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List of works by Charles Lucien Bonaparte

A new systematic arrangement of vertebrated animals

S.l.: s.n., 1840

American ornithology : or, The natural history of the birds of the United States

Philadelphia: Porter and Coates, [187-?]

American ornithology, or the natural history of the birds of the United States

Edinburgh: pr. for Constable ;1831.

American ornithology, or, The natural history of the birds of the United States

London: Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot;1832.

American ornithology; or, The natural history of birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson

book by Charles Lucien Bonaparte

American ornithology; or, The natural history of the birds of the United States

London, Cassell, Petter & Galpin[187-]

American ornithology; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States

Philadelphia, Porter & Coates[1878]

Amphibia Europaea ad systema nostrum vertebratorum ordinata / auctore Carolo L. Bonaparte

[Torino]Typographia regia, [1840]

Catalogo metodico degli uccelli europei

Bologna: J. Marsigli, 1842.

Catalogo metodico dei mammiferi europei

publication (1845)

Catalogue des mammifères et des oiseaux observés en Algérie

Paris: Bertrand, [1858]

Cheloniorum tabula analytica

Rome: s.n., 1836

Conspectus generum avium

Lugduni Batavorum: Apud E.J. Brill, 1850-1857.

Conspectus volucrum anisodactylorum

Parigi: L. Martinet, 1854.

Descriptions of two new species of Mexican birds

journal article from 'Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia' published in 1825

Di una nuova lucertola che è in Francia / [Carlo L. Bonaparte]

[Roma: s.n., 1839]

Excursion dans les divers Musées d'Allemagne, de Hollande et de Belgique (suite et fin), et Tableaux paralléliques de l'ordre des Palmipèdes

scholarly article (1856)

Iconographie des perroquets

Index ad Caroli Luciani Bonaparte Conspectum generum avium

Lugduni-Batavorum, apud E. J. Brill, 1865.

Monographie des loxiens

Düsseldorf: Chez Arnz & Comp., 1850.

Mémoires ornithologiques.

Paris?, 1857?

Nouvelle espèce d'oiseau du genre Rhamphocèle

academic article published in 'Revue zoologique' in 1838

Tableaux paralléliques des oiseaux Praecoces ou Autophages (Gallinacés, Échassiers, Palmipèdes et Rudipennes)

Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, 1856.

The genera of North American birds, and a synopsis of the species found within the territory of the United States

New York: Printed by J. Seymour, 1828.

Iconografia della fauna italica : per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati

three volume work published between 1832-1841, originally issued in 30 fascicles