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List of works by Graham Ritchie

A Prehistoric Field-Boundary from the Black Crofts, North Connel, Argyll

article published in 1974

Between Land and Sea: Excavations at Dun Vulan, South Uist. By Mike Parker Pearson and Niall Sharples with Jacqui Mulville and Helen Smith. 310mm. Pp xxvi + 379, ill. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. ISBN 1–85075–880–8. £57.50

Colin Renfrew: Investigations in Orkney. London: Society of Antiquaries of London, distributed by Thames and Hudson, 1979. 250 pp., 24 pls., 55 figs. (16 pull-out). £20.00


scholarly article by Graham Ritchie published in January 1971

Early Man in the Scottish Landscape. Edited by Lisbeth M. Thoms. (Scottish Archaeological Forum 9.) 23 × 17 cm. Pp. 85 + 20 figs. Edinburgh: University Press, 1979. £2·50.


Excavation of the Stone Circle and Cairn at Balbirnie, Fife

scholarly article by Graham Ritchie published in January 1974

From the Stone Age to the 'Forty-Five: Studies Presented to R. B. K. Stevenson. Edited by Anne O'Connor and D. V. Clarke. 23 × 15 cm. Pp. xiv + 621, 261 figs. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1983. ISBN 0-85976-046-4. £30·00.--- Either ISSN or Journal titl

article by Graham Ritchie published March 1984 in Antiquaries Journal

James Curle (1862-1944) and Alexander Ormiston Curle (1866-1955): pillars of the establishment

scholarly article

John W. Hedges: Tomb of the Eagles: a window on stone age tribal Britain. London: John Murray, 1984. 244 pp., 25 pls.46 figs., 8 tables. £12.50

Les Celtes au Second Age du Fer. By Jacques Harmand. 8¼ × 6. Pp. 184 + 16 pls. + 20 figs. Collection Fac, Fernand Nathan, Paris. F.F. 29.50.

Living in the past

scientific article published in Nature

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of books

Soldiers' Burials at Camelon, Stirlingshire, 1922 and 1975

The Stone Circles of the British Isles. By Aubrey Burl. 10 × 7½. Pp. xxii + 410 + 36 pls. + 50 figs. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976. £10·00