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List of works by Philip Galle

Abraham's Sacrifice

1560 print by Frans Floris I, S.I 1451, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2880, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1714, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2907, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1742, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Ahasuerus Commissions to Destroy The Jewish People

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55691, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Ahasuerus Consulting Haman

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55695, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Ahasuerus Consulting The Book of Chronicles

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55694, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Air [Juno]

1564 print by Philip Galle, S.I 15684, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2908, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1743, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

And They were All Filled with the Holy Ghost

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54306)

Anne the prophetess

1595-1599, print, engraving process

Apollo [Sun]

1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1464, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Apollo and Artemis Killing Niobe's Children

1557 print by Giulio Romano, S.IV 2957, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Apollo and Artemis kill Niobe's children

1557, print, engraving process


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2906, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1741, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 15431, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Babylonis Muri (The Walls of Babylon)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156113)

Bacchanal of Children

s.d print by Philip Galle, S.II 7261, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1467, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37884, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Beheading of Saint James

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54322)

Boaz And The Elders

print by Adriaen de Weerdt, S.V 95731, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Burrying The Dead

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54341, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Christ And The Samaritan Woman At The Well

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52774, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ And The Woman Taken in Adultery

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52749, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ And The Woman Taken in Adultery

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52750, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ And The Woman With Menorrhagia

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52745, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ And The Woman of Cana

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, NHD 162- S.I 52748, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ And The Woman of Cana

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, NHD 162- S.I 52747, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ Healing A Crippled Woman

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52752, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ Healing A Crippled Woman

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52751, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ In The House of Simon

print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 52746, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Christ and His Disciples on the Way to Emmaus

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 57874)

Christ and Women from the Gospels

series of prints by Philip Galle and Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort

Christ as The Light of The World

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 54319, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Clothing The Naked

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54338, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Coastal landscape

1585, print, engraving process


1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37889, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2879, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1713, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37888, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2882, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1708, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Cornelius Kneeling Before St Peter

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55773, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Cornelius Worshipping Saint Peter

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54321)

Correcting The Sinners

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54335, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Cosimo I Enters the College of Cardinals

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54394, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2894, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1728, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, R-2009-25195, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.V 89250, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Design for a tazza with Arion on a dolphin

1580-1618, print, engraving process

Devout Men Carrying Saint Stephen to His Burial

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54311)

Dianae Ephesiae Templum (The Temple of Diana at Ephesus)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156112)

Diffidentia Dei

print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2904, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Diffidentia Dei

print by Philip Galle, S.I 1738, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2887, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1721, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2903, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1737, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Earth [Cybele]

1564 print by Philip Galle, S.I 15683, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2875, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1705, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Elisha Receiving Elijah's Mantle

1571 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 54367, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Equestrian Harnesses

1590-1620, print, engraving process

Esther Accusing Haman at The Banquet

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55696, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Esther Before Ahasuerus, Inviting Him for a Banquet

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55693, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Esther Crowned by Ahasuerus

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55689, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Esther Crowned by Ahasuerus

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.II 88472, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Esther's Servants Telling Her of Mordecai's Refusal of The Raiment

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55692, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37887, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2905, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1740, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2883, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1709, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Famous Roman Women

series of prints by Philip Galle, Theodoor Galle and Stradanus

Father and son carrying the donkey

1570-1612, print, engraving process

Father and son sitting on the donkey

1570-1612, print, engraving process

Father and son walking next to the donkey

1570-1612, print, engraving process

Father seated on the donkey

1570-1612, print, engraving process

Feeding The Hungry

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54337, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89260, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89262, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89264, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89261, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89263, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Female, Turned to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89265, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Fighting Gladiators

1562 print by Luca Penni, S.V 89181, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Fire [Zeus]

1564 print by Philip Galle, S.I 15686, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2892, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1726, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Fortuna, Labor, Diligantia, Parsimonia, Fraus (Honest and Dishonest Ways of Becoming Rich)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156108)


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2902, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1736, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Freeing The Prisoners

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54339, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Gaius Mucius Scaevola Placing his Right Hand on a Burning Altar

s.d print by Frans Floris I, S.I 1454, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Gemma Frisius

