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List of works by Geoffrey Bushnell

A History of Academical Dress in Europe until the end of the Eighteenth Century. By W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley. 8¾×5¾. Pp. xiv+235+pls. 22+12 figs. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1963. 45s.

A History of the Ancient Southwest. By H. S. Gladwin. 10¼ × 7¼ Pp. xx + 383. Portland, Maine: The Bond Wheelwright Co., 1957. $8.50

A PRECERAMIC SETTLEMENT ON THE CENTRAL COAST OF PERU: ASIA UNIT I. By Frederic Engel. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series-Vol. 53, Part 3, 1963. Philadelphia, 1963. 139 pp., 271 text-figs. $4.50


A South American Anthropological Symposium

scientific article published in Nature

A VARIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN PUEBLO CULTURE, by J. D. Jennings, with Analysis of the Skeletal Material, by Georg Neumann. Technical Series, Bulletin no. 10. Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fé, New Mexico, 1940. pp. v, 20, and 2 maps, 2 plans, 1 tex


AKU-AKU, THE SECRET OF EASTER ISLAND. By Thor Heyerdahl. Allen and Unwin, 1958. pp. 367, 58 plates, 6 figures. 21s


scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1945

AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF CUZCO. By John H. Rowe. Papers of the Peabody Museum, vol. XXVII, no. 2, pp. XII, 69, 8 plates, 19 text-figures., bibliography. The Museum, Cambridge, Mass. $ 2.50

scholarly article by G.H.S. Bushnell published in September 1945

ANCIENT MEXICO. By Frederick Peterson. Allen and Unwin, 1959. pp. 313, 93 figures, 6 maps, 24 plates. 35s

ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS AT JAMESTOWN, VIRGINIA. By John L. Cotter. pp. x + 299, 28 figures and map in pocket, 92 plates. National Park Service: Archaeological Research Series No. 4. U. S. Dept of the Interior, Washington, 1958. $2.75

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in September 1960

ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN THE CORDILLERA VILCA-BAMBA IN SOUTH EASTERN PERU. By PAUL FEJOS, with two appendices by John H. Rowe. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 3, New York, 194, pp. 65, 80 plates, 18 text figures, bibliography. $3.

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1945

ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN PERU, IN PERU, 1941–1942. By W. Duncan Strong Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University, Director of the Ethnogeographic Board, National Research Council and Gordon R. Willey, Instructor in Anthropology, Columbia Univ

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1945

ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF GUAM. By Erik K. Reed. pp. 133, 22 figs. 3 maps. National Park Service, Washington, D.C.. 1952

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1955

ARCHAEOLOGY OF NORTHWESTERN VENEZUELA. By Alfred Kidder,II. Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, vol. XXVI, no. 1. Published by the Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1944. pp. 178, 18 tables, 62 text-figs. Dollars 3.75

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in September 1945

Aboriginal Cultural Development in Latin America: an Interpretative Review edited by Betty J. Meggers and Clifford Evans. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 146, no. I. Washington, 1963. 154 pp., 20 figs. $5.00


American Archaeology-A New Venture

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1962

An Introduction to American Archaeology. Vol. One. North and Middle America. By Willey Gordon R.. Pp. xiv + 526, 436 illustrations (maps, charts, figs, and plates). Prentice-Hall Inc., 1966. Price £5 5s

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in February 1968

An Old World View of New World Prehistory

Ancient Oaxaca: Discoveries in Mexican Archaeology and History. Edited by John Paddock. 10 × 6¾. Pp. xvi + 416 + 589 figs.+40 pls. (in colour) + 23 maps and plans + 5 tables. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966. £7. 8s

Ancient Peruvian Ceramics: The Nathan Cummings Collection. Alan R. Sawyer. New York Graphic Society, Greenwich, 1966. 144 pp., 218 figs., 2 colored pls., 1 table, 3 maps, bibliography. $8.50

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published July 1967 in American Antiquity

