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List of works by Frank Henry Stubbings

(B. E.) Moon Mycenaean Civilization, Publications 1956–60: a Second Bibliography. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Supplement 12.) London: Institute of Classical Studies. 1961. Pp. xxv + 130. £1

(B. E.) Moon Mycenaean civilization, publications since 1935 [Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement No. 3]. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1957. Pp. xvi + 77. 10s

(G. E.) Mylonas Grave circle B of Mycenae. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, Vol. VII.) Lund: Dr P. Åström, Klassiska Institutionen. 1964. Pp. 10. 11 text figures. Sw. kr. 15

scholarly article by F. H. Stubbings published in November 1965

(H.) Reusch Die zeichnerische Rekonstruktion des Frauenfrieses im boötischen Theben. [Abh. der Deutschen Akad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Klasse f. Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst, Jahrg. 1955, 1.] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 1956. Pp. vii + 76. 15 plat

A. G. Galanopoulos and Edward Bacon: Atlantis: the Truth behind the Legend. London: Nelson, 1969. 216 pp., 99 pls. (24 in colour). 70s

Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London. No. 1. Pp. 29. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1954. 5s

Carl W. Blegen and Marion Rawson: The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia. Vol. I: The Buildings and Their Contents. Princeton: University Press, 1966. Pt. I: 470 pp., col. frontis. and folding plan; Pt. II: 484 photographs and figs., col.

Essai de classification de la céramique mycénienne d'Enkomi (Campagnes 1946 et 1947). By É. Coche de la Ferté. Avec un préface de C. F. A. Schaeffer. (Institut français d'archéologie de Beyrouth, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, LIV

Excavations at Kition, I: The Tombs. By Vassos Karageorghis. 11¾ × 9¼ in two vols.: text, pp. ix + 178; plates, 3 col. + 179 half-tone and line. Nicosia: Dept. of Antiquities, 1974. Price not stated

George E. Mylonas: Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age. Princeton: University Press, 1966. 251 pp., 153 pls. (mainly photographs), and 26 figs. £7 8s

George E. Mylonas: Mycenae's Last Century of Greatness. (Myer Foundation Lecture, 1968.) Australian Humanities Research Council Occasional Paper no. 13. Sydney: University Press; London: Methuen, 1969. 39 pp., 20 figs. 19s


Greece in the Bronze Age by Emily Vermeule. Chicago: University Press, 1964. 426 pp., 48 pls., 51 figs. $10

Guy Rachet: Archéologie de la Grèce préhistorique: Troie, Mycènes, Cnosses. Veviers: Gérard (series Marabout Université), 1970. 314 pp., 32 pls., numerous figs. B. Frs. 8.50

Hans-Günter Buchholz and Vassos Karageorghis: Prehistoric Greece and Cyprus: an archaeological handbook. London: Phaidon, 1973. 514 pp., 1911 pls. (7 in colour), 62 figs. £18.50

scholarly article by F. H. Stubbings published in September 1974

J. H. Crouwel: Chariots and other means of land transport in Bronze Age Greece. Amsterdam: Allard Pierson, 1981. 215 pp., 177 pls., 8 figs

J. V. Luce: The End of Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend. (New Aspects of Antiquity series.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1969. 303 pp., inc. 64 pp. pls. (8 in colour). 63s

Jacquetta Hawkes: Dawn of the Gods. With photographs by Dimitrios Harissiadis. London: Chatto and Windus, 1968. 303 pp., 150 illustrations (45 in colour). 75s

James W. Mavor Jr: Voyage to Atlantis. London: Souvenir Press, 1969. 320 pp., 32 pls., 42 figs. 42s

Jean Zafiropoulo: Mead and Wine: A History of the Bronze Age in Greece (translated from the French by Peter Green). London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1966. 156 pp., 22 pls., 19 figs. 30s


John Boardman, Jasper Griffin & Oswyn Murray: The Oxford History of the Classical World. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. 882 pp., 16 pls (colour), 250 pls (black-and-white). £25

John Luce: Homer and the Heroic Age. London: Thames and Husdon, 1975. 200 pp., 14 col. pls., 127 figs., £4.50

Joseph Alsop: From the Silent Earth. London: Secker and Warburg, 1965. 324 pp., 102 (unnumbered) in-text photographs by Alison Frantz, endpaper map. 45s

