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List of works by Martin Breidenbach

A linear RFQ ion trap for the Enriched Xenon Observatory

A liquid xenon ionization chamber in an all-fluoropolymer vessel

article published in 2007

A magnetically driven piston pump for ultra-clean applications

scientific article published in October 2011

A simple radionuclide-driven single-ion source

scientific article published in November 2010

A status report on the SLD data acquisition system

A xenon gas purity monitor for EXO

An RF-only ion-funnel for extraction from high-pressure gases

scientific article

An apparatus to manipulate and identify individual Ba ions from bulk liquid Xe.

scientific article

An electromagnetic calorimeter for the silicon detector concept

An optimal energy estimator to reduce correlated noise for the EXO-200 light readout

scientific article

Bose-Einstein correlations ine+e−collisions

scientific article published on 01 January 1989

Characterization of large area APDs for the EXO-200 detector

Charged Multiplicity of Hadronic Events Containing Heavy-Quark Jets

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Charged-meson pair production ingammaγinteractions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Comparison of a new calculation of energy-energy correlations with e+e---> hadrons data at the Z0 resonance

scientific article

Cosmogenic backgrounds to 0νββ in EXO-200

D*+Production ine+e−Annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Design and performance of the SLD vertex detector: a 307 Mpixel tracking system

article by K Abe et al published December 1997 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Direct Measurement of Leptonic Coupling Asymmetries with PolarizedZBosons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct Measurement of Parity Violation in the Coupling ofZ0Bosons tobQuarks Using a Mass Tag and Momentum-Weighted Track Charge

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct Measurement ofAbandAcat theZ0Pole Using a Lepton Tag

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct Measurement ofAbinZ0Decays Using Charged Kaon Tagging

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct measurements of Ab and Ac using vertex and kaon charge tags at the SLAC detector

scientific article published on 7 March 2005

Discovery of a Narrow Resonance in e+e− Annihilation

scientific article from Physical Review Letters published in December 1974

EXO: an advanced Enriched Xenon double-beta decay Observatory

scholarly article by D. Akimov et al published January 2005 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

Electronic technology and the SLD detector

Evidence for Anomalous Lepton Production in e + − e − Annihilation

scientific article


Factorial and cumulant moments in e+e− → hadrons at the Z0 resonance

First Measurement of the Left-Right Charge Asymmetry in HadronicZBoson Decays and a New Determination ofsin2θWeff

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Measurement of the T-Odd Correlation between the Z0 Spin and the Three-Jet Plane Orientation in Polarized Z0 Decays into Three Jets

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Study of Rapidity Gaps ine+e−Annihilation

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First Symmetry Tests in PolarizedZ0Decays tobb¯g

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First measurement of the double-inclusive B/B hadron energy distribution in e+e− annihilations, and of angle-dependent moments of the B and B energies

First measurement of the left-right cross section asymmetry inZboson production bye+e−collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First search for Lorentz andCPTviolation in double beta decay with EXO-200

scientific article (publication date: April 2016)

Giving credit to the first linear collider

scientific article published on 01 May 2003

High-Energy Inelastic e − p Scattering at 6° and 10°

scientific article

High-precision measurement of the left-right Z Boson cross-section asymmetry

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved Measurement of the Left-RightZ0Cross Section Asymmetry

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved direct measurement of A(b) and A(c) at the Z(0) pole using a lepton tag

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved direct measurement of leptonic coupling asymmetries with polarized Z bosons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved direct measurement of the parity-violation parameter Ab using a mass tag and momentum-weighted track charge

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved measurement of the 2 ν β β half-life of 136 Xe with the EXO-200 detector

scientific article

Improved measurement of the probability for gluon splitting into in Z0 decays

Improved study of the structure ofe+e−→bb¯gevents and limits on the anomalous chromomagnetic coupling of thebquark

scholarly article

Improved test of the flavor independence of strong interactions

scholarly article

Improved upper limit onντmass

scientific article published on 01 August 1985

Inclusive Charged-Particle Distribution in Nearly Threefold-Symmetric Three-Jet Events atEc.m.=29GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Inclusive Electron Production ine+e−Annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Initial impact parameter resolution of the new SLD vertex detector

Initial measurements ofZ-boson resonance parameters ine+e−annihilation

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Investigation of radioactivity-induced backgrounds in EXO-200

scholarly article

Limits on and ϒ production in e+e− interactions at


Limits on the Production of Pointlike, Charged, Spin-0 Particles ine+e−Annihilations at 29 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Energy Correlations ine+e−→Hadrons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Leading Particle Effects in Decays ofZ0Bosons into Light Flavors

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of alpha s from energy-energy correlations at the Z0 resonance

scholarly article

Measurement of alpha s from jet rates at the Z0 resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of alpha s(MZ2) from hadronic event observables at the Z0 resonance

scholarly article

Measurement of the Lifetime of Bottom Hadrons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Spectral Shape of the β-Decay of ^{137}Xe to the Ground State of ^{137}Cs in EXO-200 and Comparison with Theory

