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List of works by Anatoly I. Kalinovsky

5-Acetamido-3,5-dideoxy-L-glycero-L-manno-non-2-ulosonic acid-containing O-polysaccharide from marine bacterium Pseudomonas glareae KMM 9500T

scientific article published on 08 March 2018

A new antimicrobial and anticancer peptide producing by the marine deep sediment strain "Paenibacillus profundus" sp. nov. Sl 79

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Aaptamine alkaloids from the Vietnamese sponge Aaptos sp

scientific article published on 01 August 2009

Antibacterial low-molecular-weight compounds produced by the marine bacterium Rheinheimera japonica KMM 9513T.

scientific article

Aphelasteroside F, a new Asterosaponin from the Far Eastern Starfish Aphelasterias japonica

scientific article published on 01 September 2016

Asterosaponins from the Far Eastern starfish Leptasterias ochotensis and their anticancer activity

scientific article

Asterosaponins from the tropical starfish Acanthaster planci and their cytotoxic and anticancer activities in vitro

scientific article published on 19 March 2019

Bioactive steroidal sulfates from the ambulakrums of the Pacific starfish Lysastrosoma anthosticta

scientific article published on 01 August 2009

Biosynthesis of polar steroids from the Far Eastern starfish Patiria (=Asterina) pectinifera. Cholesterol and cholesterol sulfate are converted into polyhydroxylated sterols and monoglycoside asterosaponin P1 in feeding experiments

scientific article published on 04 September 2013

Cariniferosides A-F and other steroidal biglycosides from the starfish Asteropsis carinifera

scientific article

Cladolosides C4, D1, D2, M, M1, M2, N and Q, new triterpene glycosides with diverse carbohydrate chains from sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii. An uncommon 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27-okta-nor-lanostane aglycone. The synergism of inhibitory action of n

scientific article published on 07 August 2018

Cladolosides I1, I2, J1, K1, K2 and L1, monosulfated triterpene glycosides with new carbohydrate chains from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii

scientific article published on 19 April 2017

Cladolosides O, P, P1-P3 and R, triterpene glycosides with two novel types of carbohydrate chains from the sea cucumberCladolabes schmeltzii. Inhibition of cancer cells colony formation and its synergy with radioactive irradiation

scientific article published on 09 August 2018

Colochiroside E, an Unusual Non-holostane Triterpene Sulfated Trioside from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus robustus and Evidence of the Impossibility of a 7(8)-Double Bond Migration in Lanostane Derivatives having an 18(16)-Lactone

scientific article published on June 2016

Colochirosides A₁, A₂, A₃, and D, Four Novel Sulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus robustus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida).

scientific article published on March 2016

Colochirosides B1, B2, B3 and C, Novel Sulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus robustus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida).

scientific article published on October 2015

Constituents of the sea cucumber Cucumaria okhotensis. Structures of okhotosides B1-B3 and cytotoxic activities of some glycosides from this species

scientific article published on 21 February 2008

Cucumarioside E from the Far Eastern Sea Cucumber Cucumaria japonica (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida), New Minor Monosulfated Holostane Triterpene Pentaoside with Glucose as the Second Monosaccharide Residue.

scientific article

Cyclic Steroid Glycosides from the Starfish Echinaster luzonicus: Structures and Immunomodulatory Activities

scientific article published on 11 June 2015

Cyclobutastellettolides A and B, C19 Norterpenoids from a Stelletta sp. Marine Sponge

scientific article published on 24 October 2019

Determination of C-23 configuration in (20R)-23-hydroxycholestane side chain of steroid compounds by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.

scientific article

Determination of absolute stereochemistry of natural alicyclic glycosides by 1H NMR spectroscopy without application of chiral reagents--an indication

scientific article published on 01 May 2011

Diterpenes from the Far-eastern brown alga Dictyota dichotoma

scientific article published on 13 July 2006

Enzymatic transformation and anti-tumor activity of Sargassum horneri fucoidan

scientific article published on 15 June 2020

Erylosides F8, V1-V3, and W-W2 - New triterpene oligoglycosides from the Carribean sponge Erylus goffrilleri.

scientific article published on 4 August 2017

Fallaxosides C₁, C₂, D₁ and D₂, Unusual Oligosulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Cucumariafallax (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida, Holothurioidea) and Taxonomic Status of this Animal

scientific article published on 01 July 2016

Four New Asterosaponins, Hippasteriosides A - D, from the Far Eastern Starfish Hippasteria kurilensis

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Four New Steroidal Glycosides, Protolinckiosides A - D, from the Starfish Protoreaster lincki

scientific article

Four New Sulfated Polar Steroids from the Far Eastern Starfish Leptasterias ochotensis: Structures and Activities.

