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List of works by Ian Richmond

A Forgotten Exploration of the Western Isles

A GAZETTEER OF ROMAN REMAINS IN EAST YORKSHIRE (Roman Malton and distric Report no. 5) By Mary KItson Clark. Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 10 Park Place, Leeds, 1935. pp. 1–142, and map. 21s

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published in September 1937

A New Building-Inscription from the Saxon-Shore Fort at Reculver, Kent

A Romano-British Interment, with Bucket and Sceptres, from Brough, East Yorkshire

A. M. Schneider and W. Karnapp, Die Stadtmauer von Iznik (NICAEA). Istanbuler Forschungen, Band 9. Pp. 55, with 52 plates and 18 text-figures. Berlin: Archaeologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, 1938. RM. 20

AN INVENTORY OF OBJECTS OF ROMAN AND PROVINCIAL ORIGIN found on sites in Scotland not definitely associated with Roman constructions. By James Curle,LL.D., F.S.A.SCOT., F.S.A. Procs. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. LXVI, 1931–32, pp. 277?



Adolf Schulten, Masada: Die Burg des Herodes und die Römischen Lager, mit einem Anhang; Beth-Ter; mit Karten und Plänen von Adolf Lammerer und Beiträgen von A. Lammerer, R. Paulsen, K. Regling, E. Schramm. Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschrift des Deuts

Ancient Landscapes: studies in Field Archaeology. By John Bradford M.A., F.S.A. 9¾ × 7½. Pp. xvii + 297 + pls. 75. London: G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1957. £4.4s

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published in April 1958

Ancient Rome and Northern England. A Historical Summary


Anniversary Address

Aquileia Romana. Ricerche Di Storia E Di Epigrafia. Di Aristide Calderini. Pubblicazione della Universita Cattolicà del Sacre Cuore, Serie V, vol. 10. Milano: Soc. Ed. Vita e Pensiero, 1929. Pp. 594 + cxxxvi. I,. 75.Aquileia. Di G. Brusin. Udine: Ti

Artistry and Roman Britain

Augustan Gates at Torino and Spello

Beiträge zur älteren Europäischen Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift für Rudolf Egger. 9½ × 9½. Band I, Pp. 434. Band II, Pp. 436. Edited by G. Moro. Klagenfurt: Verlag des Geschichtvereins für Kärnten, 1952-1953. Price 200 Austrian schillings

COROLLA ARCHAEOLOGICA. Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, II (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, II). Lund: Gleerup; London: Humphrey Milford, 1932. pp. 276, 43 text-figures, f

Commemorative Arches and City Gates in the Augustan Age

Constantin Daicoviciu, La Transylvanie Dans l'Antiquitè (Extrait de “La Transylvanie”). Bucharest: 1938. Pp. 95, with 8 plates

Corolla Archaeologica. Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, II (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, II). Lund: Gleerup; London: Humphrey Milford, 1932. Pp. 1–276; with 43 figure

DER RÖMISCHE SCHATZFUND VON STRAUBING. By J. Keim and Hans Klumbach, (Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Band 3) 4 to pp. I–VIII, 1–42, pls. 1–46, figs. 1–2, 1 map; C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Munich, 1951: Price, DM.

DIE ERFORSCHUNG DER SPATBRONZEZEIT, HALLSTATT- UND LATENE-ZEIT IN ENGLAND UND WALES, VON 1914-1931. By Christopher Hawkes. Sonderabdruck aus dem XXI Bericht der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission, 1932. pp. 86–175. Taff. 12-27, Abb. 1-60


EXCAVATIONS AT MINTURNAE. Vol. I, Monuments of the Republican Forum. By Jotham Johnson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1935. pp. VI, 122, with plan and 45 figs. 22s 6d

article by Ian Richmond published March 1937 in Antiquity

EXCAVATIONS AT MINTURNAE. Vol. II, Inscriptions, part I, Republican magistri, with an appendix of classical references to the site. By Jotham Johnson. Rome: Internatinal Mediterranean Research Association; Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Pr

Editor's Preface

Ein Romischer Bauernhof bei Mayen. Von Franz Oelmann; mit einem Beitrag von Hermann Mylus. (Sonderabdruck aus den Bonner Jahrbücher, Heft 133, 1929.) Pp. 101 with 13 plates and 62 text figures

