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List of works by Steven J. Schatzel

A case study on longwall mining near shale gas wells in barrier pillars - influence, safety, and risks

conference proceedings item published in 2020

A case study on longwall mining near shale gas wells in barrier pillars - influence, safety, and risks

conference proceedings item published in June 2020

A characterization of gas movement and methane control techniques in longwall gobs using tracer gas

conference proceedings item published in 1998

A discrete fracture network model for prediction of longwall-induced permeability

journal article published in 2022

A field study of US longwall coal mine ventilation and bleeder performance

conference proceedings item published in 2011

A field study of US longwall coal mine ventilation and bleeder performance

conference proceedings item published in February 2011

A field study of longwall mine ventilation using tracer gas in a trona mine

journal article published in 2019

A field study of longwall mine ventilation using tracer gas in a trona mine

abstract published in 2020

A provenance study of mineral matter in coal from Appalachian Basin coal mining regions and implications regarding the respirable health of underground coal workers: a geochemical and Nd isotope investigation

journal article published in 2012

A study of leakage rates through mine seals in underground coal mines

journal article published in 2016

Airflow distribution patterns at a longwall mine depicted by CFD analysis and calibrated by a tracer gas field study

conference proceedings item published in February 2011

Airflow distribution patterns at a longwall mine depicted by CFD analysis and calibrated by a tracer gas field study

conference proceedings item published in 2011

An analysis of reservoir conditions and responses in longwall panel overburden during mining and its effect on gob gas well performance

journal article published in 2012

An investigation of longwall gob gas behavior and control methods

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Analysis of the Constituents of Coalbed Gas

publication (OP) published in 1991

Analysis of variation in longwall-induced permeability under different mining depths

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Assessing gas leakage potential into coal mines from shale gas well failures: inference from field determination of strata permeability responses to longwall-induced deformations

journal article published in 2021

Assessment of methane hazards in an anomalous zone of a Gulf Coast salt dome

report of investigations published in 1984

Case study of methane occurrences at the Cathedral Bluff Oil Shale Mine, Colorado

publication (OP) published in 1986

Characterization of gas flow in longwall gobs: Pittsburgh Coalbed, PA

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Characterization of source rocks producing respirable quartz and aluminosilicate dust in underground US coal mines

conference abstract published in 2006

Characterization of the occurrence of methane in gulf coast domal salt mines

publication (OP) published in 1985

Coal bed methane: from prospect to pipeline

book published in 2014

Control of longwall gob gas with cross-measure boreholes (Upper Kittanning Coalbed)

report of investigations published in 1983

Effects of longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes on shale gas well integrity and safety under shallow cover

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Emerald Mine field study, NIOSH closing report 10/09/1998; utilizing multiple tracer gas releases to define air movement in gob areas

publication published in 1998

Evaluation of parameters influencing potential gas flow to the mine in the event of a nearby unconventional shale gas well casing breach

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Evaluation of parameters influencing potential gas flow to the mine in the event of a nearby unconventional shale gas well casing breach

journal article published in 2022

Evaluation of permeability and transport characteristics formed by the induced fracture network around gas wells drilled through longwall abutment pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Face ventilation on a bleederless longwall panel

journal article published in 2019

Face ventilation on a bleederless longwall panel

abstract published in 2019

Field study of longwall coal mine ventilation and bleeder performance

journal article published in 2012

Frictional ignitions in underground bituminous coal operations, 1983-2005

journal article published in 2009

Frictional ignitions in underground bituminous coal operations, 1983-2005

journal article published in 2010

Frictional ignitions in underground bituminous coal operations, 1983-2005

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Gas source discrimination methods to identify the occurrence of a hypothetical, unconventional gas well breach into a nearby longwall mine

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Geomechanical modeling of mining-induced permeability: implications for potential gas inflow from a sheared gas well

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Guidelines for the prediction and control of methane emissions on longwalls

