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List of works by Nicolas Coldstream

(F.) Canciani Bronzi orientali e orientalizzanti a Creta nell'VIII e VII sec. a C. (Studia archaeologica, 12.) Rome: ‘L'Erma’ di Bretschneider. 1970. Pp. 205. 12 plates. Lire 15,000

(G.) Kopcke and (I.) Tokumaru Ed. Greece between East and West: 10th-8th centuries BC. (Papers of the Meeting of the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, March 15th-16th, 1990.) Mainz: von Zabern, 1992. Pp. xviii + 185 + illus. DM98

(J.) Boardman The Cretan Collection in Oxford: the Dictaean Cave and Iron Age Crete. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1961. Pp. xi + 180. 1 map. 48 plates. 57 text figures. £5 5s. 0d

(J.) Schäfer Studien zu der griechischen Reliefpithoi des 8–6 Jahrhunderts v. Chr. aus Kreta, Rhodos, Tenos und Boiotien: Verlag Michael Lassleben Kallmünz. 1957. Pp. 130. 11 plates of photographs, 4 of drawings. Price not stated

(K. F.) Johansen Exochi: ein frührhodisches Gräberfeld. [Repr. from Acta archaeologica (Copenhagen), 28.] Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard. 1958. Pp. v + 195. 233 text figures. Dan. Kr. 60

(M.) Yon Ed. Kinyras: l'archéologie française à Chypre. Lyons (Maison de l'Orient) and Paris (de Boccard), 1993. Pp. 254 + illus. PNS

(P.) Courbin La céramique géométrique de l'Argolide. (Bibl. des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 208.) 2 vols. Paris: E. de Boccard. 1966. Pp. v + 595, viii. 1 map. 1 plan. 152 plates. Price not stated

(P.) Demargne Aegean art: the origins of Greek art. Trans. S. Gilbert and J. Emmons. (The arts of mankind, 6.) London: Thames and Hudson. 1964. Pp. ix + 447. 539 illus. (incl. 124 in colour and 37 maps and plans). 2 chronological tables. £8 8s

(V.) Karageorghis and (J.) Des Gagniers La céramique chypriote de style figuré. Âge du Fer (1050–500 av. J.-C.). Text, plates, and supplement. 3 vols. (Biblioteca di antichità cipriote, 2, 5.) Rome: Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, Istituto

A Companion to Homer. Edited by A. J. B. Wace and F. H. Stubbings. 9½ × 6¼. Pp. xxix + 595 + 69 figs, in the text + 40 pls. London: Macmillan, 1962. £4. 4s

A Geometric well at Knossos

A Late Minoan Tomb at Ayios Ioannis near Knossos

Alaas. A Protogeometric necropolis in Cyprus. By V. Karageorghis. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 1975. Pp. x + 79, col. frontis., 85 plates, 9 text figs, (including 2 maps). £C8·00

scholarly article by J. N. Coldstream published November 1977 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Asine. 2. Results of the excavations east of the acropolis 1970–1974. Fasc. 4. The Protogeometric Period. Part 2. An analysis of the settlement. Part 3. Catalogue of pottery and other artefacts. By B. Wells. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet

article by J. N. Coldstream published November 1985 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Athens. The Athenian agora: results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens., Vol. viii. Late geometric and protoattic pottery, mid 8th to late 7th century B.C. By E. T. H. Brann. Princeton, N.J.: American Schoo

article by J. N. Coldstream published November 1964 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Austria. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. 4. Bronzezeitliche Keramik aus Zypern. Ed. A. Bernhard-Walcher. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1984. Pp. 72, 50 pl. öS 700/DM 100.Pierides Foundat

scholarly article by J. N. Coldstream published November 1987 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. France. Fasc. 25. Musée du Louvre, 16. By A. Kauffmann-Samaras. Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. 1972. Pp. 32. 55 plates. Text fig. Price not stated


Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 27: Heidelberg, Universität, Band 3. Bearb. von F. Canciani. Munich: C. H. Beck. 1966. Pp. 112. Plates 90–137. 40 text figures. DM 45.–


encyclopedia article

Dark Age (i)

encyclopedia article

Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages. By P. A. L. Greenhalgh. 9 × 6. Pp. xvi + 212 + 78 figs. Cambridge University Press, 1973. £5·80

Euboean Geometric imports from the acropolis of Pithekoussai

Evans's Greek finds: the early Greek town of Knossos, and its encroachment on the borders of the Minoan palace

Excavations at Tocra 1963–1963. The Archaic Deposits II and Later Deposits. By J. Boardman and J. Hayes. 10 × 7½. Pp. x + 126 + 54 pls. + 55 text figs. British School at Athens, Supplementary Volume no. 10 (1973). £12·00

article by J. N. Coldstream published September 1977 in Antiquaries Journal

Excavations at Tocra, 1963–1965: The Archaic Deposits, I. By J. Boardman and J. Hayes. 10 × 7¼. Pp. v + 170 + 105 pls. + 80 figs. London: Thames & Hudson for the British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1966. £5.5s

Excavations in Chios, 1952–1955: Greek Emporio. By John Boardman. 10 × 7¼. Pp. xiv + 258 + 98 pls. + 165 figs. London: Thames & Hudson for the British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1967. £6.6s.

