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List of works by Wayne K. Coblentz

254 Digestibility of sheep offered tall fescue, meadow fescue and orchardgrass grasses ensiled with slurry or commercial urea fertilization

scholarly article

258 Intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation in sheep offered alfalfa silage alone or alfalfa and tall fescue-mixtures harvested after a killing frost

scholarly article

A query for effective mean particle size in dry and high-moisture corns

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

Ammonia emissions from dairy production in Wisconsin.

scientific article published in May 2009

Assessment of heifer grazing experience on short-term adaptation to pasture and performance as lactating cows

scientific article published on March 21, 2013

Carcass and beef color characteristics of three biological types of cattle grazing cool-season forages supplemented with soyhulls

scientific article published on 01 October 2004

Comparison of bloat potential between a variety of soft-red versus a variety of hard-red winter wheat forage

scientific article published on 2 July 2009

Comparison of feeding diets diluted with sorghum-sudangrass silage or low-quality grass on nutrient intake and digestibility and growth performance of Holstein dairy heifers

scientific article published on 11 September 2019

Dairy Heifer Manure Management, Dietary Phosphorus, and Soil Test P Effects on Runoff Phosphorus

scientific article published on 01 September 2012

Effect of Poultry Litter Application Method and Rainfall and Delayed Wrapping on Warm-Season Grass Baleage

scientific article published in 2023

Effect of diet energy density and genomic residual feed intake on prebred dairy heifer feed efficiency, growth, and manure excretion

scientific article published on 07 March 2019

Effect of herbage depletion on short-term foraging dynamics and diet quality of steers grazing wheat pastures

scientific article published on 3 June 2011

Effect of rotation frequency and weaning date on forage measurements and growth performance by cows and calves grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures overseeded with crabgrass and legumes

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Effects of a propionic acid-based preservative on storage characteristics, nutritive value, and energy content for alfalfa hays packaged in large round bales

scientific article published on 01 January 2012

Effects of bale moisture and bale diameter on spontaneous heating, dry matter recovery, in vitro true digestibility, and in situ disappearance kinetics of alfalfa-orchardgrass hays

scientific article published on 01 June 2009

Effects of cultivar and grazing initiation date on fall-grown oat for replacement dairy heifers

scientific article published on 2 July 2015

Effects of dairy slurry on silage fermentation characteristics and nutritive value of alfalfa

scientific article published on 18 September 2014

Effects of feedbunk restrictions and push-up frequency on the growth performance of Holstein dairy heifers offered a forage-based diet with a limit-feeding strategy

scientific article published on 03 June 2020

Effects of feeding alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw for dietary energy dilution on nutrient intake and digestibility, growth performance, and feeding behavior of Holstein dairy heifers

scientific article

Effects of fescue type and sampling date on the nitrogen disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpiled tall fescue

scientific article published on 01 April 2008

Effects of growth stage and growing degree day accumulations on triticale forages: 1. Dry matter yield, nutritive value, and in vitro dry matter disappearance

scientific article published on 19 July 2018

Effects of growth stage and growing degree day accumulations on triticale forages: 2. In vitro disappearance of neutral detergent fiber

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Effects of natural and simulated rainfall on indicators of ensilability and nutritive value for wilting alfalfa forages sampled before preservation as silage

scientific article published on August 29, 2012

Effects of overstocking at the feedbunk on the growth performance and sorting characteristics of a forage-based diet offered for ad libitum intake to replacement Holstein dairy heifers

scientific article published on 13 June 2018

Effects of sample size on neutral detergent fiber digestibility of triticale forages using the Ankom DaisyII Incubator system

scientific article published on 20 June 2019

Effects of spontaneous heating on estimates of total digestible nutrients for alfalfa-orchardgrass hays packaged in large round bales

scientific article published on 01 July 2010

Effects of spontaneous heating on fiber composition, fiber digestibility, and in situ disappearance kinetics of neutral detergent fiber for alfalfa-orchardgrass hays

scientific article published on 01 June 2009

Effects of spontaneous heating on forage protein fractions and in situ disappearance kinetics of crude protein for alfalfa-orchardgrass hays packaged in large round bales

scientific article published on 01 March 2010

Effects of straw processing and pen overstocking on the growth performance and sorting characteristics of diets offered to replacement Holstein dairy heifers

scientific article published on 7 December 2017

Efficacy of recycled sand or organic solids as bedding sources for lactating cows housed in freestalls

scientific article published on 23 May 2019

Evaluation of potential carryover effects associated with limit feeding of gravid Holstein heifers

scientific article published on November 1, 2010

Evaluation of warm season annual forages for forage yield and quality in the north-central United States

scientific article published on 30 July 2020

Fall Growth Potential of Cereal Grain Forages in Northern Arkansas

Fall growth, nutritive value, and estimation of total digestible nutrients for cereal-grain forages in the north-central United States

