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List of works by Jocelyn Toynbee

(A.) Kiss Roman mosaics in Hungary. Trans. J. Boris. (Fontes archaeologici Hungariae). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1973. Pp. 72. 14 Plates. (2 in col. 1 folding.) Text figs. Maps. £2·50

article published in 1974

(H. P.) L'Orange Likeness and icon: selected studies in classical and early mediaeval art. Odense: University Press. 1973. Pp. xxiii + 344. Numerous illus. Dan. Kr. 275.-

A Bibliography

A Roman bronze from Stratfield Saye, Berks

A Roman sarcophagus at Pawlowsk and its fellows

A Romano-British Sculpture from Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire

A Romano-Celtic Bust Found at Sutton Mandeville, Wilts

Amedeo Maiuri, La Villa dei Misteri. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1931. Vol. I, Text, pp. 260, Plates A-U, figs. 121; Vol. II, Plates (coloured) i–xix. Lire 800.Amedeo Maiuri, La Casa del Menandro e il suo Tesoro di Argenteria. Roma: Ist

Amedeo Maiuri, Pompei: I Nuovi Scavi e La Villa Dei Misteri. Roma: Instituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1931. Pp. 138, with 48 plates and 16 text figures. Lire 10

An Imperial Institute of Archaeology as Revealed by Roman Medallions

scholarly article by Jocelyn Toynbee published in January 1942

An Introduction to Etruscan Art. By P. J. Riis. 9¼ × 6¼. Pp. 144 + 82 plates. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1953. £1

Antike Reiterstandbilder. By Harald von Roques de Maumont. 9½ × 6½. Pp. 102 + 50 text-figs. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1958. DM. 16.

Antioch Mosaic Pavements. By Doro Levi. 14 × 11½. Vol. I, Text, pp. xxi + 650, 229 figs.; Vol. II, Plates, 4 plans, 183 plates. Princeton University Press, 1947. £10

Apollo, Beasts and Seasons: Some Thoughts on the Littlecote Mosaic

scientific article published in 1981

Art in Ancient Rome. By Eugénie Strong. Two vols. London: Heinemann (‘Ars Una’ Series), 1929. Pp. xvi + 199: viii + 221, with 583 illustrations. 10s. per vol

Augustan Art: An Exhibition commemorating the Bimillennium of the Birth of Augustus. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, January, 1939. Pp. 27 + xv, with 64 figs. 50 cents

Beasts and their Names in the Roman Empire

Britannia on Roman coins of the second century A.D

scientific article published in November 1924

Bronzes antiques de Haute-Provence (Basses-Alpes, Vaucluse) (xviiie supplément à Gallia). By H. Rolland. 11 × 8½. Pp. 211+2 maps + 104 plates. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965. 145 fr.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must

Bronzes antiques de la Seine-Maritime. By E. Espérandieu and H. Rolland. 11 × 8½. Pp. 101 + 63 plates. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1959

Caputo G. and Traversari G., Le sculture del teatro di Leptis Magna (Monografic di Archeologica Libica XIII). Rome, Bretschneider, 1976, pp. 137, pls.A–N and 1–108. Price not stated

scientific article published in 1977

Christianity in Roman Britain

article published in 1953

Christine Mitchell Havelock: Hellenistic art: the art of the Classical World from the death of Alexander the Great to the battle of Actium. London: Phaidon Press, 1971. 284 pp., 197 pls. (20 in colour). £5.50

Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani: Deutschland, I, i: Raetia und Noricum. By F. Wagner and others. 11¼ × 8¾. Pp. 140 + 166 pls. + 1 map. Bonn: Verlag Rudolf Habelt, 1973. DM. 120.

