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List of works by Richard Britnell

Advantagium Mercatoris: A Custom In Medieval English Trade

article published in 1980

Agriculture in a Region of Ancient Enclosure, 1185-1500

B.M.S. Campbell, J.A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, A Medieval Capital and its Grain Supply: Agrarian Production and Distribution in the London Region c. 1300, Historical Geography Research Series, XXX. London: Queen's University of Belfast and t

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1995 in Urban History

Common themes and regional variations

chapter published in 2008

English agricultural output and prices, 1350-1450: national trends and regional divergences

chapter published in 2008

Essex Markets before 1350

article published in 1982

Feudal reaction after the Black Death in the palatinate of Durham

scientific article published in 1990

From Ockham to Wyclif

Heather Swanson, Medieval British Towns. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. 161pp. Select bibliography. £42.50 hbk; £13.99 pbk

Land and lordship: common themes and regional variations

chapter published in 2008

Markets and incentives: common themes and regional variations

chapter published in 2008

Maryanne Kowaleski, Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xvi + 442pp. 7 figures. 35 tables. Bibliography. £50.00

Matthew Davies, ed., The Merchant Taylors’ Company of London: Court Minutes 1486-1493

Review of periodical literature published in 1994

scientific article published in February 1996

S.H. Rigby (ed.), The Overseas Trade of Boston in the Reign of Richard II. Lincoln Record Society, 93. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2005. £30.00

The Black Death in English towns

article by Richard Britnell published October 1994 in Urban History

The Coal Industry in the Later Middle Ages: The Bishop of Durham’s Estates

The Langley survey of Durham Bishopric Estates, 1418-21

article published in 1988

The economy of British towns 1300–1540

chapter published in 2000

The economy of British towns 600–1300