List of works by Kurt Horwitz

Als der Krieg zu Ende war. Schauspiel in 3 Akten und 5 Bildern

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950

Als der Krieg zu Ende war. Schauspiel in drei Akten und fünf Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949

Blaubart. Ein Versteckspiel des Schicksals in 2 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1948-1949


performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1961-1962

Candida. Ein Mysterium in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946


theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1950-1951

Cyprienne. Komödie in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951

Der Bürge

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1944-1945

Der Bürge. Ein Drama in 3 Akten und 4 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945

Der Geizige

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1952-1953

Der Geizige. Komödie in fünf Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953

Der Misanthrop

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1948-1949

Der Misanthrop. Schauspiel in fünf Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1943-1944

Der Misanthrop. Schauspiel in fünf Akten. Musik aus dem 17. Jahrhundert

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954

Der Tartuffe. Komödie in fünf Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952

Der erniedrigte Vater

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1945-1946

Der erniedrigte Vater. Ein Drama in vier Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946

Der seidene Schuh. Spanische Handlung in vier Tagen mit 30 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1943-1944

Der zerbrochene Krug

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1947-1948

Der öffentliche Ankläger. Schauspiel in 3 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950

Die Freier

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947

Die Freier. Lustspiel in 3 Aufzügen und 7 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949

Die Gerechten. Schauspiel in fünf Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951

Die Glas-Menagerie. Ein Spiel der Erinnerung in zwei Teilen

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947

Die Glasmenagerie

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947

Die Jungfrau von Orleans. Eine Tragödie in fünf Akten

performing arts production of Stadttheater Bern during the season 1945-1946

Die Kammerjungfer

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1938-1939

Die Nacht muss kommen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1939-1940

Die Physiker

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1961-1962

Die Räuber

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1947-1948

Die Sphinx

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947

Ein idealer Gatte

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1938-1939

Es steht geschrieben. Schauspiel

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947

Faust I. Der Tragödie erster Teil

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1948-1949

Fröhliche Geister. Eine unwahrscheinliche Komödie in drei Akten (sieben Bildern)

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946


performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1938-1939

Hamlet (Prinz von Dänemark). Trauerspiel in 5 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1947-1948

Herodes und Mariamne

theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1951-1952

Herodes und Marianne. Tragödie in fünf Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952

Ingeborg. Eine Komödie in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942

Iphigenie auf Tauris

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950

Iphigenie auf Tauris. Ein Schauspiel

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950

Karl der III. und Anna von Oesterreich. Ein heiteres Spiel in 6 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942

Kleider machen Leute

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1939-1940

König Richard III. Schauspiel in 5 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950


performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947


performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943

Mass für Mass

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947

Minna von Barnhelm

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1938-1939

Nathan der Weise

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1939-1940

Nun singen sie wieder. Schauspiel in sieben Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945

Pension Schöller. Posse in 3 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947


performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1943-1944

Penthesilea. Trauerspiel

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943

Prinz Friedrich von Homburg. Schauspiel in 5 Akten und 11 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951

Regen und Wind. Komödie in 3 Akten und 6 Bildern

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942

Rote Rosen für mich

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1947-1948

Wallensteins Tod

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1938-1939

Zu wahr um schön zu sein. Komödie in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1949-1950

Zwei Dutzend rote Rosen. Lustspiel in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943