Andes 2: Excavations at Kotosh, Peru, 1960 by Seiichi Izumi and Toshihiko Sono, with special sections and maps by Fumio Maekawa, Hisashi Sato, Naotsune Watanabe and Shuko Iwatsuka. Tokyo: Kadokawa Publishing Co., 1963. 218 pp., 46 figs., 3 colour pls

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1965 in Antiquity

Anni Albers: Pre-Columbian Mexican miniatures. London: Lund Humphries, 1970. 21 pp., 85 pls. £4.20

BAROQUE AND ROCOCO IN LATIN AMERICA. By Pál Kelemen. pp. XII, 302, 192 plates. Macmillan, New York, 1951. $16.50

BRITISH GUIANA ARCHAEOLOGY TO 1945. By Cornelius Osgood. pp. 65, 13 figs

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in December 1947

Betty J. Meggers: Ecuador. (Vol. 49, Ancient Peoples and Places.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. 220 pp., including 76 photographs, 42 figs., 5 maps, 3 tables. 35s

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published September 1965 in Antiquity

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

2008 film directed by Raja Gosnell

CHAVíN ART: AN INQUIRY INTO ITS FORM AND MEANING. By John Howland Rowe. pp. 40, 55 illustrations (drawings, rubbings and photographs). The Museum of Primitive Art, New York. 1962. $2.00

Canadian Anthropology

scientific article published in Nature

Children of the People

scientific article published in Nature

Chugach Prehistory: the archaeology of Prince William Sound, Alaska. By Frederica de Laguna. 10½ × 7¼. Pp. xiii + 289. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1956. $6.50

Colombia. By G. Reichel-Dolmatoff. 8¼ × 6.Pp. 231 + 65 pls. + 66 figs. Thames & Hudson (Ancient Peoples and Places Series), 1965. 35s

Compendio y descripción de las Indias occidentales

scientific article published in Nature

Congress of Americanists


Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility: No. 3, Studies in Olmec Archaeology. Berkeley, California, 1967. 84 pp., 20 figs., 10 pls. No price

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1968

Cultural Sequences in North-West America

scientific article published in Nature

Depopulation of the Central Andes in the 16th Century [and Comments and Reply]

Douglas S. Byers (ed.): The Prehistory of the Tehuacán Valley. Vol. 2: The Non-Ceramic Artifacts, by R. S. MacNeish, Antoinette Nelken-Terner and Irmgard Weitlaner de Johnson. Austin and London: University of Texas Press (for the Robert S. Peabody F

Douglas S. Byers (ed.): The Prehistory of the Tehuacán Valley. Vol. I: Environment and Subsistence, by R. S. MacNeish, Douglas Byers and Others. Austin and London: University of Texas Press (for the Robert S. Peabody Foundation, Phillips Academy, An

Dr. Paul Rivet

scientific article published in Nature

EARLY ANCÓN AND EARLY SUPE CULTURE. Chavín Horizon Sites of the Central Peruvian Coast. By Gordon R. Willey and John M. Corbett, with special sections by Lila M. O'Neale, M. A. Towle, W. G. Haag, Marshall T. Newman and others. pp. XIX+180, 5 maps,


EARLY STOCKADED SETTLEMENTS IN THE GOVERNADOR, NEW MEXICO. By E. T. Hall, Jr. Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. II, Part, I. Columbia University Press, 1944. pp. 96, 37 figs., 7 appendices, bibiography. 2 dollars

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in December 1945

EXCAVATIONS AT TAJUMULCO, GUATEMALA. By Bertha P. Dutton and Hulda R. Hobbs. Monographs of the School of American Research No. 9. University of New Mexico Press, Sante Fe, 1943. pp. XII, 121.3 plates, 101 text-figrs., 6 maps

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1945 in Antiquity

Early Ancón and Early Supe Culture: Chavín Horizon Sites of the Central Peruvian Coast. By Gordon R. Willey and John Corbett. 10 × 7. Pp. xix + 180. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. 40s


Early Man in Peru

Ecuador. By Betty J. Meggers. 8vo. Pp. 220 + 76 pis. + 4 2 figs. + 5 maps + 3 tables. London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. 35s

