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List of works by Mark A. Yarhouse

A Critique of Materialist Assumptions in Interpretations of Research on Homosexuality

scholarly article

A longitudinal study of attempted religiously mediated sexual orientation change

scientific article published in January 2011

Celibate Gay Christians: Sexual Identity and Religious Beliefs and Practices

scientific article

Ethical issues in attempts to ban reorientation therapies


Facilitating congruence between religious beliefs and sexual identity with mindfulness

scientific article published on December 1, 2010

Forgiveness-reconciliation and communication-conflict-resolution interventions versus retested controls in early married couples.

scientific article

Homosexuality, ethics and identity synthesis

scientific article

Intact Marriages in Which One Partner Dis-identifies with Experiences of Same-Sex Attraction

Intact Marriages in Which One Partner Experiences Same-Sex Attraction: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study

2009 scholarly article

Narrative Sexual Identity Therapy

article published in 2008

Psychopathology through the Eyes of Faith: Integrative Reflections for the Classroom and Beyond

2014 scholarly article

Relationship factors and quality among mixed-orientation couples

scientific article

Same-sex attraction, homosexual orientation, and gay identity: a three-tier distinction for counseling and pastoral care

scientific article

Science and the Ecclesiastical Homosexuality Debates

scholarly article

Social cognition research on the formation and maintenance of stereotypes: Application to marriage and family therapists working with homosexual clients

When clients seek treatment for same-sex attraction: Ethical issues in the "right to choose" debate


When families present with concerns about an adolescent's experience of same-sex attraction

Working with Families Affected by HIV/AIDS


Jak se vyznat v sexuální identitě: průvodce pro práci s mládeží

book edition published in 2023