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List of works by Stefano Morisi

331 models and bilepton searches at the LHC

scientific article published on 18 March 2024

A neutrino mass-mixing sum rule from SO(10) and neutrinoless double beta decay

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 4, April 2017

Absolute neutrino mass scale from flavor symmetries

scientific article published in April 2013

Accidental stability of dark matter

scientific article published in February 2013

Admixture of quasi-Dirac and Majorana neutrinos with tri-bimaximal mixing

scientific article published in July 2011

Bilarge neutrino mixing and Abelian flavor symmetry

scientific article published on 18 March 2013

Bilarge neutrino mixing and the Cabibbo angle

scientific article published on 13 September 2012

Bilinear R-parity violation with flavor symmetry

scientific article published in January 2013

Chances for SUSY-GUT in the LHC Epoch

scientific article published in August 2015

Common origin of reactor and sterile neutrino mixing

scientific article published in July 2014

Constraining neutrinoless double beta decay

scientific article published in August 2012

Constraining scalar leptoquarks using COHERENT data

scientific article published on 27 March 2023

Cosmogenic neutrino fluxes under the effect of active-sterile secret interactions

scientific article published on 20 April 2020

Dark Matter interpretation of low energy IceCube MESE excess

scientific article published on 3 January 2017

Decaying dark matter at IceCube and its signature on High Energy gamma experiments

scientific article published on 29 November 2019

Decaying leptophilic dark matter at IceCube

scientific article published on 29 December 2015

Dirac neutrinos from flavor symmetry

scientific article published on 7 February 2014

Discrete dark matter

scientific article published on 2 December 2010

Fermion masses and mixing with tri-bimaximal in SO(10) with type-I seesaw

scientific article published in January 2012

Flavor origin of R-parity

scientific article published on 10 July 2013

Fritzsch neutrino mass matrix from S 3 symmetry

scientific article published on 3 December 2010

Heavy decaying dark matter at future neutrino radio telescopes

scientific article published in May 2021

Higher dimensional effective operators for direct dark matter detection

scientific article published in February 2014

IceCube constraints on violation of equivalence principle

scientific article published in April 2021

Impact of primordial black holes on heavy neutral leptons searches in the framework of resonant leptogenesis

scientific article published in May 2024

Inflation and majoron dark matter in the neutrino seesaw mechanism

scientific article published on 24 September 2014

Interpreting IceCube 6-year HESE data as an evidence for hundred TeV decaying Dark Matter

scientific article published in October 2017

Investigating two heavy neutral leptons neutrino seesaw mechanism at SHiP

scientific article published on 20 March 2019

LHC diphoton resonance from gauge symmetry

scientific article published on 9 June 2016

Lepton flavor violation and non-unitary lepton mixing in low-scale type-I seesaw

scientific article published in September 2011

Limits on light primordial black holes from high-scale leptogenesis

scientific article published on 29 June 2023

Low energy IceCube data and a possible Dark Matter related excess

scientific article published in June 2016

Model for T2K indication with maximal θ 23 and trimaximal θ 12

scientific article published on 6 September 2011

Models for neutrino mass with discrete symmetries

scientific article published in August 2011

Neutrino mass and mixing: from theory to experiment

scientific article published on 25 April 2014

Neutrino masses and mixing: a flavour symmetry roadmap

scientific article published on 11 October 2012

Neutrino mixing with revamped A 4 flavor symmetry

scientific article published in July 2013

Neutrino phenomenology and stable dark matter with A 4

scientific article published in March 2011

Neutrino phenomenology from leptogenesis

Neutrino phenomenology from leptogenesis

scientific article published on 24 April 2019

Neutrinophilic Dark Matter in the epoch of IceCube and Fermi-LAT

scholarly article

New neutrino mass sum rule from the inverse seesaw mechanism

scientific article published on 4 September 2012

Observable features in ultrahigh energy neutrinos due to active-sterile secret interactions

scientific article published on 13 October 2020

Phenomenology of dark matter from A 4 flavor symmetry

scientific article published in May 2011

Predicting leptonic CP violation in the light of the Daya Bay result on θ 13

scientific article published in September 2012

Predictive discrete dark matter model and neutrino oscillations

scientific article published on 16 October 2012


scientific article published on 2 April 2013

Primordial black hole dark matter evaporating on the neutrino floor

scientific article published in June 2022

Quark mixing in the discrete dark matter model

scientific article published in March 2012

Quark-lepton mass relation and CKM mixing in anA4extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model


Quark–lepton mass relation in a realistic A 4 extension of the Standard Model

scientific article published in July 2013

Radiative flavor template at the LHC: g − 2 and the W mass

scientific article published on 21 March 2023

Radiative neutrino mass in 3-3-1 scheme

scientific article published on 9 July 2014

Relating quarks and leptons with the T 7 flavour group

scientific article published in March 2015

Relating quarks and leptons without grand unification

scientific article published on 2 August 2011

S 4 model for quarks and leptons with maximal atmospheric angle

scientific article published on 14 April 2010

Sensitivity of KM3NeT to Violation of Equivalence Principle

scientific article published on 26 July 2021

Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos

scientific article published in March 2021

Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark-matter searches

scientific article published in April 2021

Split neutrinos, two Majorana and one Dirac, and implications for leptogenesis, dark matter, and inflation

scientific article published on 24 August 2012

Stability of dark matter from the D 4 × Z 2 f flavor group

scientific article published in September 2011

The Cabibbo angle as a universal seed for quark and lepton mixings

scientific article published in September 2015

The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

The Low-Scale Approach to Neutrino Masses

The reactor mixing angle and CP violation with two texture zeros in the light of T2K

scientific article published in April 2012

Theories relating baryon asymmetry and dark matter

Top-flavor scheme in the context of 𝑊′ searches at LHC

scholarly article published on 8 September 2021

Towards baryogenesis via absorption from primordial black holes

scientific article published on 3 February 2022

Unified thermal model for photohadronic neutrino production in astrophysical sources

scientific article published in July 2021

Use of ANTARES and IceCube Data to Constrain a Single Power-law Neutrino Flux

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

WIMP dark matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger

scientific article published in October 2013