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List of works by Gernot Münster

A study of CPn−1 models on the sphere within the expansion

Calculation of universal amplitude ratios in three-loop order

Chiral perturbation theory for twisted mass QCD

Distribution of instanton sizes in a simplified instanton gas model


Dynamical suppression of large instantons

article published in 2002

Effective transfer matrix for low-lying glueball states in lattice gauge theory

Estimate of the relation between scale parameters and the string tension by strong coupling methods


Field-theoretic calculation of the universal amplitude ratio of correlation lengths in 3D Ising systems

article published in 1994

High-temperature expansions for the free energy of vortices and the string tension in lattice gauge theories

Interface tension in three-dimensional systems from field theory

Interfacial Roughening in Field Theory

Lattice supersymmetric ward identities


Light meson physics from maximally twisted mass lattice QCD

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 no. 8, August 2010

Nontrivial critical behaviour in a lattice model of random surfaces

Numerical Investigation of Four-Dimensional Field Theories

Numerical Results for the Lightest Bound States in N=1 Supersymmetric SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

Numerical investigation of the four-dimensional nonlinear sigma-model

Numerical investigation of the interface tension in the three-dimensional Ising model


On the 1-loop lattice perturbation theory of the supersymmetric ward identities


On the characterization of the higgs phase in lattice gauge theories

scientific article published in 1980

On the roughening transition in abelian lattice gauge theories

On the roughening transition in non-abelian lattice gauge theories

Physical strong coupling expansion parameters and glueball mass ratios


scholarly article (2010)

Quantitative non-Monte Carlo methods for low-energy QCD

Quantum Fields on a Lattice

Renormalisation Group Analysis of Turbulent Hydrodynamics

article published in 2013

SUSY Ward identities in 1-loop perturbation theory

SUSY Ward identities in N=1 SYM theory on the lattice


Scalar-fermion models with mirror pairs of fermion fields

String tension in a lattice model of random surfaces

Strong coupling expansion for finite temperature Yang-Mills theory in the confined phase

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008 no. 7, July 2008

Strong coupling expansions for the mass gap in lattice gauge theories

Study of the complex fermion determinant in a U (1)L ⊗ U (1)R symmetric Yukawa model

The Critical Behaviour of a Nontrivial Random Surface Model

The Interfacial Profile in Two-Loop Order

The Role of Mathematics in Contemporary Theoretical Physics

The expansion and instantons in CPn−1 models on a sphere

The light bound states of supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 3, March 2016

The size of finite size effects in lattice gauge theories

The top quark and the lattice

The volume source technique for flavor singlets: a second look

Tunneling amplitude and surface tension in Φ4-theory

article published in 1989

Twisted mass chiral perturbation theory for 2 + 1+ 1 quark flavours

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 no. 4, April 2011

Twisted mass lattice QCD with non-degenerate quark masses

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 no. 8, August 2006

Universal amplitude ratios in Ising systems from massive field theory

article published in 1995

Vortex free energy and string tension at strong and intermediate coupling

Weak-coupling expansion of the low-lying energy values in the SU(2) gauge theory on a torus