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List of works by Robert E. Dickinson

A 3D Canopy Radiative Transfer Model for Global Climate Modeling: Description, Validation, and Application

scientific article published in 2014

A Negative Soil Moisture–Precipitation Relationship and Its Causes


A method to determine the amount of cloud-top radiative and evaporative cooling in a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer

scholarly article by QINGQIU SHAO et al published 15 October 1997 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

A multiyear hourly sea surface skin temperature data set derived from the TOGA TAO bulk temperature and wind speed over the tropical Pacific


A numerical issue in calculating the coupled carbon and water fluxes in a climate model


A review of global terrestrial evapotranspiration: Observation, modeling, climatology, and climatic variability


Adjustment of GCM Precipitation Intensity over the United States


Asymmetric response of maximum and minimum temperatures to soil emissivity change over the Northern African Sahel in a GCM


Asymmetrical effects of mesophyll conductance on fundamental photosynthetic parameters and their relationships estimated from leaf gas exchange measurements

scientific article published on 8 November 2013

Canopy spectral invariants for remote sensing and model applications


Charney Report

scientific report about global warming

Clear sky visibility has decreased over land globally from 1973 to 2007.

scientific article published in March 2009

Climate variability in a simple model of warm climate land-atmosphere interaction

scholarly article

Climatic Impact of Amazon Deforestation—A Mechanistic Model Study


Comparison of Precipitation Observed over the Continental United States to That Simulated by a Climate Model


Comparison of albedos computed by land surface models and evaluation against remotely sensed data


Contribution of solar radiation to decadal temperature variability over land

scientific article

Correction to “Seasonal changes in leaf area of Amazon forests from leaf flushing and abscission”

scholarly article

Coupling Diffuse Sky Radiation and Surface Albedo

scientific article published in July 2005

Coupling of the Common Land Model to the NCAR Community Climate Model


Critical assessment of surface incident solar radiation observations collected by SURFRAD, USCRN and AmeriFlux networks from 1995 to 2011


Derivation and Evaluation of Global 1-km Fractional Vegetation Cover Data for Land Modeling


Description of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) for the Soil Moisture Workshop and evaluation of its performance


Detection and attribution of anthropogenic forcing to diurnal temperature range changes from 1950 to 1999: comparing multi-model simulations with observations


Determination of the multi-scattered solar radiation from a leaf canopy for use in climate models

scientific article published in 2008

Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends


Drought onset mechanisms revealed by satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Insights from two contrasting extreme events

scholarly article

Earth Observing System snow and ice products for observation and modeling


Effect of Surface Sublayer on Surface Skin Temperature and Fluxes


Effects of Frozen Soil on Soil Temperature, Spring Infiltration, and Runoff: Results from the PILPS 2(d) Experiment at Valdai, Russia


Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies

scholarly article published in Nature Climate Change

Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies

scientific article published on 20 December 2013

Evaluation of CLM4 Solar Radiation Partitioning Scheme Using Remote Sensing and Site Level FPAR Datasets


Evaluation of the Utility of Satellite-Based Vegetation Leaf Area Index Data for Climate Simulations


Evapotranspiration models with canopy resistance for use in climate models, a review

scientific article published in 1991

Evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate in China

scholarly article

Evidence for decadal variation in global terrestrial evapotranspiration between 1982 and 2002: 1. Model development


Evidence for decadal variation in global terrestrial evapotranspiration between 1982 and 2002: 2. Results


Forest greenness after the massive 2008 Chinese ice storm: integrated effects of natural processes and human intervention


Future precipitation changes and their implications for tropical peatlands


Global Atmospheric Evaporative Demand over Land from 1973 to 2008


Global atmospheric downward longwave radiation at the surface from ground-based observations, satellite retrievals, and reanalyses


How Do Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures Influence the Seasonal Distribution of Precipitation in the Equatorial Amazon?

scholarly article

How does snow impact the albedo of vegetated land surfaces as analyzed with MODIS data?


How does the partitioning of evapotranspiration and runoff between different processes affect the variability and predictability of soil moisture and precipitation?

How well can CMIP5 simulate precipitation and its controlling processes over tropical South America?


Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface


Impact of diurnally-varying skin temperature on surface fluxes over the tropical Pacific


Impact of mesophyll diffusion on estimated global land CO2 fertilization

scientific article

Impact of vegetation removal and soil aridation on diurnal temperature range in a semiarid region: application to the Sahel

scholarly article

Impacts of land use change on climate


Increased dry-season length over southern Amazonia in recent decades and its implication for future climate projection.

scientific article

Influence of Superparameterization and a Higher-Order Turbulence Closure on Rainfall Bias Over Amazonia in Community Atmosphere Model Version 5


Interannual Variation of the Surface Temperature of Tropical Forests from Satellite Observations

Interannual covariability in Northern Hemisphere air temperatures and greenness associated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation


Intercomparison of Bulk Aerodynamic Algorithms for the Computation of Sea Surface Fluxes Using TOGA COARE and TAO Data


Intermediately complex models for the hydrological interactions in the atmosphere-vegetation-soil system

Large seasonal swings in leaf area of Amazon rainforests

scientific article

Measurement Methods Affect the Observed Global Dimming and Brightening


Modeling hydraulic redistribution and ecosystem response to droughts over the Amazon basin using Community Land Model 4.0 (CLM4)

scholarly article

Modeling the mudslide aftermath of the 2007 Southern California Wildfires

scientific article published in 2010

Modelling tree stem‐water dynamics over an Amazonian rainforest

Multiple equilibrium states and the abrupt transitions in a dynamical system of soil water interacting with vegetation


Nitrogen Controls on Climate Model Evapotranspiration

Observational evidence on the effects of clouds and aerosols on net ecosystem exchange and evapotranspiration


Predictability of tropical vegetation greenness using sea surface temperatures

scientific article published on 29 April 2019

Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States

scientific article

Rainfall and its seasonality over the Amazon in the 21st century as assessed by the coupled models for the IPCC AR4

scientific article published in 2006

Reexamination and further development of two-stream canopy radiative transfer models for global land modeling


Seasonal changes in leaf area of Amazon forests from leaf flushing and abscission

scholarly article

Sensitivity of simulated terrestrial carbon assimilation and canopy transpiration to different stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation schemes

scientific article published in 2010

Short circuit of water vapor and polluted air to the global stratosphere by convective transport over the Tibetan Plateau

scientific article (publication date: 11 April 2006)

Spatiotemporal patterns of changes in maximum and minimum temperatures in multi-model simulations


Spring soil moisture-precipitation feedback in the Southern Great Plains: How is it related to large-scale atmospheric conditions?


The Common Land Model


The Community Climate System Model


The Community Land Model and Its Climate Statistics as a Component of the Community Climate System Model


The Land Surface Climatology of the Community Land Model Coupled to the NCAR Community Climate Model*


The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase 2(c) Red–Arkansas River basin experiment:


The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) phase 2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin experiment:


The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) phase 2(c) Red–Arkansas River basin experiment:


The role of root distribution for climate simulation over land


The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies

scientific article

Time Scales of Land Surface Hydrology


Treatment of Undercanopy Turbulence in Land Models
