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List of works by Andreas Griewank

A PDE constraint formulation of Open Pit Mine Planning Problems

A continuous framework for open pit mine planning

A mathematical view of automatic differentiation

A mathematical view of automatic differentiation

A method for pointwise evaluation of polyconvex envelopes

A short proof of the Dennis-Schnabel theorem


ADIFOR - A FORTRAN system for portable automatic differentiation

article published in 1992

ADIFOR–Generating Derivative Codes from Fortran Programs

ADOL-C: Automatic Differentiation Using Operator Overloading in C++

Accumulating Jacobians as chained sparse matrix products

Achieving logarithmic growth of temporal and spatial complexity in reverse automatic differentiation

Adaptive sequencing of primal, dual, and design steps in simulation based optimization

Advantages of Binomial Checkpointing for Memory-reduced Adjoint Calculations

Algorithm 755; ADOL-C: a package for the automatic differentiation of algorithms written in C/C++

scholarly article by Andreas Griewank et al published 1 June 1996 in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Algorithm 799: revolve: an implementation of checkpointing for the reverse or adjoint mode of computational differentiation

An Exploratory Line Search for Piecewise Differentiable Objective Functions based on Algorithmic Differentiation

Analysis and Exploitation of Jacobian Scarcity

Application of AD-based Quasi-Newton Methods to Stiff ODEs

Approximating Jacobians by the TR2 formula


Automated Extension of Fixed Point PDE Solvers for Optimal Design with Bounded Retardation

article published in 2011

Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application

Automatic Directional Differentiation of Nonsmooth Composite Functions

Automatic Evaluation of First and Higher-Derivative Vectors

Automatic evaluations of cross-derivatives

Circumventing Storage Limitations in Variational Data Assimilation Studies

Complexity of Gradients, Jacobians, and Hessians

Complexity of Gradients, Jacobians, and Hessians

Computation of cusp singularities for operator equations and their discretizations

Computation of cusp singularities for operator equations and their discretizations

Computational Differentiation and Multidisciplinary Design

Computing Large Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation

Cubic overestimation and secant updating for unconstrained optimization ofC2, 1functions

Derivative convergence for iterative equation solvers

Derivative‐Based Global Sensitivity Analysis: Upper Bounding of Sensitivities in Seismic‐Hazard Assessment Using Automatic Differentiation

Detecting Jacobian sparsity patterns by Bayesian probing

Die magische Quadratur des Superhirns

Differentiation Methods for Industrial Strength Problems

Efficient similarity factorization of rank-1 modifications

Evaluating Derivatives

Evaluating higher derivative tensors by forward propagation of univariate Taylor series

Exploiting parallelism in automatic differentiation

Extension of fixed point PDE solvers for optimal design by one-shot method

From the Product Example to PDE Adjoints, Algorithmic Differentiation and Its Application (Invited Talk)

Generating Conjugate Directions Using Limited Second Derivatives

article published in 1995

Getting Started with ADOL-C

Index Determination in DAEs Using the Library indexdet and the ADOL-C Package for Algorithmic Differentiation


Introduction to Automatic Differentiation

Introduction to Part I Constrained Optimization, Identification and Control

scholarly article published 2014

Introduction to Part V: Applications

Maintaining factorized KKT systems subject to rank-one updates of Hessians and Jacobians

article by Andreas Griewank et al published April 2007 in Optimization Methods and Software

Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation

Memory-efficient Implementation of Riccati Approach for Time-Dependent Optimal Control Problems in ODEs

Modified corresponding states method for predicting densities of petroleum reservoir fluids

Multiple vector–Jacobian products are cheap

New Results on Program Reversals

Newton’s Method for Singular Problems when the Dimension of the Null Space is $>1$

Numerical Derivatives and Nonlinear Analysis (Harriet Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba, Nima Rosakhoo, and Karl Spingarn)


Obituary for Charles Broyden

Obituary for Mike Powell

On Hessian- and Jacobian-Free SQP Methods - a Total Quasi-Newton Scheme with Compact Storage


On Lipschitz optimization based on gray-box piecewise linearization

article by Andreas Griewank et al published 18 July 2015 in Mathematical Programming

On constrained optimization by adjoint based quasi-Newton methods

article by Andreas Griewank & Andrea Walther published January 2002 in Optimization Methods and Software

On stable piecewise linearization and generalized algorithmic differentiation

On the Efficient Generation of Taylor Expansions for DAE Solutions by Automatic Differentiation

On the local convergence of adjoint Broyden methods

On the numerical stability of algorithmic differentiation

One-Shot Approaches to Design Optimzation

scholarly article published 2014

Optimal Design with Bounded Retardation for Problems with Non-separable Adjoints

Optimal control of beer fermentation processes with Lipschitz-constraint on the control

Optimal program execution reversal

Optimalr-order of an adjoint Broyden method without the assumption of linearly independent steps

Patente - fast eine Wissenschaft für sich! Persönlihce Eindrücke aus einem Patentverfahren

Piggyback Differentiation and Optimization

Projected Hessians for Preconditioning in One-Step One-Shot Design Optimization

scholarly article published 2006

Properties of an augmented Lagrangian for design optimization

article by Adel Hamdi & Andreas Griewank published August 2010 in Optimization Methods and Software

Quantifying Retardation in Simulation Based Optimization

article published in 2012

Rates of convergence for secant methods on nonlinear problems in hilbert space

Reduced Functions, Gradients and Hessians from Fixed-Point Iterations for State Equations

Reduced quasi-Newton method for simultaneous design and optimization

Reduction of Storage Requirement by Checkpointing for Time-Dependent Optimal Control Problems in ODEs

Representation and Analysis of Piecewise Linear Functions in Abs-Normal Form

Sensitivity of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Obtained by Algorithmic Differentiation: A Feasibility Study

scientific article

Software zur Berechnung von Jacobi- und Hessematrizen aus C und Fortran Code

Solution of Complementarity Problems via Piecewise Linearization

Solving piecewise linear systems in abs-normal form

Some Bounds on the Complexity of Gradients, Jacobians, and Hessians

The Local Convergence of Broyden-Like Methods on Lipschitzian Problems in Hilbert Spaces

The Relative Cost of Function and Derivative Evaluations in the CUTEr Test Set

The equivalence of strict convexity and injectivity of the gradient in bounded level sets

The global convergence of partitioned BFGS on problems with convex decompositions and Lipschitzian gradients

Verifying Jacobian Sparsity

Yachay's promise

scientific article

Yury G. Evtushenko – a tribute