1604 print by Jan van Stalburch, S.III 55119, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Giovanni De Medici Surrounded at Rome

1578 print by Stradanus, S.I 54377, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Gratia Dei

print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2874, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Gratia Dei

print by Philip Galle, S.I 1704, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.V 89266, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2885, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1719, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Honor, Splendor, Parasiti, Fama (The Deceptive Effects of Wealth)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156110)


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Housing The Strangers

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54340, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Idler's Punishment

series of prints by Philip Galle

Illustrium Galliae Belgicae Scriptorum Icones et Elogi

series of prints by Philip Galle and Jan van Stalburch

Imagines L. Doctorum Virorum, Qui Bene De Studiis Literarum Meruere

series of prints by Philip Galle


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2909, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1739, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

In Confinement (after the painting by Marten de Vos)

print by Philip Galle


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2895, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1729, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Isaiah's Prophesy over Jerusalem

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 54368, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jael Slaying Sisera

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52809, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jehu Adoring The Golden Calves

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52834, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jehu Destroying The Temple and Statue of Baal

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52835, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Receiving Gifts

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55714, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Receiving The ill- News of His Misfortunes

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55706, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Receiving The ill- News of His Misfortunes

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55705, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55700, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55701, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55702, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Job Sitting on The Dunghill

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55711, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jonah Cast on Shore by The Fish

1566 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55699, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jonah Complaining Under the Gourd

1566 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.II 136361, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jonah Complaining Under the Gourd

1565 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55730, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Jonah Fleeing The Presence of The Lord

1566 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55698, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Josiah Celebrating Passover

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156105)

Josiah Celebrating Passover

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55728, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Judith Slaying Holofernes

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52807, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1463, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

King Josiah Restores the Law of The Lord

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2886, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1720, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Labor and Diligence Enjoying their Simple Meal

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54297)

Last Sacrament

1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37886, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2888, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1722, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Lot And His Daughters

ca.1571 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 54323, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Lot And His Daughters

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52810, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Lot And The Two Angels

ca.1571 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 54325, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Lot Making Love to His Daughter

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, Royal Library of Belgium

Lot and His Family Leaving the Burning Sodom

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52821, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2889, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1723, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male Hairdo

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89259, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Reading

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89258, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Tunred to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89256, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Tunred to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89257, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89252, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89254, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Turned to Left

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89255, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Turned to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89251, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Male, Turned to Right

print by Philip Galle, S.V 89253, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man Always Fights

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52762, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man Meets Dangers and Diseases

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52759, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man has to Learn Everything

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52758, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man is Born Naked

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52757, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man is Endangered by Poverty, Imprisonment and Death

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52761, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Man is Pestered by Sins

1563 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52760, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Many are Baptized

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54304)


1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1463, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1576 print by Hans Bol, S.I 37890, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Mausolaeum (The Tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156117)


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2898, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1732, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1466, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2876, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1706, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Misery of Human Life

series of prints by Philip Galle

Mordecai Overhearing the Treason of Bigthan and Teresh

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55690, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Münster Sebastian

1587 print by Philip Galle, S.III 55113, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2867, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1701, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Nebuchadnezzar Seeing The Three Jews Unhurt in the Flames

1565 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55734, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2896, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1730, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Noah's Sacrifice

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52819, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


series of prints by Philip Galle


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2877, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1711, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Olympy Iovis Simulacrum (The Statue of Jupiter at Olympia)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156114)


1576 print by Hans Bol, S. I 37885, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Orpha Leaving Ruth and Naomi

print by Adriaen de Weerdt, S.V 95728, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2872, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1718, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2897, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1731, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2878, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1712, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2899, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1733, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54302)


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2900, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1734, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Periculum, Pauor, Latrocinium, Regina Pecunia, Stultitia, Invidia (Dangers and Vices Accompanying Welath)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156111)

Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55760, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55795, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55827, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Pharos (The Lighthouse at Alexandria)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156115)


s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 54330, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2870, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1716, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Piramides Aegypti (The Pyramids of Egypt)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156116)


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2871, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1717, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Portrait of Gemma Frisius

engraving by Philips Galle in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Portrait of Jacobus Latomus

