Minoan Tomb at Ayios Ioannis near Knossos

An Early British Interest in Knossos

An early oriental cylinder seal impression from Romania?

scholarly article by Sinclair Hood published in October 1973

Ancient Sites in the Province of Ayios Vasilios, Crete

Another Warrior-Grave at Ayios Ioannis near Knossos

Chios Excavations, 1954

article by M. S. F. Hood & J. Boardman published March 1955 in Antiquity

Colin Renfrew, Marija Gimbutas & Ernestine S. Elster (ed.). Excavations at Sitagroi: a prehistoric village in northeast Greece 1. xxiv + 510 pages, 62 tables, 354 figures, 4 colour & 105 black-and-white plates. 1987 [1986]. Los Angeles: University of

scholarly article by Sinclair Hood published March 1988 in Antiquity

Early Iron Age tombs at Knossos: (Knossos Survey 25)


encyclopedia article

Excavation on the Kofinà Ridge, Chios

article by J. K. Anderson et al published November 1954 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Tabara el Akrad, 1948–49

article by Sinclair Hood published December 1951 in Anatolian Studies

Excavations of 1987 on the south front of the palace at Knossos

article by Nicoletta Momigliano & Sinclair Hood published November 1994 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Further Linear B tablets from Knossos

Guide to Cretan Antiquities. By Costis Davaras. 9½ × 6¼. Pp. xiv + 370 + 198 illus. + 7 maps. Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Press, 1976. $18.

Handbuch der Archäologie, 4: die Denkmäler Jungere Steinzeit und Bronzezeit in Europa und Einigen Angrenzenden Gebieten bis um 1000 V. Chr. By O. Menghin, F. Matz, and G. Kaschnitz-Weinberg. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, ed. W. Otto and R. H

Jane C. Waldbaum: From Bronze to Iron. The Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, LIV.) Pp. 106; 15 text figures. Göteborg: Paul Åström, 1978. Paper, Sw. kr. 150


Janos Makkay. The Tiszaszölös treasure. 186 pages, 23 figures, 32 plates. 1989. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, Studia Archaeologica X; ISBN 963-05-4726-0 hardback £22


encyclopedia article

Knossos: soundings in the palace area, 1973–87

Kythera. Excavations and studies conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the British School at Athens. Ed. J. N. Coldstream and G. L. Huxley. London: Faber & Faber. 1972. Pp. 319. 96 figs. 88 plates. £20·00

article by Sinclair Hood published November 1975 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Late Minoan Warrior-Graves from Ayios Ioannis and the New Hospital Site at Knossos

M. I. Finley: Early Greece: the Bronze and Archaic Ages. (Ancient Culture and Society). London: Chatto & Windus, 1970. 155 pp., 4 pls., 4 figs., 6 maps, chronological table. 21s


Mallia. Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Le quartier Mu. 2. (B.) Detournay and others. Vases de pierre et de métal, vannerie, figurines et reliefs d'applique, éléments de parure et de décoration, armes, sceaux et empreintes. (Études crétoises, 2

Mallia. Le palais de Malia. 5. By O. Pelon [and others]. Text and plates. (Études crétoises, 25.) Paris: Geuthner. 1980. Pp. xii + 264, [1] plate, 18 text figs; Pp. 241, [165] plates (incl. 1 folding), numerous text figs, [31] plans (6 folding in r

Mallia. Plan du site, plans du palais, indices. (Études crétoises, 19.) Paris: Geuthner. 1974. Pp. viii + 65, 10 plans (some folding), 1 map (in front pocket). Fr. 200

Mallia: exploration des Maisons et Quartiers d'habitation (1921–48), fasc. 1 (Etudes Crétoises, IX). By P. Demargne and H. Gallet de Santerre. Pp. xi + 111, with 67 plates and 7 text figures. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1953. Fr. 4400

Minoan Sites in the Far West of Crete

Minoan and Mycenaean Art. By Reynold Higgins. 8½ × 6. Pp. 216 + 241 illus. + map. London: Thames & Hudson, 1967. 35s

Mycenean Pottery in Italy and Adjacent Areas. By Taylour Lord William. Occasional Papers of Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, V. Cambridge University Press, 1958, pp. xx + 204, 27 figs., 17 pl., 2 maps. Price 55s


PREHISTORIC CRETE. By R. W. Hutchinson. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1962. 373 pp., 32 pls., 73 text-figs. 10s. 6d

Part II. The Perseia Fountain House

article by Alan Wace et al published November 1953 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part IV. The Epano Phournos Tholos Tomb

Part V. A Mycenaean Cavalryman

Paul Yule: Early Cretan seals: a study of chronology. Marburger Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Bd. 4. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1980. 260 pp., 41 pls. DM 135

Schliemann's Troy—One Hundred Tears After. By M. I. Finley. (The Fourth Annual Mortimer Wheeler Archaeological Lecture. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. lx (1974)). 9¾ × 6. Pp. 22. London: Oxford University Press, 1975.

Some Ancient Sites in South-West Crete

The Ashmolean Shell Plaque (AM 1938.537)

The Cambridge ancient history. 3rd ed. Vol. 2, part 1. History of the Middle East and the Aegean region c. 1800–1380 B.C. Ed. I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond and E. Sollberger. Cambridge: The University Press. 1973. Pp. xxiii + 868.

The Date of the Linear B Tablets frome Knossos

article by Sinclair Hood published March 1961 in Antiquity

The End of Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend. By J. V. Luce. 10 × 7½. Pp. 224+64 pls. + 20 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1969. 63s. (£3.15).

The Knossos Tablets: A Complete View

article by Sinclair Hood published March 1962 in Antiquity

The Tartaria Tablets

The Tombs of Mesara: A Study of Funerary Architecture and Ritual in Southern Crete, 2800–1700 b.c. By Keith Branigan. 9 × 7. Pp. xv + 189 + 16 pls. + 35 figs. London: Gerald Duckworth, 1970. £3.50

The primitive aspects of Minoan artistic convention

Thera. Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean. Excavations at Akrotiri 1969-79. By Christos G. Doumas. (New Aspects of Antiquity.) 25 × 18·5 cm. Pp. 168, 23 figs., chronol. table, 100 pls. (inc. 15 col.). London: Thames and Hudson, 1983. ISBN 0-500-39016-9.

Tholos Tombs of the Aegean

Travels in Crete, 1962

Troy and the Trojans (vol. 32 in the series Ancient Peoples and Places). By Carl W. Blegen. 8½ × 6. Pp. 240 + pls. 67 + 42 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1963. 30s