scientific article published on 16 July 2015

Fucoidan Sulfatases from Marine Bacterium Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica CZ1127T

scientific article published on 21 September 2018

Furostane Series Asterosaponins and Other Unusual Steroid Oligoglycosides from the Tropical Starfish Pentaceraster regulus

scientific article

Further study on Penares sp. from Vietnamese waters: minor lanostane and nor-lanostane triterpenes.

scientific article published on 29 January 2015

Glycosides from the North Atlantic sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa V - Structures of five new minor trisulfated triterpene oligoglycosides, frondosides A7-1, A7-2, A7-3, A7-4, and isofrondoside C

scientific article published on 30 August 2007

Guaiane Sesquiterpenoids from the Gorgonian Menella woodin

scientific article published on 01 July 2016

Halogenated diterpenoids from the red alga Laurencia nipponica

scientific article published in September 2004

Hemolytic steroid disulfates from the far eastern starfish Pteraster pulvillus

scientific article

Highly hydroxylated steroids of the starfish Archaster typicus from the Vietnamese waters

scientific article published on 21 May 2010

Holothurins B2, B3, and B4, New Triterpene Glycosides from Mediterranean Sea Cucumbers of the GenusHolothuria

scientific article published on 01 April 2005

In Vitro Anticancer and Proapoptotic Activities of Steroidal Glycosides from the Starfish

Indole alkaloids produced by a marine fungus isolate of Penicillium janthinellum Biourge

scientific article

Isolation and Structures of Erylosides from the Carribean SpongeErylus formosus

scientific article published on 01 February 2007

Isolation and structures of erylosides from the Carribean sponge Erylus goffrilleri

scientific article published on 16 November 2007

Isolation, structures, and biological activities of triterpenoids from a Penares sp. marine sponge.

scientific article

Kolgaosides A and B, two new triterpene glycosides from the Arctic deep water sea cucumber Kolga hyalina (Elasipodida: Elpidiidae).

scientific article published on September 2014

Kunitz-Type Peptides from the Sea Anemone Heteractis crispa Demonstrate Potassium Channel Blocking and Anti-Inflammatory Activities

scientific article published on 04 November 2020

Kurilosides A1, A2, C1, D, E and F-Triterpene Glycosides from the Far Eastern Sea Cucumber Thyonidium (= Duasmodactyla) kurilensis (Levin): Structures with Unusual Non-Holostane Aglycones and Cytotoxicities

scientific article published on 06 November 2020

Leptogorgins A-C, Humulane Sesquiterpenoids from the Vietnamese Gorgonian Leptogorgia sp

scientific article published on 13 June 2020

Lissodendoric Acids A and B, Manzamine-Related Alkaloids from the Far Eastern Sponge Lissodendoryx florida.

scientific article published on 21 September 2017

Marine isolate Citricoccus sp. KMM 3890 as a source of a cyclic siderophore nocardamine with antitumor activity

scientific article published on 3 March 2011

Modification of native fucoidan from Fucus evanescens by recombinant fucoidanase from marine bacteria Formosa algae

scientific article published on 30 March 2018

Mollisosides A, B1, and B2: minor triterpene glycosides from the New Zealand and South Australian sea cucumber Australostichopus mollis

scientific article published on 01 June 2005

Mycalamide A shows cytotoxic properties and prevents EGF-induced neoplastic transformation through inhibition of nuclear factors.

scientific article

Mycalosides B-I, eight new spermostatic steroid oligoglycosides from the sponge Mycale laxissima

scientific article published in August 2003

New Conjugates of Polyhydroxysteroids with Long-Chain Fatty Acids from the Deep-Water Far Eastern Starfish Ceramaster patagonicus and Their Anticancer Activity

scientific article published on 15 May 2020

New Metabolites from a Marine Sediment-Derived Fungus, Aspergillus carneus.

scientific article published on July 2015

New angucyclines and antimicrobial diketopiperazines from the marine mollusk-derived actinomycete Saccharothrix espanaensis An 113.

scientific article

New diterpene glycosides of the fungus Acremonium striatisporum isolated from a sea cucumber

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

New diterpene glycosides of the fungusAcremonium striatisporumisolated from a sea cucumber

scientific article published on 19 July 2006

New glycosides of the fungus Acremonium striatisporum isolated from a sea cucumber

scientific article published on 01 June 2004

New meroterpenoids from the marine sponge Aka coralliphaga.

scientific article published in April 2012

New metabolites from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigatus

scientific article published on April 1, 2012

New scalarane-based sesterterpenes from the sponge Phyllospongia madagascarensis

scientific article published on September 2004

New triterpene oligoglycosides from the Caribbean sponge Erylus formosus

scientific article published on 20 July 2011

New virescenosides from the marine-derived fungus Acremonium striatisporum.