Elizabeth P. Benson (ed.): Dumbarton Oaks Conference on the Olmec, Oct. 28 and 29, 1967. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Trustees for Harvard University, 1968, 185 pp., 51 figs. $7.50

Excavations at La Venta, Mexico

scientific article published in Nature

Francis Robicsek: Copán. Home of the Maya Gods. New York: The Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1972. 181 pp., 226 pls (in colour), 123 figs. $27.50

Frederick J. Dockstader: South American Indian Art. London: Studio Vista, 1967. 222 pp., 250 pls. £8 8s

Frederick Johnson and Hugh M. Raup: Investigations in South West Yukon, No. 1; Richard S. MacNeish: Investigations in South West Yukon, No. 2. Papers of the Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology, Vol. 6. Andover, Mass.: Phillips Academy, 1964.

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1965

Gerald S. Hawkins: Ancient Lines in the Peruvian Desert. (Final Scientific Report for the National Geographical Society Expedition). Cambridge, Mass: Smithsonian Institution, Astrophysical Observatory, 1969. 45 pp., 16 pls., 10 tables, 7 figs. Mimeog

Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff: San Agustín: a culture of Colombia. 163 pp., 115 illustrations (4 in colour), 3 maps.Elizabeth P. Benson: The Mochica: a culture of Peru. 164 pp., 144 illustrations (7 in colour). London: Thames & Hudson. Library of the Ar


Gordon R. Willey, William R. Bullard Jr., John B. Glass and James G. Gifford: Prehistoric Settlements in the Belize Valley. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Vol. LIV. Cambridge Mass., 1965. 618 pp., 319 f

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1965

H. G. Bandi: Eskimo Prehistory. London: Methuen, 1969. 236 pp., 72 figs., 7 diagrams. 75s. (£3.75)

H. Ubbelhohde-Doering: On the Royal Highways of the Inca: Civilizations of Ancient Peru. London: Thames and Hudson, 1967. 312 pp., 287 pls., 7 figs, 1 map. £5 5s

HAIR EMBROIDERY IN SIBERIA AND NORTH AMERICA. By Geoffrey Turner pp. 83, 26 figs., 16 plates, 2 maps. Occasional Papers on Technology, 7, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. O.U.P. 15s

HANDBOOK OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES, 1941, No. 7. Edited for the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, by Miron Burgin. Harvard University Press (Milford). pp. xv, 649. 22s 6d

Handbook of South American Indians

scientific article published in Nature

Herbert W. Dick: Bat Cave. Santa Fé, New Mexico: The School of American Research, Monograph No. 27. 128 pp., 61 figs. 41 tables. Price not stated

History of Technology. Vol. 1. From Early Times to Fall of Ancient Empires. Ed. by Charles Singer, E. J. Holmyard, and A. R. Hall, assisted by E. Jaffé, R. H. G. Thomson, and J. M. Donaldson. 9½ × 7¼. Pp. lv + 827 + pls. 36. Oxford: at the Claren

INDIAN LIFE IN THE UPPER GREAT LAKES 11,000B.C. toA.D. 1800. By George Irving Quimby. The University of Chicago Press, 1960. pp. xv + 182, 75 figures (photographs, maps and drawings). $595


Ian Graham: Corpus of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions. Vol. I: Introduction. Cambridge Mass.: Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 1975. 62 pp., 4 figs. $7.50.Ian Graham Eric von Euw: Corpus of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions. Vol. 2, Part I : Naranjo.