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of Jan Lievens

1604-1608, print, engraving process

Portrait of Johannes Stradanus, Flemish artist

1585-1586, print, engraving process

Portrait of a man

1590-1600, print, engraving process, 2014.GRO0019.396.III

Portrait of a man

1590-1600, print, engraving process, 2014.GRO0019.397.III

Portrait of a man

1590-1600, print, engraving process, 2014.GRO0019.395.III

Portrait of a woman

1590-1600, print, engraving process, 2014.GRO0019.393.III

Portrait of a woman

1590-1600, print, engraving process, 2014.GRO0019.394.III

Portrait of artist Jan Lievens

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of bishop Franciscus Sonnius

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of historian Edmund van Dinter

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of humanist Cornelius Valerius

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of humanist and physician Gilbert Fusch

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of humanist and theologian Cornelius Valerius

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of humanist, philologist and poet Georgius Macropedius

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of humanistOgier Ghislain de Busbecq

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of jurist Balthasar Ayala

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of jurist Nicolaes Everaerts

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of philologist Willem Canter

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of philologist and theologian Willem van der Linden

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of philosopher Augustinus Hunaeus

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of philosopher Johannes Beverus

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of physician Cornelius Gemma

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of poet Nicolaus Grudius

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Adrian VI

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Boniface IX

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Eugene IV

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Gregory XII

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Innocent VII

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Paul III

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Sixtus IV

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of pope Urban VI

1572, print, engraving process

Portrait of professor Gabriel van der Muyden

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of professor Petrus Nannius

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian Alardus van Amsterdam

1604, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian Jacob van Pamele

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian Johannes Garet

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian Martinus Donck

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian Petrus de Backere

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian and professor Mattheus van Galen

1739, print, engraving process

Portrait of theologian and professor Ruard Tapper

1567, print, engraving process

Portrait of theoloog Petrus Simons

1608, print, engraving process


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2890, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1724, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


series of prints by Philip Galle


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Pythius, Lucullus, Crassus, Sylla, Croesus, Midas (Notorious Examples of Wealth from Antiquity)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156109)

Quenching The Thirsty

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54334, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2891, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1725, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Ruth Places Herself At Boaz's Feet

print by Adriaen de Weerdt, S.V 95730, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Ruth Thanks Boaz For Letting Her Clean His Field

print by Adriaen de Weerdt, S.V 95729, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Saint Paul Disputes the Sorcerer

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54324)

Saint Paul Driving Out Evil Spirits

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54328)

Saint Paul Escapes from Damascus

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54316)

Saint Paul Heals the Lame Man at Lystra

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54325)

Saint Paul Preaching in Rome

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54334)

Saint Paul Shipwrecked on the Island of Melita

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54333)

Saint Paul Speaks to the Women of Philippi by a River

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54326)

Saint Paul before Festus and Agrippa

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54332)

Saint Paul before the High Priest

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54331)

Saint Peter Delivered from Prison by an Angel

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54323)

Saint Peter Healing the Sick with His Shadow

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54308)

Saint Peter Speaks to the People about Christ

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54303)

Saint Stephen before the Council

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54310)

Saints Peter and John Heal a Cripple at the Gate of the Temple

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54305)

Salome Receiving The Head of St John The Baptist

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55751, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Samson Let Out of Prison And Destroying The Temple of The Philistines

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52828, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Samson Let Out of Prison And Destroying The Temple of The Philistines

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52826, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Samson and Delilah

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52805, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Samson and Delilah

1560 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 1561, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Samson rending the lion

1560 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 1558, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2884, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1710, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Saphan Reading the Book of the Law to Josiah

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55716, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Satan Challenging The Lord to Remove his Protection from Job

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55707, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Satan Challenging The Lord to Remove his Protection from Job

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55708, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Satan Smiting Job With Boils

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55710, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1461, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Cumaea

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40780, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Cumana

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 54332, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Delphica

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40776, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Erythaea

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40777, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Hellespontiaca

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40781, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Lybica

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40778, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Persica

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40775, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Phrygia

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40782, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Samia

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40779, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Sibylla Tiburtina

1575 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, S.I 40783, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Solomon Anointed King

s.d print by Frans Floris I, S.I 54153, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Solomon Building The Temple