DE GALLO-ROMEINSE TEMPELS TE ELST IN DE OVER-BETUWE (NEDER-LANDSE OUDHEDEN I). By J. E. A. Th. Bogaers. 'S-Gravenhage, 1955. pp. xxiv + 262, with 48 plates. Price f. 20

Das Hellenistische Bildnis. By Ernst Buschor. Pp. 71, with 62 figures. München: Biederstein Verlag, 1949. DM 12

Der römische Schatzfund von Straubing, von Joseph Keim and Hans Klumbach. 11¾ × 8½. Pp. 41 + 46 plates. München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1951. DM. 18.50

Die römischen Bronzen aus Deutschland ii: Trier. By H. Menzel. 10¾ × 8¼. Pp. vii + 140 + 106 pls. + 69 figs. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1966. Price not stated

Drawings after the Antique by Amico Aspertini: Sketchbooks in the British Museum. By Phyllis Pray Bober. 11½ × 9½. Pp. xiv + 108 + pls. 64. London, the Warburg Institute, 1957. £3.3s

E. Alföldi-Rosenbaum: Anamur Nekropolü: the Necropolis of Anemurium. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1971. 212 pp., 57 pls. (5 in colour), 13 figs. TL 250

E. Gerster, Mittelrheinische Bildhauerwerkstätten im I. Jahrhundert N. Chr. Bonn-am-Rhein: Ludwig Röhrscheid Verlag. 1938. Pp. 131 with 2 plates. RM. 4.40

Encore des Mosaïques de Bellérophon

scientific article

Engraved Gems: the Ionides Collection. By John Boardman. 10 × 7½. Pp. 114 + 130, illus. (9 in colour). London: Thames & Hudson, 1968. £5. 5s.

Excavations at Gloucester: Third Interim Report: Kingsholm 1966–75

article by Henry Hurst et al published September 1975 in Antiquaries Journal

F. Poulsen, Römische Privatporträts und Prinzenbildnisse (Det. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. archaeologisk-kunsthistoriske Middelelser, ii, 5). Københvan: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1939. Pp. 46, with 46 plates. Kr. 7.50

Further notes on Britannia coin-types

G. Calza, La Necropoli Del Porto Di Roma Nell'isola Sacra. R. Istituto di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. La Libreria dello Stato, 1940. Pp. 389, with 159 text-figures and 7 plates. Lire 250

G. Piccottini, Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani. Corpus der Skulpturen der Römischen Welt. Österreich, Band II, Faszikel I. Die Rundskulpturen des Stadtgebietes von Virunum. Wien: H. Böhlaus Nachf., 1968. Pp. 51, 55 half-tone plates, 2 text figures. Ö

scientific article published in 1970

G. Rodenwaldt, Über den Stilwandel in der antoninischen Kunst (Abbandlungen der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1935, phil. hist. Klasse, nr. 3). Pp. 27 with 3 figs, and 10 plates. RM. 7.50

Gisela M. A. Richter, Roman Portraits: A Picture Book. Series I, First Century B.C. to First Century A.D., pp. 4, with 26 figures; Series II, A.D. 98–337, pp. 4, with 35 figures. New York: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1941. 25 cents each

H. P. L'Orange and A. Von Gerkan, Der Spätantike Bildschmuck des Konstantinsbogens. Bd. I Text: xii + 238, with 65 text-figures and 3 plates of coins. Bd. II Tafeln: 50 plates. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1939. RM. 126

Harold Mattingly, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Vol. iv, Antoninus Pius to Commodus. London: printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1940. Pp. cc + 964 and III plates. £5

II. Silver Picture Plates of Late Antiquity: A.D. 300 to 700

scientific article published in 1986

Il Regio Museo Archeologico nel Palazzo Reale di Venezia. Di C. Anti. Roma: La Libreria dello Stato, 1930. Pp. 179, with 61 illustrations. L. 12

Isis in the Graeco-Roman World (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life). By R. E. Witt. 8¾ × 5¾. Pp. 336 + 72 pls. and 3 text-figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1971. £3.75

J. D. Newby, A Numismatic Commentary on the Res Gestae of Augustus. Iowa City, U.S.A.: Athens Press, 1938. Pp. xvi + 117 with 4 plates. $3.50

L'arc d'Orange (xve supplément à ‘Gallia’). Vol. I: texte, by R. Amy, P.-M. Duval, J. Formige, J.-J. Hatt, Ch. Picard, G. Ch. Picard, A. Piganiol, Vol. II: planches, by R. Amy, J. Bruchet. 11 × 8½. Pp. 162 + 57 figs. + 111 pls. Paris: Centre