Ian Graham: Corpus of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions. Vol. I: Introduction. Cambridge Mass.: Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 1975. 62 pp., 4 figs. $7.50.Ian Graham and Euw Eric von: Corpus of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions. Vol. 2, Part I : Naran

Indian Art of Central America. By Frederick J. Dockstader. Pp. 221 + 248 pls. (70 in colour). London: Cory, Adams & Mackay, 1964. £7. 7s

J. Eric S. Thompson: The Rise and Fall of Maya Civilization. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966. 328 pp., 32 pls, 27 figs. $5˙95

1966 book review

John Paddock (ed.): Ancient Oaxaca: Discoveries in Mexican Archeology and History. Stanford: University Press, 1966. 432 pp., 40 pls. (in colour), 589 figs., 23 maps and plans, 5 tables. £7 8s

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1967

La Victoria. An Early Site on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Michael D. Coe. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Vol. 53, Cambridge, 1961. xiv + 163 pp., 61 figs., 18 tables. $6.50 paper; $11.00 cloth


Local Differences and Time Differences in Nasca Pottery. Donald A. Proulx. University of California Publications in Anthropology, Vol. 5, Berkeley, 1968. xii + 180 pp., 20 figs., 31 pls., 2 maps, 2 tables, 5 appendixes. No price given

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published April 1970 in American Antiquity

MAYA ARCHAEOLOGIST. By J. Eric S. Thompson. London, Hale, 1963. 208 pp., 16 pls., 22 figs. 21s

Maria Reiche: Mystery on the Desert. Nazca (Peru); Stuttgart: Offizindruck AG, 1968. 92 pp., 36 pls., 7 figs. Text in English, German and Spanish. No price stated


Martha Ann Rolingson and Douglas W. Schwartz: Late Palaeo-Indian and Early Archaic Manifestations in Western Kentucky. Studies in Anthropology, No. 3. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1966. 168 pp., 72 figs, 26 tables. $5.00

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published December 1966 in Antiquity

Maya Decadence

scientific article published in Nature

Maya Hieroglyphics

scientific article published in Nature

NO LIMITS BUT THE SKY: The Journal of an Archaeologist's wife in Peru. By Mary B. Kidder. Harvard University Press; Humphrey Milford, London. pp. 224, 15 plates. 16s 6d

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1945 in Antiquity

NO STONE UNTURNED: An Almanac of North American Prehistory. By Louis A. Brennan. Gollanz, 1960, pp. xii + 370, 29 figures, 12 plates. 25s

New World Origins Seen from the Old World

article published in 1959

Old Hawaii

scientific article published in Nature

On the Royal Highways of the Inca, Civilizations of Ancient Peru. By H. Ubbelhohde-Doering. 10¾ × 8½. Pp. 312 + 287 pls. + 7 figs. + 1 map. London: Thames & Hudson, 1967. £5. 5s

PAPERS OF THE EXCAVATORS' CLUB. Vol. I, nos. 1–3. The Archaeology of northeastern Asia, by E. Mott Davis junr. pp. 58, 6 text-figure and map; Distribution and Significance of Ball Courts in the southwest, by Chester S. Chard pp. 18; Excavations in


PERUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN 1942. By A. L. Kroeber Viking Fund, Publications in Anthropology, No. 4. New York, 1944. 152 pp., 48 plates, 8 figs. $ 3.00

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1945

POPULATION CHANGES IN THE RIO GRANDE GLAZE-PAINT AREA. By H. P. Mera Technical Series, Bulletin no. 9. Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fé, New Mexico, 1940. pp. 41

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1942 in Antiquity

POWER AND PROPERTY IN INCA PERU. By Sally Falk Moore New York Columbia University Press, 1958. pp. 8 + 190. $5.00

PREHISTORIC CERAMIC STYLES OF LOWLAND SOUTH AMERICA, THEIR DISTRIBUTION AND HISTORY. By George D. Howard. pp. 95. 15 figs., 15 pls. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, no. 37. Yale University Press (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege), 1947. 8s 6d

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1950 in Antiquity

Peru before Pizarro

article published in 1949

Prehistoric America: comments on some C14 dates

article published in 1951

Prehistoric Man in the New World edited by Jesse D. Jennings and Edward Norbeck. A volume in the Rice University Semicentennial Series. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. 643 pp. $10

Prehistoric Man on The Great Plains. By Waldo R. Wedel. University of Oklahoma Press, 1961. pp. xviii + 355, 28 plates, 25 figures. $5.95