scientific article

Nine New Triterpene Glycosides, Magnumosides A₁-A₄, B₁, B₂, C₁, C₂ and C₄, from the Vietnamese Sea Cucumber Neothyonidium (=Massinium) magnum: Structures and Activities against Tumor Cells Independently and in Synergy with Radioactive Irradiation

scientific article published on 16 August 2017

Oxirapentyns F-K from the marine-sediment-derived fungus Isaria felina KMM 4639.

scientific article published on 9 June 2014

Oxysterols from a Marine Sponge sp. and Their Action in 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Cell Model of Parkinson's Disease

scientific article published on 21 November 2018

Phrygiasterol, a cytotoxic cyclopropane-containing polyhydroxysteroid, and related compounds from the pacific starfish Hippasteria phrygiana

scientific article published on 01 October 2005

Polar Steroidal Compounds from the Far Eastern Starfish Henricia leviuscula

scientific article published on 01 February 2006

Polar steroid compounds from the Arctic starfish Asterias microdiscus and their cytotoxic properties against normal and tumor cells in vitro

scientific article published on 21 October 2020

Polyoxygenated steroids from the gorgonian Menella woodin with capabilities to modulate ROS levels in macrophages at response to LPS.

scientific article published on 14 October 2015

Pretrichodermamides D-F from a Marine Algicolous Fungus Penicillium sp. KMM 4672.

scientific article published on 27 June 2016

Pseudostichoposide B--new triterpene glycoside with unprecedent type of sulfatation from the deep-water North-Pacific Sea cucumber Pseudostichopus trachus

scientific article

Regulusosides A, B, and C, Three New Polyhydroxysteroid Glycosides from the Starfish Pentaceraster regulus

scientific article published on 01 September 2016

Six New Polyhydroxysteroidal Glycosides, Anthenosides S1 - S6, from the Starfish Anthenea sibogae

scientific article published on 22 January 2018

Six new polyhydroxylated steroids conjugated with taurine, microdiscusols A-F, from the Arctic starfish Asterias microdiscus

scientific article published on 19 July 2019

Spongian diterpenoids from the sponge Spongia (Heterofibria) sp

scientific article published on 14 June 2007

Steroidal Triglycosides, Kurilensosides A, B, and C, and Other Polar Steroids from the Far Eastern StarfishHippasteria kurilensis

scientific article published on 22 March 2008

Steroidal monoglycosides from the Far Eastern starfish Hippasteria kurilensis and hypothetic pathways of polyhydroxysteroid biosynthesis in starfish

scientific article published on 18 November 2008

Structure and absolute configuration of a new rearranged chamigrane-type sesquiterpenoid from the sea hare Aplysia sp.

scholarly article

Structure and anticancer activity of sulfated O-polysaccharide from marine bacterium Cobetia litoralis KMM 3880(T).

scientific article published on 12 August 2016

Structure and biological action of cladolosides B1, B2, C, C1, C2 and D, six new triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii

scientific article published on November 2013

Structure and in vitro anticancer activity of sulfated O-polysaccharide from marine bacterium Poseidonocella pacifica KMM 9010T.

scientific article published on 18 September 2017

Structure of cucumarioside I2 from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix (Djakonov et Baranova) and cytotoxic and immunostimulatory activities of this saponin and relative compounds

scientific article published on 11 April 2013

Structure of cucumariosides H5, H6, H7 and H8, triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix and unprecedented aglycone with 16,22-epoxy-group

scientific article published on August 1, 2011

Structure of polysaccharide moiety of Pseudomonas xanthomarina KMM 1447T lipopolysaccharide

scientific article published on 30 July 2016

Structure of the O-specific polysaccharide from the marine bacterium Rheinheimera japonica KMM 9513(T), containing N-glycosidic bond between monosaccharides

scientific article published on 06 April 2016

Structure, enzymatic transformation, anticancer activity of fucoidan and sulphated fucooligosaccharides from Sargassum horneri

scientific article published on 12 August 2017

Structures and Bioactivities of Psolusosides B1, B2, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q from the Sea Cucumber Psolus fabricii. The First Finding of Tetrasulfated Marine Low Molecular Weight Metabolites

scientific article published on 06 November 2019

Structures and Bioactivities of Quadrangularisosides A, A1, B, B1, B2, C, C1, D, D1-D4, and E from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus quadrangularis: The First Discovery of the Glycosides, Sulfated by C-4 of the Terminal 3-O-Methylglucose Residue. Synerget

scientific article published on 28 July 2020

Structures and Bioactivities of Six New Triterpene Glycosides, Psolusosides E, F, G, H, H1, and I and the Corrected Structure of Psolusoside B from the Sea Cucumber Psolus fabricii

scientific article published on 14 June 2019

Structures and Biogenesis of Fallaxosides D₄, D₅, D₆ and D₇, Trisulfated Non-Holostane Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Cucumaria fallax

scientific article published on 20 July 2016

Structures and biological activities of cladolosides C3, E1, E2, F1, F2, G, H1 and H2, eight triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii with one known and four new carbohydrate chains

scientific article published on 20 June 2015

Structures and biological activities of typicosides A1, A2, B1, C1 and C2, triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Actinocucumis typica