Leo Deuel: Memoirs of Heinrich Schliemann. A documentary portrait drawn from his autobiographical writings, letters and excavation reports. New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row, 1977. 411 pp., numerous unnumbered figs. $20.00

scholarly article by F. H. Stubbings published March 1978 in Antiquity

Mabel L. Lang: The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia. Vol. II, The Frescoes. Princeton: University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1969. £19 (£19.00)

Mission de Ras Shamra, V. Ugaritica II. Nouvelles études relatives aux découvertes de Ras Shamra. By C. F. A. Schaeffer. Pp. xv + 320, with 45 plates and 131 text figures. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1949. 3000 francs

article published in 1953

Mycenaean Pots in Cyprus - V. Karageorghis: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Cyprus: Fasc. 1: Cyprus Museum (Nicosia), Larnaca District Museum. Pp. x+48; 3 text-figs.; 40 pls. Nicosia: Dept. of Antiquities, 1963. Portfolio.

scientific article published in 1965

Part II. The Grave Circle

Part VII. A Bronze Founder's Hoard

Part VIII. A Winged-Axe Mould

Peter Warren: The Aegean civilizations. London: Elsevier-Phaidon, 1976. 152 pp., profusely illus. in col. and black and white. £3.95

Reviews of Books

Reviews. D. L. Page: The Santorini volcano and the desolation of Minoan Crete. London: Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1970. Supplementary paper No. 12. 45 pp., 24 pls. (4 in colour), 19 figs. £1.20


Reviews. L. Pomerance: The final collapse of Santorini (Thera): 1400BC or 1200BC? (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, vol. XXVI.) Göteborg: Paul Aströms, 1970. 33 pp., frontisp., 7 figs. 25 Kr

scholarly article by F. H. Stubbings published in June 1971

Reynold Higgins: Minoan and Mycenaean Art (World of Art Library: History of Art series). London: Thames and Hudson, 1967. 216 pp., 54 illus. in colour and 187 in black and white. 35s

Sinclair Hood: The Minoans: Crete in the Bronze Age. London: Thames and Hudson, 1971. 239 pp., 48 pp. of pls., 131 figs. £3.50

Sinclair Hood: The arts in prehistoric Greece. (The Pelican History of Art.) Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1978. 311 pp., 237 figs., 2 maps, I plan. £5.95; Australia $14.95; Canada $15.00; USA $12.95


Sir Arthur Evans: Knossos Fresco Atlas; with a Catalogue of the plates by Mark Cameron and Sinclair Hood. London: Gregg Press, 1967. Portfolio of 13 plates (17 × 30 in.) in colour lithography and 6 quarto plates in colour half-tone; text 42 pp. with

Some Mycenaean Artists

The Last Mycenaeans and their Successors. By V. R. d'A. Desborough. 11 × 8½. Pp. xvi + 288 + 24 pls. + distribution map. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1964. £4. 4s

The Living Past of Greece. By A. R. and Mary Burn. 24 × 17 cm. Pp. 288 + numerous plans and photographs in text. London: Herbert Press, 1980. £9·95.

article by Frank Stubbings published September 1981 in Antiquaries Journal

The Mycenaean Pottery of Attica

The Mycenaeans by Lord William Taylour. (Vol. 39, Ancient Peoples and Places.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1964. 243 pp., including 28 pls.; 74 figs. 35s


V. Karageorghis and J. des Gagniers: La céramique chypriote de style figuré: âge du fer (1050–500 av. J.-C.). Vol. I (texte), 170 pp., 6 colour pls; Vol. II (illustrations et descriptions des vases) 517 pp., illustrated with photographs and two-

V. Karageorghis and J. des Gagniers: La céramique chypriote de style figuré: âge du fer (1050–500 av. J.-C.). Vol. I (texte), 170 pp., 6 colour pls; Vol. II (illustrations et descriptions des vases) 517 pp., illustrated with photographs and two-

Vassos Karageorghis: Mycenaean Art from Cyprus. (Cyprus Dept. of Antiquities Picture Book no. 3.) Nicosia: Dept. of Antiquities, 1968. 48 pp., 44 pls (1 in colour). 50s

scholarly article by Frank Stubbings published September 1969 in Antiquity

W. B. Stanford and J. V. Luce: The quest for Ulysses. London: Phaidon, 1974. 256 pp., 15 coloured pls., 178 figs. £6.95

article by Frank Stubbings published March 1976 in Antiquity