Greek stage production of Pirandello's play, 1983/84
Greek stage production of Manolis Skouloudis' play, 1959/60
Greek stage production of Lesley Storm's play "The day's mischief", 1952/53
Greek stage production of D. Vernardakis' play, 1978/79
Greek stage production of Georgios Roussos' play, 1971/72
Greek stage production of Alba de Céspedes' play, 1968/69
Greek stage production of Al. Lidorikis' play, 1964/65
Greek stage production of Shakespeare's play, 1954/55
Greek stage production of G. Theotokas' play, 1951/52
Greek stage production of Shakespeare's play, 1956/57
Greek stage production of Max Halbe's play, 1976/77
Greek stage production of Scribe's and Legouve's play, 1952/53
Greek stage production of Fritz Hochwälder play "The Holy Experiment", 1958/59
Greek stage production of Jean Anouilh's play, 1967/68
Greek stage production of Pirandello's play, 1961/62
Greek stage production of Vangelis Katsanis' play, 1964/65
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