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Structures and cytotoxic properties of cucumariosides H₂, H₃ and H₄ from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix.

scientific article published on 11 October 2011

Structures of eremophilane-type sesquiterpene glucosides, alticolosides A-G, from the Far Eastern endemic Ligularia alticola Worosch

scientific article published on 3 December 2014

Structures of violaceusosides C, D, E and G, sulfated triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Pseudocolochirus violaceus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida)

scientific article published in March 2014

Synaptosides A and A1, triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Synapta maculata containing 3-O-methylglucuronic acid and their cytotoxic activity against tumor cells

scientific article

The Antitumor Antibiotics Complex of Aureolic Acids from the Marine Sediment-associated Strain of Streptomyces sp. KNIM 9048.

scientific article

The Assignment of the Absolute Configuration of C-22 Chiral Center in the Aglycones of Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzi and Chemical Transformations of Cladoloside C

scientific article published on 01 July 2015

The Influence on LPS-Induced ROS Formation in Macrophages of Capelloside A, a New Steroid Glycoside from the Starfish Ogmaster capella

scientific article published on November 2015

Three new steroid biglycosides, plancisides A, B, and C, from the starfish Acanthaster planci

scientific article published on September 2014

Triterpene glycosides from Antarctic sea cucumbers III. Structures of liouvillosides A4and A5, two minor disulphated tetraosides containing 3-O-methylquinovose as terminal monosaccharide units from the sea cucumberStaurocucumis liouvillei(Vaney)

scientific article published on 15 July 2011

Triterpene glycosides from Antarctic sea cucumbers. 1. Structure of liouvillosides A1, A2, A3, B1, and B2 from the sea cucumber Staurocucumis liouvillei: new procedure for separation of highly polar glycoside fractions and taxonomic revision.

scientific article

Triterpene glycosides from Antarctic sea cucumbers. 2. Structure of Achlioniceosides A(1), A(2), and A(3) from the sea cucumber Achlionice violaecuspidata (=Rhipidothuria racowitzai).

scientific article

Triterpene glycosides from the deep-water North-Pacific sea cucumber Synallactes nozawai Mitsukuri

scientific article

Triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Cladolabes schmeltzii. II. Structure and biological action of cladolosides A1-A6 .

scientific article published on October 2014

Triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix. Structure and biological action of cucumariosides A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, A12 and A15, seven new minor non-sulfated tetraosides and unprecedented 25-keto, 27-norholostane aglycone

scientific article published on 01 April 2012

Triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix. Structure and biological action of cucumariosides I1, I3, I4, three new minor disulfated pentaosides.

scientific article published in August 2013

Triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix. Structure and biological activity of cucumariosides B1 and B2, two new minor non-sulfated unprecedented triosides

scientific article published on 01 September 2012

Triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Eupentacta fraudatrix. Structure and cytotoxic action of cucumariosides A2, A7, A9, A10, an, A13 and A14, seven new minor non-sulfated tetraosides and an aglycone with an uncommon 18-hydroxy group

scientific article published on 01 July 2012

Two New Steroidal Monoglycosides, Anthenosides A₁ and A₂, and Revision of the Structure of Known Anthenoside A with Unusual Monosaccharide Residue from the Starfish Anthenea aspera

scientific article published on 03 May 2018

Two new asterosaponins from the Far Eastern starfish Lethasterias fusca.

scientific article published on July 2012

Two new asterosaponins, archasterosides A and B, from the Vietnamese starfish Archaster typicus and their anticancer properties

scientific article

Two new steroidal saponins, hylodoside A and novaeguinoside Y, from the starfish Leptasterias hylodes reticulata and Culcita novaeguineae (juvenile)

scientific article published on 01 November 2010

Unique prostate cancer-toxic polyketides from marine sediment-derived fungus Isaria felina

scientific article published on 26 April 2017

Unusual Polyhydroxylated Steroids from the Starfish Anthenoides laevigatus, Collected off the Coastal Waters of Vietnam

scientific article published on 23 March 2020

Unusual Steroid Constituents from the Tropical Starfish Leiaster sp

scientific article published on 01 September 2016