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Viru Valley, Peru

scientific article published in Nature

R. Larco Hoyle: Peru. London: F. Muller, 1966. (Archaeologia Mundi Series.) 243 pp. including pls. (144 of text), 167 pls., 4 maps, 4 tables. 70s

REPORTS OF THE NORWEGIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO EASTER ISLAND AND THE EAST PACIFIC: Vol. 1. THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF EASTER ISLAND, with conributions by Thor Heyerdahl, Edwin N. Ferdon Jr (Editors), William Mulloy, Arne Skjölsvold and Carlyle S. Smi

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1963

Radiocarbon Dates and New World Chronology

Recent Work in Mayan Archæology

scientific article published in Nature

René Millon, Bruce Drewitt and James A. Bennyhoff: The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán' 1959 Investigations. Philadelphia: Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S., Vol. 55, Pt. 6, 1965. $3

Reports of the Norwegian Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific: Vol. 2. Miscellaneous Papers. Ed. Thor Heyerdahl and Edwin N. Ferdon Jr. 11½×9. Pp. xi+512+60 pls. + 195 figs. + 11 tables. Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.: Monographs of the S

Richard S. MacNeish (General Editor): The Prehistory of the Tehuacán Valley. Volume Three: Ceramics, by R. S. MacNeish, F. A. Peterson, and K. V. Flannery. Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1971. Published for the Robert S. Peabody Found

Romilly's Cambridge Diary 1832–42. Edited by J. P. T. Bury. 9×6. Pp. xv + 260 + 8 pls. Cambridge University Press, 1967. 63s

S. Williams (ed.): The Waring Papers: the Collected Works of Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Cambridge, Mass.: Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Vol. LVIII. 1968. 363 pp., 97 figs., 26 tables. $6.00 (paper), $10.50 (cloth)


STYLE TRENDS OF PUEBLO POTTERY in the Rio Grande and Little Colorado Cultural Areas from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. By H. P. Mera. Memoirs of the Laboratory of Anthropology, vol. III. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1939. pp 28, 67 plates, map an

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published June 1940 in Antiquity

SUMMARY REPORT OF MODOC ROCK SHELTER, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956. By Melvin L. Fowler. pp. 72, 20 figures, 8vo. Illinois State Museum, Report of Investigations No. 8. Springfield, Illinois, 1959

Sea Routes to Polynesia. By Thor Heyerdahl. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 232 + 6 maps + 24 pls. London: Allen & Unwin, 1968. 42s

Short Reviews

Short Reviews

Some Illustrations of Monumental Brasses and Indents in Kent. A Memorial to Ralph Hare Griffin, F.S.A. Printed for the Monumental Brass Society, 1946. 8¾×5½. Preface and 41 plates. (From the Society, 5s.)

South American Indians

scientific article published in Nature

South American Prehistory

Sun Father's Way: The Kiva Murals of Kuaua by Bertha P. Dutton. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1963. 237 pp., 111 pls. (3 in colour), 26 figs. $15

THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF PERU. By J. Alden Mason. pp. xx + 330, 64 plates, 6 figures, 2 maps, table. A Pelican Book, Penguin Books Ltd., 1957. 6s

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published March 1958 in Antiquity

THE ANCIENT MAYA. By S. G. Morley. pp XXXII+520, 95 pls., 57 figs., 12 talbies

THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES. Edited by J. B. Griffin. Univ. of Chicago Press (Cambridge Univ. Press). Price, £3 15s

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1954

THE MONAGRILLO CULTURE OF PANAMA. By Gordon R. Willey and Charles R. McGimsey, with an appendix on Archaeological Marine Shells by Robert E. Greengo. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University,XLIX, No. 2.) Cambrid


TREASURE IN THE DUST : ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE NEW WORLD. By Frank C. Hibben. Cleaver-Hume Press, 1953. VII, 280 pages, 16 plates. Price, £1 5s

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1954

The 1962 Congress of Americanists


The Archaeology of Cape Denbigh by J. L. Giddings. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1964. 346 pp., 77 pls., 60 figs., 16 tables. $12.50