Esther Boise Van Deman, The building of the Roman Aqueducts. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1934. Pp. 440, xii, with 59 plates and 49 text-figures. Price $9

Excavations at Meltham, Yorks, West Riding

article by Ian Richmond published October 1923 in Antiquaries Journal

F. Krischen, Die Landmauer Von Konstantinopel, Teil I. Zeichnerische Wiederherstellung mit begleitendem Text. Lichtbilder von T. von Lüpke. (Archæologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches; Denkmäler antiker Architektur, Band 6.) Berlin: W. de Gruy

Field Archaeology. By R. J. C. Atkinson. 7¼ × 4¾. Pp. i-x + 238, with 8 plates and 87 diagrams in text. London: Methuen, 1946. 12s. 6d

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published in October 1947

Five Town-Walls in Hispania Citerior

article published in 1931

Giovanni Brusin, Gli scavi di Aquileia. un Quadriennio di Attività dell'Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia (1929–1932). Udine: Grafiche C. Chiesa, 1934. 4to. Pp. xxi, 1–253, with 147 figures, and 6 folding plans in wrapper. Lire 110

Goesta Saeflund, Le Mura Di Roma Repubblicana; Saggio Di Archeologia Romana. Skrifter Utgivna Av Svenska Institutet I Rom. I. (Act A Instituti Romani Regni Sveciae. I.) Lund: Gleerup; London: Humphrey Milford, 1932. Pp. i–xvi, 1–278, figs. 1–72

Hermann Mylius, Die römischen Heilthermen von Badenweiler, with contributions by E. Fabricius and W. Schleiermacher. (Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, Band 12), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1936. Pp. viii + 154, with 38 plates and 33 text figur

Hod Hill, Vol. 2: Excavations carried out between 1951 and 1958

book published in 1968

In Roman Scotland. By Jessie Mothersole. London: The Bodley Head Press. Pp. xiii + 282, 13 plates, 45 figures. 10s. 6d.The Border. By Brigadier-General W. Sitwell. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Andrew Reid; London: Simpkin Marshall, Hamilton Kent & Co. Pp. vi.

Inleiding op een uitgave der Tabula Peutingeriana. By J. R. Wartena. (Doctorial Thesis of the National University of Leiden) Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1927. Pp. 109 + viii, 1 plate. F1. 2.75

John Clarke, The Roman Fort at Cadder (Near Glasgow), being an account of excavations conducted under the auspices of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. Glasgow: Jackson Wylie and Co., 1933. Pp. xii + 93, with 10 plates and 19 figures. 12s. 6d

Jotham Johnson, Excavations at Minturnae. Vol. i: Monuments of the Republican Forum. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1935. Pp. vi + 122, with figs. 1–45, and one folding plan. 22s. 6d

LE MURA DI ROMA REPUBBLICANA; SAGGIO DI ARCHEOLOGIA ROMANA. Di Goesta Saeflund. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, I (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sveciae, I). Lund: Gleerup and London: Humphrey Milford, 1932. pp. XVI, 278, figs. 1–72, pl

LIMES SAXONIAE. Von Hermann Hofmeister. Sonderabdruck aus Band 56 der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. pp. 67–169 and 11 figs., 2 maps, Kiel: Vollbehr und Riepen. 1926

La Villa Romana de la dehesa de ‘La Cocosa’. J. de C. Serra Ráfols. 10 × 7. Pp. 175. Badajoz (Disputación provincial de Badajoz, Institución de Servicios culturales), Revista de Estudios Extremeños, supplement 2. Badajoz, 1952

Le mura di Roma repubblicana: saggio di archeologia romana. Di Goesta Säflund. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. I (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sveciae. I) 12 × 8¾. Pp. xvi + 278. Lund: Gleerup; London: Milford, 1932

MANUEL D'ARCHÉOLOGIE PRÉHISTORIQUE CELTIQUE ET GALLO-ROMAINE JOSEPH DÉCHELETTE. Vol. VI, Archéologie gallo-romaine, par Albert Grenier, part II, Archéologie du sol; Les routes. Paris: Picard, 82 Rue Bonaparte. pp. 1–468, figs. 1–156, 3 foldi

Monumentos Romanos de España: noticia descriptiva. Por José Ramón Mélida (Comisaria Regia del Turismo y Cultura Artistica: Publicación III). 8vo. pp. 153. 1 map, 48 unnumbered plates. Madrid, 1925