LES RELIGIONS ORIENTALES DANS LE PAGANISME ROMAINE (Conférences faites au Collège de France en 1905). By Franz Cumont, Membre de l'Institut. Libraire orientale Paul Geuthner, 13 rue Jacob, Paris. Quatrième édition, 1929. pp. XVI, 339, with 16 pla


LULLINGSTONE ROMAN VILLA. By G. W. Meates, Heinemann, 1955. pp. xvi+168, with 47 plates and 18 line-drawings. 21s

La Sculpture à l'époque romaine (L'Art en Belgique). By M. E. Mariën. Pp. 33, with 32 plates. Brussels, 1945

La Tomle gallo-romaine: recherches sur les inscriptions et les monuments funéraires gallo-romains des trois premiers siècles de notre ère. By J.-J. Hatt. 10 X 6½. Pp. xii + 329. 8 plates, 11 distribution-maps, and 3 diagrams. Paris (Presses Unive

M. Stuart, The Portraiture of Claudius, Preliminary Studies. New York: Columbia University, 1938. Pp. xiv + 93

Malcolm A. R. Colledge: The Parthians. London: Thames and Hudson, 1968. (Vol. 59, Ancient Peoples and Places.) 244 pp., 76 pls., 48 figs., 2 maps, 1 table. 42s

article by Jocelyn Toynbee published June 1968 in Antiquity

Memorie degli Apostoli in Catacumbas: rilievo critico della Mentoria e della Basilica Apostolorum al III miglio della Via Appia. By F. Tolotti. 11 × 7½. Pp. v + 292 + figs. 60 + pls. 8. Roma: Città del Vaticano, 1953. Lire 6,000

Michael Gough: The origins of Christian art. (The World of Art Library: History of Art.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1973. 216 pp., 191 pls. (25 in colour). £2.50 cloth, £1.50 paper


Mithraic Studies. Edited by John R. Hinnells. 9½ × 6¼. Two vols. Pp. xx + 560 + 40 pls. (9 in colour) + line-drawings in the text. Manchester: University Press, 1975. £25

Mrs. Arthur Strong

Note on a Roman Sarcophagus in the Campo Santo, Pisa

POMPEII: THE CASA DEI DIOSCURI AND ITS PAINTERS (MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME XXIII). By L. Richardson Jr., 1955. pp. xix + 165, with 58 plates Price not stated

Peopled Scrolls: a Hellenistic Motif in Imperial Art

Probleme der Lipsanothek in Brescia, von R. Delbrueck. 10 × 7. Pp. 149 + pls. 9. Bonn: Peter Hanslein Verlag G.M.B.H., 1952

R. A. Markus: Christianity in the Roman world. (Currents in the History of Culture and Ideas series). London: Thames and Hudson, 1974. 192 pp., 74 pls., 1 map. £4.50


R. P. Hinks, Greek and Roman Portrait-Sculpture. London: the British Museum, 1935. Pp. 35 + vii, with 48 plates. 2s

ROMAN GAUL. By O. Brogan London, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1953. pp. x+250, with 51 figures and folding map. Price, 21s

ROMAN OSTIA. By Russell Meigcs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. pp. xviii + 598, with 32 text-figures and 41 half-tone plates. 84s

Recueil des bronzes de Bavai (= VIIIe supplément à ‘Gallia’). By Germaine Faider-Feytmans. With a Preface by M. le Chanoine Henri Biévelet. 11 × 8½. Pp. 140 + 2 folding plans + 57 plates. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,

Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule I: Province de Belgique; i: Partie Ouest (= Xe supplément à ‘Gallia’). By Henri Stern, 11 × 8½. Pp. 105 + 56 pls. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1957.--- Either ISSN or Journa

Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule: Il-Province de Lyonnaise 2. Partie sud-est (xe supplément à Gallia). By Henri Stern and Michèle Blanchard-Lemée. 11 × 8½. Pp. 152 + 6 figs. + 84 pls. (3 in col.). Paris: Centre National de la Recher

Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule; Province de Lyonnaise: Lyon (10th supplement to Gallia). By H. Stern, 11 × 8½. Pp. 143 + 98 pls. (3 in colour) + 1 map. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1967. Fr. 145 (£8)


scientific article published on January 1959

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Roman Art Helga von Heintze: Römische Kunst. (Belser Stilgeschichte, iii.) Pp. 200; 14 colour-photographs, 166 half-tone photographs, 12 linedrawings. Stuttgart: Belser, 1969. Cloth, DM.24.80

Roman Art and Architecture by Mortimer Wheeler. (World of Art Library: History of Art.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1964. 250 pp., 60 colour, 155 gravure, illustrations. 35s

Roman Mosaics from Rudston, Brantingham and Horkstow

Roman Portraits. Phaidon Edition, with introduction by L. Goldscheider. Pp. 14, with 16 text-figures and 120 plates. London: Allen and Unwin, 1940. 10s. 6d

Romano-British Figurine from Baginton

Rome: the Centre of Power (Roman Art to A.D. 200). By R. Bianchi Bandinelli, translated from the French by Peter Green, 11 × 8½. Pp. xii + 437 + 451 illustrations (including 91 colour plates and 3 maps). London: Thames and Hudson, 1970. £10.50


Römische Götterdenkmäler in Köln. By H. Schoppa. 11½ × 8¼. Pp. 74 + pls. 96. Köln: Verlag der Löwe, 1959.

Sarcophages paléochrétiens d'Arles et de Marseille (Supplément a Gallia V). By F. Benoit. 11 × 9. Pp. 88 + pls. 49. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1954. Fr. 1400

Studies in Roman Imperial Art, with special reference to the state reliefs of the second century. By Gustaf Hamberg. Pp. 202, with 44 plates. Uppsala, 1945. £3. 6s

THE TEMPLE OF NEHALENNIA AT DOMBURG. By Ada Hondius-Crone. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1955 (received March 1956). pp. 123, with 2 text-figures and 44 plates. Price not stated

The Art of Dura-Europos. By Ann Perkins. 9¾ × 7¾. Pp. xiii + 130+52 pls.+7 figs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973. £7·50

academic book review

The Beginnings of Christian Art 200–395 A.D. By A. Grabar, translated from the French by S. Gilbert and J. Emmons. 11 × 8½. Pp. 326 + 298 pls. (107 in colour) + 15 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1967. £8. 8s


The Classics in War-time

scientific article

The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World. By H. H. Scullard. (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life.) 8¾ × 5¾. Pp. 288 + 24 plates + 24 figures. London: Thames and Hudson, 1974. £6·50

The Hunting Baths at Lepcis Magna

scientific article

The Illuminations of the Vergilius Romanus. By Erwin Rosenthal. 11½ × 10. Pp. 118 + 19 pls.+ 140 figs. Dietikon-Zürich: Urs Graf-Verlag, 1972. Sw.F. 190 = £21

The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage. By Katherine M. D. Dunbabin. (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology.) 28 × 22 cm. Pp. xx + 303 + 88 pls. (8 colour). Oxford: University Press, 1978. £27·50

The Rothschild Lycurgus Cup

article published in 1959

The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. By M. Bieber. Pp. xi + 232, with 712 plates. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955 (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege). £7

The Stevensweert Kantharos. By L. H. M. Brom. Pp. 29, with 9 plates and 5 text figures. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1952. 15 guilders

The Temple of Sulis-Minerva at Bath

article published in 1955

The Villa Item and a Bride's Ordeal

The Vindolanda Horse

Three Critical Periods in Greek Sculpture. By G. M. A. Richter. Pp. ix + 79, 142 figs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951. 25s

Tunisia: Ancient Mosaics. 15×13½. Pp. 25 + 3 black-and-white text-figures and 32 colourplates. Published by the New York Graphic Society by arrangement with UNESCO, 1962. Price not stated

Two Ancient Marbles at Shrewsbury

Two Romano-British Genii