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in December 1965

The Archaeology of Easter Island. Reports of the Norwegian Archaeological Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific. Vol. I. Contributions by Thor Heyerdahl, Edwin N. Ferdon Jr, (Editors), William Mulloy, Arne Skjölsvold, and Carlyle S. Smith

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in March 1963

The Beginning and Growth of Agriculture in Mexico

The Craft and Design of Monumental Brasses. By Henry Trivick. 12½ × 10. Pp. 152 + 272 illus. London: John Baker, and New York: Humanities Press Inc., 1969. £10. 10s. (£10.50).

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published September 1970 in Antiquaries Journal

The First Americans

scientific article published in Nature

The First International Conference for the Study of Precolumbian Civilization in the Caribbean

The Jambeli Culture of South Coastal Ecuador. Emilio Estrada, Betty J. Meggers, and Clifford Evans. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Vol. 115, pp. 483-558. 1964. 42 figs., 12 pis., 4 tables. No price given


The Mexican National Museum of Anthropology. By Ignacio Bernal. 8½ × 6. Pp. 216 + 171 pls. (26 in colour). London: Thames & Hudson, 1968. 35s

The Navaho

scientific article published in Nature

The North Mexican Frontier. Readings in Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Ethnography. Edited by Basil C. Hedrick, J. Charles Kelley, and Carroll L. Riley. 9 × 6. Pp. xvi + 255 + 2 maps. London and Amsterdam: Feffer & Simons (for Southern Illinois Unive

The Paracas Pottery of Ica: A Study of Style and Time by Dorothy Menzel, John H. Rowe, and Lawrence D. Eawson. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 50, 1964. 396 pp., 15 pls., 64

scholarly article by Geoffrey Bushnell published in June 1965

The Rock Paintings of the Chumash. By Grant Campbell. Pp. xviii + 163, 120 figs., 32 coloured pls. University of California Press, 1965. Price 80s

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published December 1966 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

The Sculptures of El Tajín, Veracruz, Mexico. By Michael Edwin Kampen. 10¼ × 7. Pp. x + 195 + 39 figs. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1972. $12·50.

The Victoria County History of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. Edited by L. F. Salzman, M.A., F.S.A. Vol. 11. 12 + 8½. Pp. xiii+419. Published for the University of London Institute of Historical Research, by the Oxford University Press, 1948. 63s

They Found the Buried Cities. Exploration and Excavation in the American Tropics. By Wauchope Robert. Pp. viii + 382. 106 illustrations. University of Chicago Press, London, 1965. Price 56s

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published December 1966 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

Thor Heyerdahl and Edwin N. Ferdon, Jr. (eds.): Report of the Norwegian Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific: Vol. 2: Miscellaneous Papers. Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.; London: Allen & Unwin. Monographs of the School of American Research

Totem Poles and Blood Groups

Travels in South America

scientific article published in Nature

Treasure in the Dust. Archaeology in the New World. By Frank C. Hibben, Ph.D. 8½ × 5½. Pp. vii + 280. London: Cleaver-Hume Press, 1953. 25s

Treasures of Ancient America. By S. K. Lothrop. 12½ × 10½. Pp. xiv + 229 + 85 coloured pls. + 60 pls. and drawings. Geneva: Skira for Nelson, 1964. £9. 9s

article by Geoffrey Bushnell published September 1965 in Antiquaries Journal

Tropical Forest Archæeology

scientific article published in Nature

Urban Planning in Pre-Columbian America. By Jorge Hardoy. 9½ × 6½. Pp. 128 + 66 illustrations. London: Studio Vista. 42s

Warwick Bray: Everyday Life of the Aztecs. London: B. T. Batsford, 1968. 208 pp., 97 illustrations. 25s

[Book Review]

scientific article published in Nature

[Book Reviews]

[Book Reviews]

von Wuthenau Alexander: Pre-Columbian terracottas. London: Methuen, Art of the World, 1970. 203 pp., 77 pls., 29 figs. £3.15