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Measurement of the average B hadron lifetime in Z0 decays using reconstructed vertices

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the branching fraction for tau --->5 pi +/-( pi 0) nu tau and an upper limit on the nu tau mass

scientific article

Measurement of the branching fractionsτ−→ρ−ντandτ−→K−ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the charged multiplicities in b, c and light quark events from Z0 decays

Measurement of the charged multiplicity of Z0-->bb-bar events

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the drift velocity and transverse diffusion of electrons in liquid xenon with the EXO-200 detector

scholarly article

Measurement of the left-right forward-backward asymmetry for charm quarks with D*+ and D+ mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the parity-violation parameter Ab from the left-right forward-backward asymmetry of b quark production in Z0 decays using a momentum-weighted track-charge technique

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the parity-violation parameters Ab and Ac from the left-right forward-backward asymmetry of leptons in hadronic events at the Z0 resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the tau lifetime at SLD

scholarly article

Measurement of theB+andB0Lifetimes Using Topological Reconstruction of Inclusive and Semileptonic Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theBhadron energy distribution inZ0decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theD0Lifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theD0andD+lifetimes

scientific article published on 01 November 1986

Measurement of theb-quark fragmentation function inZ0decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theτLifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theτNeutrino Helicity and Michel Parameters in Polarizede+e−Collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement ofAcwith charmed mesons at the SLAC Large Detector

article by Kenji Abe et al published 9 January 2001 in Physical Review D

Measurement ofK*andK0inclusive rates ine+e−annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 June 1985

Measurement ofRbUsing a Vertex Mass Tag

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of Rb with impact parameters and displaced vertices

scholarly article

Observation of Scale Breaking in Inclusive Hadron Production bye+e−Annihilation

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of single collisionally cooled trapped ions in a buffer gas

Observation of two-neutrino double-beta decay in 136Xe with the EXO-200 detector

scientific article

Observed Behavior of Highly Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering

scientific article

Pion pair production fromγγcollisions at the SLACe+e−storage ring PEP


Polarized Bhabha scattering and a precision measurement of the electron neutral current couplings

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precise Measurement of the Tau Lifetime

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precise Measurement ofτ-Decay Charged-Particle Multiplicity Distribution

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precise measurement of the left-right cross section asymmetry in Z boson production by e+e- collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Production of π+, K+, K0, K*0, φ, p and Λ0 in hadronic Z0 decays

scholarly article

Production ofπ+,π−,K+,K−,p,andp¯in light(uds),c,andbjets fromZ0decays

scholarly article

Search for Majoron-emitting modes of double-beta decay ofXe136with EXO-200

scholarly article

Search for Monojet Production ine+e−annihilation

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Xe 136 with EXO-200

scientific article (publication date: July 2012)

Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the Upgraded EXO-200 Detector.

scientific article published in February 2018

Search for Neutrinoless Double-β Decay with the Complete EXO-200 Dataset

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Search for Supersymmetric Electrons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for charmless hadronic decays of B mesons with the SLAC SLD detector

scholarly article

Search for jet handedness in hadronic Z0 decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for nucleon decays with EXO-200

scientific article published on 10 April 2018

Search for time-dependentBs0−Bs0¯oscillations using a vertex charge dipole technique

scholarly article

Search for time-dependentBs0−Bs0¯oscillations using exclusively reconstructedDs±mesons

scholarly article

Search for2νββdecay ofXe136to the01+excited state ofBa136with the EXO-200 liquid xenon detector

scholarly article by J. B. Albert et al published 8 March 2016 in Physical Review C

Searches for double beta decay of Xe134 with EXO-200

scholarly article

Searches for unstable neutral leptons in low-multiplicity events from electron-positron annihilation

scientific article published on 01 December 1985

Silicon detectors at the ILC

Spectroscopy of Ba andBa+deposits in solid xenon for barium tagging in nEXO

article published in 2015

Study of noncollinear two-charged-particle events produced in 29-GeV electron-positron annihilation

scientific article published on 01 December 1986

Study of the Decayτ−→π−π−π+ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the orientation and energy partition of three-jet events in hadronicZ0decays

scholarly article

Study of the structure ofe+e−→bb¯gevents and first limits on the anomalous chromomagnetic coupling of thebquark

scholarly article

Systematic study of trace radioactive impurities in candidate construction materials for EXO-200

scientific article (publication date: July 2008)

Test of the flavor independence of strong interactions

scholarly article

The EXO-200 detector, part I: detector design and construction

scholarly article

The SLD VXD3 detector and its initial performance

The lead-liquid argon sampling calorimeter of the SLD detector

Trace radioactive impurities in final construction materials for EXO-200

Upper Limit on theντMass

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Upper limit on B00 mixing in e+e− annihilation at 29 GeV

Variation of the strong coupling constant from a measurement of the jet energy spread in e+e− annihilation

Weak Neutral Currents ine+e−Collisions ats=29GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Xenon purity analysis for EXO-200 via mass spectrometry

scientific article

ΛProduction ine+e−Annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

ΛProduction ine+e−Annihilation at 29 GeV

scientific article published on 01 May 1985