NUMANTIA III; die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, 1905–12; band III, Die Lager des Scipio. pp. 268, and 54 plates in the text-volume; folio container, with I map and 46 plans. Munchen: Bruckmann. 1927. 90 r-m

NUMANTIA. Band IV: die Lager bei Renieblas. pp. xix and 309, 82 plates. Folio volume of 32 plates and 2 maps. Munchen: Bruckmann. £6 10s

Nino Lamboglia, Collana storico-archeologica della Liguria occidentale, Vol. II, no, 4. Topografia storica dell' Ingaunia nell' antichita. Albenga, 1933. Pp. 127, with three folding maps. 15 lire.Nino Lamboglia, Collana storico-archeologica della Lig

Part II. The Roman Occupation

Part of the Stem of a Roman Monumental Candelabrum of Stone, from York

article published in 1946


scholarly article by Philip Corder published in June 1942

Philip Corder, M.A., F.S.A. and John L. Kirk, B.A., F.S.A., A Roman Villa at Langton, near Malton, E. Yorkshire (Roman Malton and District, Report no. 4). Roman Antiquities Committee of the Yorks. Arch. Society, obtainable at 10, Park Place, Leeds, o

Pirro Marconi, Verona Romana. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'arti grafiche, 1938. Pp. 179, with 121 text-figures and one folding plan. Lire 20

R. J. Forbes, Notes on the Histort of Ancient Roads and their Construction. (Allard Pierson Stichting, Universiteit van Amsterdam; Archaeologisch-Historische Bijdragen, vol. III). Amsterdam: N. V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers-Mij. 1934. Pp. 182, with

René Vielliard, Les Origines du Titre de Saint-Martin Aux Monts à Rome. Studi dl Antichità Cristiana, Pubblicati Per Cura Del Pontificio Istituto Dl Archeologia Cristiana, Iv. Rome; Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana: Paris; Société d'

Research on Hadrian's Wall by Eric Birley. Kendal: Titus Wilson, 1964. 338 pp., 38 figs. 35s

Roger Hinks, Carolingian Art. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1935. Pp. x + 224, with 24 plates. 15s

Roman Camps at Cawthorn, North Riding, Yorkshire

Roman Cemetery at Slack, Yorks

Roman Gaul

Roman Gaul: a Review


Roman Malton and District, Report 3: The Defences of The Roman Fort at Malton. By Philip Corder, with contributions by H. Mattingly, M.A., and M. R. Hull, M.A. Published by the Roman Antiquities Committee of the Yorks. Archaeological Society, 10, Par

Roman Roads in Britain: II, North of the Foss Way-Bristol Channel. By I. D. Margary. 9¾ × 7¼. Pp. 288 + pls. 24 + 6 maps. London: Phoenix House, 1957. 50s.

article by Ian Richmond published April 1958 in Antiquaries Journal

Roman Verona: The Archaeology of its Town-Plan

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published in November 1935

Roman communications in the Tweed Valley

article published in 1953

SEGOBRIGA. Von Prof. Dr Adolf Schulten. Sonderabdruck aus d. Deutsche Zeitung für Spanien, 25 March and 10 April, 1929. Barcelona. pp. 20

Severisches Relief in Palazzo Sacchetti. Von Ludwig Budde. 11 × 8½. Pp. viii + 72 + Taf. 15. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1955. DM. 24

Stukeley's Lamp, The Badge of the Society of Antiquaries


THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF ROMAN BRITAIN. By R. G. Collingwood. Methuen 1930. pp. xvi, 293, 8 plates and 68 figures. 16s

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published in December 1931

THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION, ITS RELATION TO HISTORY. By Ellen Churchill Semple. Constable, 1931. pp. x, 737, frontispiece and 14 maps. 21s

THE LATEST ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN ITALY. By Francesco Pellati. English edition, translated by P.R.M. Printed for the Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche, Ferrovie dello Stato, by Treves-Treccani-Tumminelli, Milano-Roma, 1932. pp. III and 129 i


THE ROMAN LEGIONS. By H. M. D. Parker. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1928. pp. vi, 292. 15s