NIOSH information circular published in 2008

Identifying sources of respirable quartz and silica dust in underground coal mines in southern West Virginia, western Virginia, and eastern Kentucky

journal article published in 2009

Implications of shale gas well integrity failure near a longwall mine under shallow cover

journal article published in 2023

Investigating the impact of caving on longwall mine ventilation using scaled physical modeling

journal article published in 2019

Investigating the impact of caving on longwall mine ventilation using scaled physical modeling

abstract published in 2019

Longwall ventilation field studies: a comparison of bleeder and bleederless systems

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes-shale gas well casing integrity implication

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Measuring the gas content of coal: a review

journal article published in 1998

Methane content of Gulf Coast domal rock salt

report of investigations published in 1984

Methane contents of oil shale from the Piceance Basin, CO

report of investigations published in 1987

Methane emissions and airflow patterns on a longwall face

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Methane emissions and airflow patterns on a longwall face: potential influences from longwall gob permeability distributions on a bleederless longwall

journal article published in February 2018

Methane emissions and airflow patterns on a longwall face: potential influences from longwall gob permeability distributions on a bleederless longwall

journal article published in 2018

Mine ventilation pathway simulation on a hypothetical shale gas well breach utilizing the Longwall Instrumented Aerodynamic Model (LIAM)

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Mining and quarrying trends in the metals and industrial minerals industries; annual data

publication published in 1991

NIOSH longwall gob gas flow characterization studies: Pittsburgh Coal Bed

conference proceedings item published in 2003

NIOSH research for monitoring and controlling methane at U.S. underground coal mining operations

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Numerical analysis of the impact of longwall panel width on methane emissions and performance of gob gas ventholes

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Numerical analysis of the influence of in-seam horizontal methane drainage boreholes on longwall face emission rates

journal article published in 2007

Numerical modeling of longwall-induced permeability under shallow cover

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Organic and mineralogic factors influencing Green River oil shale methane emissions

journal article published in 1994

Permeability determination for potential interaction between shale gas wells and the coal mine environment due to longwall-induced deformations

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Permeability determination for potential interaction between shale gas wells and the coal mine environment due to longwall-induced deformations under deep cover

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Prediction of longwall methane emissions and the associated consequences of increasing longwall face lengths: a case study in the Pittsburgh coalbed

conference proceedings item published in 2006


chapter published in 2014

Rare-earth element sources and modification in the Lower Kittanning coal bed, Pennsylvania: implications for the origin of coal mineral matter and rare-earth element exposure in underground mines

journal article published in 2003

Reservoir modeling-based prediction and optimization of ventilation requirements during development mining in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Reservoir simulation-based modeling for characterizing longwall methane emissions and gob gas venthole production

journal article published in 2007

Rockmass permeability induced by longwall mining under deep cover: potential gas inflow from a sheared gas well

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Rockmass permeability induced by longwall mining under deep cover: potential gas inflow from a sheared gas well

journal article published in 2022

Roof Outbursting At a Canadian Bedded Salt Mine

publication (OP) published in 1989

Simulating the impact of a shale gas well breach on longwall mine ventilation utilizing a scaled physical model

conference proceedings item published in 2022

The borehole monitoring experiment: field measurements of reservoir conditions and responses in longwall panel overburden during active mining

conference proceedings item published in 2008

The modified direct method: a solution for obtaining accurate coal desorption measurements

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Tracer gas study to determine face ventilation air and gob gas movement patterns on a bleederless longwall panel

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Tracer gas study to determine face ventilation air and gob gas movement patterns on a bleederless longwall panel

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Transport model for shale gas well leakage through the surrounding fractured zones of a longwall mine

journal article published in 2020

Underground gob gas drainage during longwall mining

report of investigations published in 1982

Validation of modeled rockmass permeability against field measurements in a longwall mine

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Ventilation research findings for enhanced worker safety when mining near unconventional gas wells in longwall abutment pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2023