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List of works by Florian Bieber

2.1 The challenges of democratisation and human rights in the Balkans

After Dayton, Dayton? The evolution of an unpopular peace

Approaches to political violence and terrorism in former Yugoslavia 1

Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1990

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Developments towards a More Integrated State?

Bosnia‐Herzegovina and Lebanon: Historical lessons of two multireligious states

Bosnia‐Herzegovina: Slow Progress towards a Functional State

Building Impossible States? State-Building Strategies and EU Membership in the Western Balkans

CHAPTER 13. The Balkans: The Promotion of Power Sharing by Outsiders

Constrained Democracy: The Consolidation of Democracy in Yugoslav Successor States

article by Florian Bieber & Irena Ristić published 1 January 2012 in Southeastern Europe. L'Europe du Sud-Est

Das politische System Montenegros

Do Historians Need a Verdict?

Editorial – Celebrating 40 Years

From Dayton to Brussels: The Impact of EU and NATO Conditionality on State Building in Bosnia & Hercegovina

From Nationalities to Diversity: How to KeepNationalities PapersRelevant

Frontiers and Ghettos: State Violence in Serbia and Israel. By James Ron. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. xxiv, 262 pp. Notes. Index. Maps. $49.95, hard bound, $19.95, paper


Geschichte Serbiens. 19.-21. Jahrhundert

Ingrao, C. and T. A. Emmert (eds), Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies: A Scholar's Initiative (West Lafayette, Indiana: 2009: Purdue Press). A Comment

Institutionalizing Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia: Domestic vs. Internationally Driven Processes of Institutional (Re‐)Design1

Interview with Ambassador Albert Rohan, Deputy Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Future Status Talks for Kosovo [Canterbury, 19.10.2007]

scholarly article by Florian Bieber published 1 July 2009 in Southeastern Europe. L'Europe du Sud-Est



Introduction: Elections in divided societies

Is change coming to Bosnia? Reflections on protests and their prospects



article by Florian Bieber published 1 January 2007 in Southeastern Europe. L'Europe du Sud-Est

La communautarisation du politique en Bosnie-Herzégovine

Letter to readers

Local institutional engineering: A tale of two cities, Mostar and Brčko

Message from the Editors

Muslim Identity in the Balkans before the Establishment of Nation States

Nationalist Mobilization and Stories of Serb Suffering: The Kosovo myth from 600th anniversary to the present

Neighbors at War: Anthropological Perspectives on Yugoslav Ethnicity, Culture, and History


Peace at Any Price: How the World Failed Kosovo

Post-War Bosnia

Power-Sharing Revisited: Lessons Learned in the Balkans?

Power-sharing and International Intervention: Overcoming the Post-conflict Legacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Recent Trends in Complex Power-Sharing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Serbia: Minorities in a Reluctant State

Situational Nationalism: Nation-building in the Balkans, Subversive Institutions and the Montenegrin Paradox

The Challenge of Institutionalizing Ethnicity in the Western Balkans: Managing Change in Deeply Divided Societies**

The Show and the Trial

Undermining democratic transition: the case of the 1990 founding elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

‘Federalizing the federation’