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List of works by George Ade

A Couple of Side-Order Fables

1915 silent short film

At the End of a Perfect Day

1915 film by George Ade

Back Home and Broke

1922 American comedy silent film directed by Alfred Edward Green

Betty's Dream Hero

1915 film by Robert Zigler Leonard

Fables in Slang

book by George Ade

Freshman Love

1936 film by William C. McGann

Getting By

1916 film by John S. Robertson

Marse Covington

1915 film by Edwin Carewe

Old Home Week

1925 silent film directed by Victor Heerman

Our Leading Citizen

1922 film by Alfred E. Green

The College Widow

play by George Ade

The Confidence Man

1924 silent film directed by Victor Heerman

The County Chairman

1935 film by John G. Blystone

The County Chairman

1903 comedy play by George Ade

The Fable Proving That Spongers Are Found in a Drugstore

1914 silent short film

The Fable of Aggie and the Aggravated Attacks

1914 silent short film

The Fable of Higher Education That Was Too High for the Old Man

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of How Uncle Brewster Was Too Shifty for the Tempter

1914 silent short film

The Fable of Lutie, the False Alarm

1914 silent short film

The Fable of Napoleon and the Bumps

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of One Samaritan Who Got Paralysis of the Helping Hand

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the 'Good Fairy'

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Adult Girl Who Got Busy

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Author and the Dear Public and the Plate of Mush

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Bachelor and the Back-Pedal

1915 silent short film

The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of the Busy Business Boy and the Droppers-In

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of the Busy Man and the Idle Woman

1915 silent short film

The Fable of the Club Girls and the Four Times Veteran

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Coming Champion Who Was Delayed

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of the Difference Between Learning and Learning How

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Family That Did Too Much for Nellie

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Honeymoon That Tried to Come Back

1914 silent film directed by Richard Foster Baker

The Fable of the Husband Who Showed Up and Did His Duty

1914 film by George Ade

The Fable of the Long Range Lover and the Lallypalooze

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Manoeuvres of Joel and Father's Second Time on Earth

1914 film by E. Mason Hopper

The Fable of the People's Choice Who Answered the Call of Duty and Took Seltzer

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Regular Beanery and the Preachy Newcomer

1914 silent short film

The Fable of the Two Mandolin Players and the Willing Performer

1914 silent short film

The Prevailing Craze

1914 silent short film

The Sho-Gun

1904 musical by George Ade and Gustav Luders

The Sultan of Sulu

musical by George Ade

Three Boiled Down Fables

1914 film by George Ade

Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non-Serious Kind

1914 film by George Ade

Two Pop-Up Fables

1914 silent short film


1923 film by Alfred E. Green