Five tombs at Knossos

Greece, ancient

encyclopedia article

Imports and Immigrants: Near Eastern Contacts with Iron Age Crete. By Gail Hoffman

scientific article

Keos. Vol. III. Ayia Irini: House A. By W. Willson Cummer and Elizabeth Schofield. 30.5 × 22.5 cm. Pp. xix + 172+ 88 pls. Vol. IV. Ayia Irini: the Potters' Marks. By Aliki Halepa Bikaki. 30.5 × 22.5 cm. Pp. xv + 64 + 28 pls. Mainz: Philipp von Zabe

Kition. Excavations at Kition. 1. The tombs. By V. Karageorghis. 2 vols. Text and plates. Nicosia: Dept. of Antiquites. 1974. Pp. ix + 178, 1 colour plate, figs., [182] pl. (3 in colour). No price stated.(V.) Karageorghis. Kition: Mycenaean and Phoen

article by J. N. Coldstream published November 1977 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Knossos 1951–61: Classical and Hellenistic pottery from the town

Knossos 1951–61: Orientalizing and Archaic Pottery from the Town

article published in 1973

Knossos 1951–61: Protogeometric and Geometric Pottery from the Town

Knossos: Early Greek occupation under the Roman Villa Dionysos

Knossos: Two Deposits of orientalizing Pottery

Knossos: an Early Greek Tomb on Lower Gypsadhes Hill

Knossos: area of South-west Houses, early Hellenic occupation

Knossos: the Archaic gap

Knossos: ‘Geometric’ tombs excavated by D. G. Hogarth, 1900


encyclopedia article

L'Alba della Magna Grecia. By David Ridgway. 20·5 × 13·5 cm. Pp. 200, 38 figs. + 14 pis. Milan: Longanesi, 1984. Lire 20,000

Salamis 4: Excavations in the Necropolis of Salamis II. By Vassos Karageorghis. 11½ × 9½ Pp. x + 352 + 261 pls. + 93 figs. (pls. and figs, in separate vols.). Cyprus: Department of Antiquities, 1970. Price not stated

scholarly article by J. N. Coldstream published September 1973 in Antiquaries Journal

Samos. Band 5. (H.) Walter Frühe samische Gefässe: Chronologie and Landschaftsstile ostgriechischer Gefässe. Bonn: R. Habelt. 1968. Pp. 128. 131 plates. 51 text figures. DM 140.-

Snodgrass (A. M.) The dark age of Greece: an archaeological survey of the eleventh to the eighth centuries B.C. Edinburgh: The University Press. 1971. Pp.xxiv + 456. 2 colour plates. 138 text figs. £8·00

scholarly article by J. N. Coldstream published in November 1975

Temples and Sanctuaries of Ancient Greece: a Companion Guide. Edited by Evi Melas. 8½ × 6. Pp. 216 + 177 illustrations, 29 in colour. London: Thames & Hudson, 1973. £3·50

The BSA's Geometric collection: Kynosarges et alia

Vase painters

encyclopedia article

Vassos Karageorghis: Cyprus from the Stone Age to the Romans. (Ancient Peoples and Places Series, Vol. 101.) London: Thames & Hudson, 1982. 208 pp., 137 illustrations. £12.95

scholarly article by J. N. Coldstream published July 1983 in Antiquity

Xanthos. Fouilles de Xanthos. I. Les piliers funéraires, par P. Demargne. [Institut Francais d‘Archéologie d‘Istanbul.] Paris: C. Klincksieck. 1958. Pp. 132. 59 plates. 5 text figures. 27 plans

Xanthos. Fouilles de Xanthos. Tome 2. L'acropole lycienne, par H. Metzger. Paris: C. Klincksieck. 1963. Pp. viii + 110. 56 plates. 35 figures. Fr. 60

Yale Classical Studies. Ed. H. M. Hubbell and W. S. Anderson. Vol. xvi. (Davison (J. M.) Attic Geometric Workshops.) New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1961. Pp. xi + 161. 144 figures. £3