List of works by Gernot Sonneck

A dose-response relationship between imitational suicides and newspaper distribution

scientific article

Assessing the impact of media guidelines for reporting on suicides in Austria: interrupted time series analysis.

scientific article published in May 2007

Associations between film preferences and risk factors for suicide: an online survey

scientific article

Availability of mental health service providers and suicide rates in Austria: a nationwide study

scientific article published in December 2010

Beliefs about the genetics of suicide in Canadian students: cross-language validation of the Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS).

scientific article

Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale: development, reliability, stability, and convergent and discriminant validity

scientific article

Can Media Effects Counteract Legislation Reforms? The Case of Adolescent Firearm Suicides in the Wake of the Austrian Firearm Legislation

scientific article published on 18 October 2008

Child and adolescent suicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina before and after the war (1992-1995).

scientific article

Consistency of immigrant suicide rates in Austria with country-of-birth suicide rates: a role for genetic risk factors for suicide?

scientific article published on 8 November 2009

Coping and Film Reception

Copycat effects after media reports on suicide: a population-based ecologic study.

scientific article published on 13 August 2009

Correlates, Item-Sequence Invariance, and Test-Retest Reliability of the Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS)

Correlates, item-sequence invariance, and test-retest reliability of the beliefs in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide scale (BIRFSS).

scientific article

Declining autopsy rates and suicide misclassification: a cross-national analysis of 35 countries

scientific article published on 6 June 2011

Determining the effects of films with suicidal content: a laboratory experiment

scientific article published on 23 April 2015

Development of a Scale to Assess Knowledge about Suicide Postvention using Item Response Theory


Effects of sunshine on suicide rates

scientific article

Epidemiology of suicide among children and adolescents in Austria, 2001-2014.

scientific article published on 14 October 2016

Epidemiology of suicide in Austria 1990-2000: general decrease, but increased suicide risk for old men.

scientific article published in January 2005

Epidemiology of suicide in Austria during 2000-2010: potential years of life lost: time for the national suicide prevention program

scientific article published on 3 March 2015

Facts and Myths about Seasonal Variation in Suicide

scientific article published on 01 June 2007

Firearm legislation reform in the European Union: impact on firearm availability, firearm suicide and homicide rates in Austria

scientific article

Lithium in drinking water and suicide mortality

scientific article

Medical and psychology students' disbelief in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide.

scientific article published in October 2006

Not carried away by a moonlight shadow: no evidence for associations between suicide occurrence and lunar phase among more than 65,000 suicide cases in Austria, 1970-2006.

scientific article published on January 2008

Papageno v Werther effect

scientific article published in the British Medical Journal

Parathyroidectomy improves concentration and retentiveness in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.

scientific article published in December 2002

Personal suicidality in reception and identification with suicidal film characters

scientific article published in April 2013

Predictors of suicide and suicide attempt in subway stations: a population-based ecological study

scientific article published in April 2012

Psychometric properties of the Revised Facts on Suicide Quiz in Austrian medical and psychology undergraduates

scientific article published in January 2008

Reasons to Love Life

scientific article published on 01 January 2013

Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects.

scientific article

Rural-urban differences in Austrian suicides

scientific article

Solar eclipse and suicide

scientific article

Somatoform symptoms, anxiety, and depression in the context of traumatic life experiences by comparing participants with and without psychiatric diagnoses

scientific article published on 01 September 2002

Suicidal ideation and its correlates among elderly in residential care homes

scientific article published in August 2010

Suicide After Natural Disasters and Statistical Disasters: A Comment

Suicide among 915,303 Austrian cancer patients: who is at risk?

scientific article published on 23 January 2015

Suicide among Viennese minors, 1946-2002.

scientific article

Suicide and general elections in Austria: do preceding regional suicide rate differentials foreshadow subsequent voting behavior swings?

scientific article published in May 2003

Suicide by shooting is correlated to rate of gun licenses in Austrian counties

scientific article published on 01 August 2006

Suicide in Austrian children and young adolescents aged 14 and younger.

scientific article published on 9 May 2006

Suicide in films: the impact of suicide portrayals on nonsuicidal viewers' well-being and the effectiveness of censorship.

scientific article published in August 2010

Suicide rates in the national and expatriate population in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

scientific article published on 13 December 2011

Suicide seasonality: complex demodulation as a novel approach in epidemiologic analysis

scientific article

Suicides in Austria: update on present state and recent trends

scientific article

Suicides of men in Austria: an epidemiological analysis over a 30-year period

scientific article published in September 2004

Suicides on the Austrian railway network: hotspot analysis and effect of proximity to psychiatric institutions

scientific article published on 08 March 2017

Surname study of suicide in Austria: differences in regional suicide rates correspond to the genetic structure of the population

scientific article published on January 2007

Telephonic service utilization in a crisis intervention centre: Some findings, similar to temporal variation in suicides

article published in 1999

The Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS): further results on demographic correlates, dimensionality, reliability, and validity

scientific article published in January 2007

The beliefs in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide scale (BIRFSS): cross-cultural validation in Estonia, Malaysia, Romania, the United Kingdom, and the United States

scientific article

The gap between suicide characteristics in the print media and in the population.

scientific article published on 19 March 2009

The malleability of beliefs in the genetics of suicide: an intervention study with the beliefs in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide scale (BIRFSS).

scientific article

The role of interviews with health professionals in the media in suicide prevention.

scientific article

Trends in suicide rates of the elderly in Austria, 1970-2004: an analysis of changes in terms of age groups, suicide methods and gender.

scientific article published in May 2007

Who identifies with suicidal film characters? Determinants of identification with suicidal protagonists of drama films

scientific article published in June 2013

Youth suicide risk factors and attitudes in New York and Vienna: a cross-cultural comparison

scientific article published in October 2006

[Suicide and suicide prevention in Vienna from 1938 to 1945].

scientific article published on 2 October 2012

[The "Werther-effect": legend or reality?].

scientific article

[The history of the institutionalization of medical psychology in Austria]

scientific article published on 01 January 2011