scientific article published on 11 September 2009

Fall-grown oat to extend the fall grazing season for replacement dairy heifers

scientific article published on 17 January 2014

Fermentation characteristics and nutritive value of baled grass silages made from meadow fescue, tall fescue, or an orchardgrass cultivar exhibiting a unique nonflowering growth response

scientific article published on 31 January 2020

Forage and breed effects on behavior and temperament of pregnant beef heifers

scientific article published on May 28, 2013

Growth performance and sorting characteristics of corn silage-alfalfa haylage diets with or without forage dilution offered to replacement Holstein dairy heifers

scientific article published on 20 August 2015

Impact of heating-degree-day accumulation during bermudagrass hay storage on nutrient utilization by lambs

scientific article published on 01 October 2001

In Situ Dry Matter, Nitrogen, and Fiber Degradation of Alfalfa, Red Clover, and Eastern Gamagrass at Four Maturities

scientific article published on 01 January 1998

In situ disappearance of dry matter and fiber from fall-grown cereal-grain forages from the north-central United States

scientific article published on 13 August 2010

In situ disappearance of neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen from alfalfa and eastern gamagrass at three maturities

scientific article published on 01 October 1999

In situ protein degradation of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil hays and silages as influenced by condensed tannin concentration

scientific article published on March 8, 2013

Influence of ensiling time and inoculation on alteration of the starch-protein matrix in high-moisture corn

scientific article published on May 1, 2011

Intake and digestibility by gestating sheep of alfalfa silage wrapped with or without an enhanced oxygen barrier plastic after time delays up to three days

scholarly article

Letter to the Editor: Silage manuscripts in the Journal of Dairy Science

scientific article published on 01 August 2020

Net effects of nitrogen fertilization on the nutritive value and digestibility of oat forages

scientific article published on 18 January 2017

Nutrient cycling in an agroforestry alley cropping system receiving poultry litter or nitrogen fertilizer

Nutritive value and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa-mixed grass forage wrapped with minimal stretch film layers and stored for different lengths of time

scientific article

Nutritive value and fermentation characteristics of round-baled alfalfa–orchardgrass forages ensiled at various moisture concentrations with or without baler cutting engagement

scholarly article

PSX-33 Effect of supplementing different proportions of sericea lespedeza with alfalfa silage on intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance in sheep

scholarly article

Physiological effects of starter-induced ruminal acidosis in calves before, during, and after weaning

scientific article published on 25 December 2019

Production, reproduction, health, and growth traits in backcross Holstein × Jersey cows and their Holstein contemporaries

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Ruminal in situ disappearance and whole-tract digestion of starter feeds in calves before, during, and after weaning

scientific article published on 11 January 2019

Ruminal in situ disappearance kinetics of dry matter and fiber in growing steers for common crabgrass forages sampled on seven dates in northern Arkansas

scientific article

Ruminal in situ disappearance kinetics of nitrogen and neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen from common crabgrass forages sampled on seven dates in northern Arkansas

scientific article published on 01 March 2006

Ruminal nitrogen disappearance from sod-seeded cereal grain forages in Northern Arkansas

scholarly article

Runoff water quality after low-disturbance manure application in an alfalfa-grass hay crop forage system

scientific article published on 03 April 2020

Short-term foraging dynamics of cattle grazing swards with different canopy structures

scientific article published on 14 August 2009

Silage review: Recent advances and future technologies for baled silages

scientific article published in May 2018

Storage characteristics, nutritive value, and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa packaged in large-round bales and wrapped in stretch film after extended time delays

scientific article published on 28 February 2016

Storage characteristics, nutritive value, energy content, and in vivo digestibility of moist, large rectangular bales of alfalfa-orchardgrass hay treated with a propionic acid-based preservative

scientific article published on February 15, 2013

Technical note: Whole-pen assessments of nutrient excretion and digestibility from dairy replacement heifers housed in sand-bedded freestalls1

scientific article published on August 21, 2013

The effect of dietary phosphorus on bone development in dairy heifers

scientific article published in April 2009

The effect of feeding dairy heifers diets with and without supplemental phosphorus on growth, reproductive efficiency, health, and lactation performance

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

Unique interrelationships between fiber composition, water-soluble carbohydrates, and in vitro gas production for fall-grown oat forages

scientific article published on 5 September 2013

Using eastern gamagrass to construct diets that limit intake and caloric density for dairy replacement heifers

scientific article published on 15 August 2012

Voluntary intake and digestibility by sheep of alfalfa ensiled at different moisture concentrations following fertilization with dairy slurry

scientific article published in February 2018

Zur Kenntniss des Dithioäthylamins (Diamidoäthyldisulfids)

scholarly article