TOPOGRAPHY OF ROMAN SCOTLAND, NORTH OF THE ANTONINE WALL. By O. G. S. Crawford. 4to, pp. I-XII, 1–162, figs. 1–32. pls. I-XXI, one folder and two maps on end-papers. Cambridge University Press, 1949. Price, 25 shillings


The Antonine Frontier in Scotland


The Archaeology of Roman Britain

book published in 1969

The British Section of the Ravenna Cosmography

article published in 1949

The Buildings of England: Northumberland

book published in 1957

The Classical Monuments of Rome and its Vicinity. Vol. i. The ‘Zona archeologica.’ By Giuseppe Lugli; translated by Gilbert Bagnani. Rome: Libreria Bardi, 1929. Pp. 463; 7 plates; 104 illustrations. Lire 40

The First Years of Emerita Augusta

The Four Roman Camps at Cawthorn, in the North Riding of Yorkshire

The Irish Analogies for the Romano-British Barn Dwelling

The Land-Register of Arausio

scientific article published in November 1942

The Mausoleum of Augustus

The Ordnance Survey Map of Roman Britain, 3rd ed., 1956, 4to, pp. 1–43, figs. 1–5 and folding map. The Ordnance Survey, Chessington, Surrey. Prices, text and folding map, 7s. 6d. map, unfolded, 3s. 3d

article by Ian Richmond published April 1956 in Antiquaries Journal

The Province of Mar, being the Rhind Lectures in Archaeology, 1941. By W. Douglas Simpson. 10 × 7¾. Pp. xi + 167. Aberdeen University Studies, no. 121. Aberdeen University Press, 1943. 7s. 6d. (paper), 10s. 6d. (cloth)


The Relation of the Praetorian Camp to Aurelian's Wall of Rome

The Roman Frontier in Wales. By V. E. Nash-Williams. 9¾ × 6. Pp. xviii + 162 + pls. 42. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1954. 30s

The Roman Occupation of South-western Scotland, being reports of excavations and surveys carried out under the auspices of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. By John Clarke, J. M. Davidson, Anne S. Robertson, J. K. St. Joseph, edited for the Society


The Roman Siege-Works of Masàda, Israel

scholarly article by Ian Richmond published November 1962 in The Journal of Roman Studies

The Roman Site at Kirk Sink, Gargrave, West Riding, Yorks

The Roman Town and Villa at Great Casterton, Rutland: Second Interim Report, 1951–3. By members of the Summer Schools in Romano-British archaeology held at Great Casterton, 1951–3. Edited by Philip Corder. 9¾ × 6. Pp. iv + 47 + pls. 13. Univers


The Romano-British Baths at Well. By R. Gilyard-Beer, M.A., F.S.A. (Yorkshire Roman Antiquities Committee Research Report No. 1.) 9¾ × 6¼. Pp. 76. Published by the above Committee, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 10 Park Place, Leeds, 1951. 10s.

The Temple of Nehalennia at Domburg. By Ada Hondius-Crone. 10½×7½. Pp. 124, 44 plates, 2 figures, Amsterdam: J. M. Meulenhoff, 1955. Fl. 15

article published in 1956

The Temple of Sulis-Minerva at Bath

article published in 1955

The Turf Wall of Hadrian, 1895–1935

The excavation at Herodian Jericho, 1951, conducted by the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. by James B. Pritchard with contributions by Sherman E. Johnson and George C. Miles. 104¼ × 8¼. Pp. xiii + 58 + pls. 66. The Annual of the

Three Fragments of Roman Official Statues, from York, Lincoln, and Silchester

Three Roman writing-tablets from London

Trajan’s Army on Trajan's Column

Two Celtic stone heads from Corbridge, Northumberland

chapter published in 1956

Untersuchungen an den Caracallathermen. Von Erika Brödner. 11¼ × 8¼. Pp. 48. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1951. DM. 25

V. E. Nash-Williams, The Roman Legionary Fortress at Caerleon, Monmouthshire. Cardiff: The National Museum of Wales, 1940. Pp. 33, with 14 plates, 5 text-figures and 3 maps in end-folder. 2s

Varar (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

Vedra (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

Vellebori (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

Vennicnii (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

Verubium Promontorium (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

Voluntii (Pauly-Wissowa)

encyclopedic article in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)

WITH A SPADE ON STANE STREET. By S. E. Winbolt. Methuen, 1937. pp. 1–240, 12 plates and 36 figs., folding map. 10s 6d