1558 print by Frans Floris I, S.I 1456, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Solomon's Idolatry

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52806, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Son seated on the donkey

1570-1612, print, engraving process


s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 15429, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St John The Baptist Preaching to The Multitude

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55748, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Before Festus and Agrippa

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55784, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Before Festus and Agrippa

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55818, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Before The High Priest

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55783, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Before The High Priest

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55817, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55768, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55802, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55834, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Heals a Cripple in Lystra

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55777, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Heals a Cripple in Lystra

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55811, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Preaching in Rome

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55786, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Preaching in Rome

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55820, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Speaking to The Women of Philippi

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55778, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul Speaking to The Women of Philippi

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55812, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul and The Exorcists at Ephese

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55780, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Paul and The Exorcists at Ephese

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55814, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Freed from Prison by The Angel

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55775, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Freed from Prison by The Angel

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55809, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55769, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55803, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55835, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52811, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55758, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55793, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55825, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55756, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55791, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55823, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55770, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55804, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55836, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter and St John Before the High Priest and The Council

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52814, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter and St John Dismissed with Threats

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52815, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter and St John Reporting to Their Company What Had Befallen to Them

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52816, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55764, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55799, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55830, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55766, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55801, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55832, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55762, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55797, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55829, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

St. Jerome

1561 print by Philip Galle, S.I 54315, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Statues of Bacchus and The Seven Planets

series of prints by Philip Galle and Jacques Jonghelinck


s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 15430, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Susanna and her relatives praising the Lord

print by Philips Galle (after Maarten van Heemskerck)

Susanna and her relatives praising the Lord

print by Philips Galle after Maarten van Heemskerck

Tabula Cebetis

1561 print by Frans Floris I, 89195, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


engraving by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I) from the series 'The Seven Virtues'

Ten Sibyls

series of prints by Philip Galle and Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort

The Acts of The Apostles

series of prints by Philip Galle

The Adoration of The Magi

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52837, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Adoration of the Magi

item EA1999.7 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK

The Angel Appearing to St Philip

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55765, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Angel Appearing to St Philip

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55800, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Angel Appearing to St Philip

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55831, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Angel Commands Cornelius to Fetch Saint Peter

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54319)

The Angel Delivering The Apostles out of Prison

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55828, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Angel Orders Saint Philip to Accompany the Ethiopian Eunuch

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54313)

The Angel Sending Cornelius for St Peter

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55771, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Angel Sending Cornelius for St Peter

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55805, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Annunciation to Zacharias

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55746, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55757, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55792, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55824, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Apostles Delivered from Prison by an Angel

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54309)

The Apostles Delivered from Prison by an Angel

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54399)

The Arrest of Saint Paul

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54330)

The Arrest of St Paul

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55782, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Arrest of St Paul

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55816, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Baptism of Christ

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55749, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Baptism of the Eunuch by Saint Philip

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54314)

The Battle at Mons Regionis

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54389, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Battle of Camolia and Siena

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54390, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Battle of Labadia Di Sena and St Abonda

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54391, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Battle of Marciano

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54387, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Beheading of St James

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55774, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Beheading of St James

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55808, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Birth and Naming of St John The Baptist

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55747, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Blind Saul Led to Damascus

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55767, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Blind Saul Led to Damascus

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55796, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Blind Saul Led to Damascus

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55833, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Blinding of Elymas

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55776, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Blinding of Elymas

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55810, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Book of Law Read Before the People

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55718, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Book of the Law Read before the People

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156102)

The Burial of Samson

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52829, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Burial of Samson

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52830, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Burial of St Stephen

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55763, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Burial of St Stephen

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55798, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Capture of Casulum

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54386, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Capture of Milan

1578 print by Stradanus, S.I 54379, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Capture of Portus Herculis

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54385, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Capture of Tirsah

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52832, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Chaldeans Carrying Away the Pillars of The Temple of Jerusalem

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52833, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Chaldeans Carrying Away the Temple Treasures

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52838, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Choosing of Saint Matthias

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54301)

The Conversion of Saint Paul

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54315)

The Conversion of The Warder

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55779, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Conversion of The Warder

