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List of works by Petrarch


Neo-Latin epic poem

Amor se voi ch'io torni al gioco antico

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Ascent of Mont Ventoux

letter of Petrarch about his ascent of mount Ventoux in 1336

Bucolicum carmen

latin poem by Petrarch


literary work by Francesco Petrarca

Canzoniere/Poem I

1347 sonnet by Petrarch

Che deggio far? Che mi consigli, Amore?

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Chiare, fresche e dolci acque

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Chiare, fresche e dolci acque

1910 Italian edition of the canzone of Francesco Petrarca

Chiare, fresche et dolci acque

Canzone nr. 126 from Petrarch's Canzoniere

Chiare, fresche et dolci acque

1964 Italian edition of the canzone of Francesco Petrarca (Contini publisher)

Chiare, fresche, e dolci acque

1739 Italian edition of the canzone of Francesco Petrarca (Bortoli publisher)

De otio religioso

work by Petrarch

De remediis utriusque fortunae

work by Petrarch

De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia

work by Petrarch

De viris illustribus

collection of biographies by Francesco Petrarca

De vita solitaria

work by Petrarch

Di pensier in pensier di mont'in monte

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

Epistolae familiares

book by Francesco Petrarca

Epistolae metricae

work by Petrarch

Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi

sonnet nr. 90 from Petrarch's Canzoniere

Historia Griseldis

work by Petrarch

Histories d'altre temps

Il Canzoniere

poetry anthology

Invectiva contra eum qui maledixit Italiam

work by Petrarch

Invectiva contra quendam magni status

work by Petrarch

Invectivarum contra medicum quendam libri IV

work by Petrarch

Italia mia, benché 'l parlar sia indarno

canzone nr. 128 from Petrarch's Canzoniere

Itinerarium ad sepulchrum domini nostri Yhesu Christi

work by Petrarch

Les Triomphes sur la vie et la mort de Madame Laure

19th-century French translation of Petrarch's Trionfi

Les triumphes de Petrarche

15th-century French translation of Petrarch's Trionfi

Liber sine nomine

work by Petrarch

Mai non vo' più cantar come io solea

musical composition for four voices by Philippe Verdelot with text by Petrarch

Marmo fui che percosso

musical composition for voice and continuo with text by Petrarch

Nella stagion che'l ciel rapido inclina

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Non pò far Morte il dolce vis'amaro

musical composition for four voices by Philippe Verdelot with text by Petrarch

Nov'Angioletta sovra l'ale accorta

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

Né per sereno ciel ir vaghe stelle

sonnet by Petrarch

O passi sparsi o pensier vaghi e pronti

musical composition for four voices by Costanzo Festa with text by Petrarch

Or vedi, Amore, che giovinetta donna

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

Passer mai solitari'in alcun tetto

musical composition for four voices by Philippe Verdelot with text by Petrarch

Perché la vita è breve

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

Rerum memorandarum libri

work by Petrarch

Rime di Francesco Petrarca


Rime di Francesco Petrarca

Le Monnier 1854


trilogy of dialogues in Latin written by Petrarch sometime from 1347 to 1353, in which he examines his faith with the help of Saint Augustine


Sonnet 109

poem from Petrarch's Canzoniere

Sonnet 189

Sì è debile il filo a cui se attene

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Tanta pietà, cor mio, talor m'assale

musical composition for four voices by Bernardo Pisano with text by Petrarch

Template for Italian composition

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

Three Unknown Poets

a chapter re-telling the tale of Griselda


cycle of allegorical poems by Petrarch

Vergine bella

musical composition for voice and continuo with text by Petrarch

Vergine bella che di sol vestita

musical composition for four voices with text by Petrarch

lte caldi sospiri al freddo core

musical composition for five voices by Philippe Verdelot with text by Petrarch