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55813, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Coronation of Cosimo I

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54395, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Coronation of Cosimo I

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54396, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Corpse of The King of Ai Brought to The Gate of The City

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52827, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Dance of Salome at Herod's Banquet

1564 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55750, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Death of Sapphira

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55759, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Death of Sapphira

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55794, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Death of Sapphira

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55826, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Deaths of Ananias and Sapphira

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54307)

The Defeat of The Turcs at Plumbinum

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54388, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Descent of The Holy Ghost

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55754, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Descent of The Holy Ghost

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55755, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Descent of The Holy Ghost

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55789, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Descent of The Holy Ghost

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55790, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Descent of The Holy Ghost

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55822, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of Ai and the Stoning of Achan

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52824, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of Jericho

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52823, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52836, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of The Altar at Bethel and The Exhumation of The Bones From The Sepulchres

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55725, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of The Temple of Ashtoreth, Chemosh and Milcom

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55723, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of The Temple of Baal and The Slaughter of His Priests

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55720, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of The Tower of Babel and The Dispersion of The Peoples

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52822, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Destruction of the Temple of Baal and the Slaughter of His Priests

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156103)

The Diligent Worker Aspiring to the Rightousness of the Lord

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54295)

The Diligent Worker United with Christ after Death

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54298)

The Disasters of The Jewish People

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck

The Dissipation of The Spanish Enemy

1578 print by Stradanus, S.I 54380, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Dying Hour

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52808, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Elder Son Remonstrating with His Father

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55744, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Elder Son Remonstrating with His Father

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55745, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Entry of Cosimo I into Rome

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54392, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Eulogy of Music

series of prints by Philip Galle

The Expulsion From The Temple

1575 print by Stradanus, S.II 13611, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Fall of Euthychus

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54329)

The Four Elements

series of prints by Philip Galle

The Four Last Things

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck

The Four Seasons

series of prints by Philip Galle and Stradanus

The Four Strongest Powers

series of prints by Philip Galle and Gerard Groenning

The Healing of Eneas by Saint Peter

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54317)

The History of The Medici

series of prints by Philip Galle and Stradanus

The Holy Sickle

1582 print by Philip Galle, R-2009-21671, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Idler Chased Away from The Table of Those Who Have Worked

1565 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52756, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Idler Refuses to Work During Harvest Time

1565 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52755, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Idler Sleeping in the Field And at Home

1565 print by Philip Galle, S.I 52753, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Idler Struck Down by Poverty and Want

1565 print by Philip Galle, S. I 52754, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Jailer about to Kill Himself, Converted by Saint Paul

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54327)

The King of Ai Hanged

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52825, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Lame Accompanying St Peter and St John in The Temple

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52812, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Last Judgement

1564 print by Philip Galle, S.II 1787, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Lord Answering Job

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55713, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Lord Answering Job

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55712, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Lord Endowing the Diligent Worker with Food and Clothing

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54296)

The Marriage of Labor and Diligence

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54294)

The Massacre of The Innocents

s.d print by Frans Floris I, S.I 1452, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Meeting of the Apostles and the Women in the Upper Room

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54300)

The Mocking of Noah

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52818, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Parable of The Prodigal Son

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck

The Parable of the Good Shepherd

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 47623)

The Parable of the Good Shepherd

1565, print, engraving process

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 211516)

The People of Israel Divided Between Tibni and Omri

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52831, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The People of Niniveh Repenting upon Hearing the Prophesies of Jonah

1566 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.II 136362, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The People of Samaria Receive the Word of God

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54312)

The Power of Thruth

1574 print by Gerard Groenning, S.I 54363, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Power of Wine

1574 print by Gerard Groenning, S.I 54362, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Power of Women

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck

The Priest and The Sadducees Laying Hands on St Peter and St John

1558 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52813, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Prodigal Son Eating with The Swine

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55739, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Prodigal Son Leaving His Father's House

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55736, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Prodigal Son Leaving His Father's House

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55735, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Prodigal Son Squandering His Inheritance on Harlots

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55737, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Prodigal Son Squandering His Inheritance on Harlots

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55738, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Raising of Tabitha

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54318)

The Removal and Destruction of The Chariot and The Horses of The Sun

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, NHD 44 -S.II 111910, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Resurrection of Christ

print by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel (I)

The Return of Cosimo I to His Palace

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54393, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of Cosimo I to His Palace

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.II 149862, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55753, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55788, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle

1575 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55821, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of The Prodigal Son

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55741, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Return of The Prodigal Son

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55740, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Seven Acts of Mercy

series of prints by Philip Galle and Hans Bol

The Seven Sacraments

series of prints by Philip Galle and Hans Bol

The Seven Spiritual Acts of Mercy

series of prints by Philip Galle and Hans Bol

The Seven Virtues

series of seven prints engraved by Philip Galle after Pieter Bruegel

The Slaughter of The Priests of Samaria

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55727, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Slaughter of the Fattened Calf

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55742, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Slaughter of the Fattened Calf

1562 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55743, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Slaughter of the Priests of Samaria

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 156104)

The Sons of God, Satan amongst Them, present Themselves before Him

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55704, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Sons of God, Satan amongst Them, present Themselves before Him

1563 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55703, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Story of Esther

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Story of Job

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maerten van Heemskerck

The Story of Jonah

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Story of Lot

series of prints by Philip Galle and Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort

The Story of Ruth

series of prints by Claes Janszoon Visscher II, Philip Galle and Adriaen de Weerdt

The Story of Samson

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed- Nego

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Story of St John The Baptist

series of prints by Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Story of St. Peter and St. John

series of prints by Hieronymus Cock, Philip Galle and Maarten van Heemskerck

The Three Fates

painting by Philip Galle (1537–1612) (after), Wellcome Collection

The Three Jews Accused of Not Worshipping the Golden Statue

1565 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55731, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Three Jews Brought Before Nebuchadnezzar

1565 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55732, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Three Jews Cast Into the Fiery Furnace

1565 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 55733, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Tower of Babel

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, Royal Library of Belgium

The Tower of Babel

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.I 52817, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Trinity

1574 print by Maerten de Vos, S.I 1453, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Triumph of Time

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 47624)

The Triumph of Time

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 57887)

The Virgin Adoring The Child

s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 54329, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Virgin With The Child In The Clouds

1578 print by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, NHD 227- S.I 54316, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Vision of Saint Peter

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54320)

The Vision of St Peter

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55772, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The Vision of St Peter

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55806, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

The death of the virgin

1569, print, engraving process

The instability of Fortune

1574, print, engraving process

Theodoricus Secundus

Timor Domini

print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2869, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Timor Domini

print by Philip Galle, S.I 1715, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Page

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54299)

Title Page

print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2865, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Page to Series: Prosopographia

print by Philip Galle, S.I 1700, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Page to Series: The Acts of The Apostels

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55752, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Page to Series: The Acts of The Apostels

1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 55787, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Plate to Series: The History of The Medici

ca.1582 print by Stradanus, S.I 54376, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Plate to Series: The Seven Acts of Mercy

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54336, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Plate to Series: The Seven Sacraments

1576 print by Hans Bol, S. I 37883, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title Plate: Sol and Personifications of the Four Seasons

s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 54365, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.II 30124, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.III 52807, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People

1569 print by Maarten van Heemskerck, S.II 11478, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2893, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1727, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Typus verae religionis

s.d print by Philip Galle, S.I 54324, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Untitled (Gathering sponges at low tide)

print by Philip Galle

Variae Comarum et Barbarum

series of prints by Philip Galle

Venationes, Ferarum, Avium, Piscium (28) : Chasse aux chameaux



1585 print by Jacques Jonghelinck, S.I 1465, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2873, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1703, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2881, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1707, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Virorum doctorum de disciplinis benemerentium effiges XLIIII

Book published in 1572 in Antwerp by Philip Galle with text by Benito Arias Montano


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2868, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1702, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.IV 2901, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium


print by Philip Galle, S.I 1735, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Visiting The Sick

1577 print by Hans Bol, S.I 54333, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Water [Neptune]

1564 print by Philip Galle, S.I 15685, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium

Whale hunt

1596-1618, print, engraving process


s.d print by Stradanus, S.I 15432, Prints Department, Royal Library of Belgium