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List of works by Steven E. Mischler

A multi-cyclone sampling array for the collection of size-segregated occupational aerosols

journal article published in 2013

A review of the USBM/NIOSH diesel research program

book or book chapter published in 2010

A review of the effects of exhaust aftertreatment on nitrogen dioxide emissions from underground mining equipment

journal article published in 2010

Aerodynamic size separation of glass fiber aerosols

journal article published in 2020

Analysis of the silica percent in airborne respirable mine dust samples from U.S. operations

conference proceedings item published in 2014

Asbestos fiber length and width comparison between manual and semi-automated measurements

journal article published in 2022

Calibration of the cloud and aerosol spectrometer for coal dust composition and morphology

journal article published in 2019

Canopy air curtain to reduce diesel particulate matter exposure for underground blasters

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining and belt transport

journal article published in 2018

Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining and belt transport

journal article published in February 2018

Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining, and belt transport

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining, and belt transport

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Characterization of airborne: float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining and belt transport

journal article published in 2017

Classification of asbestos and their nonasbestiform analogues using FTIR and multivariate data analysis

journal article published in 2024

Coal Industry

chapter published in 2015

Comparison of different hollow cone water sprays for continuous miner dust control applications

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Comparison of different hollow cone water sprays for continuous miner dust control applications

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Comparison of the CAS-POL and IOM samplers for determining the knockdown efficiencies of water sprays on float coal dust

journal article published in 2018

Continuous Personal Dust Monitor

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2017

Controlling and monitoring diesel emissions in underground mines in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Controlling exposure to diesel emissions in underground mines

book published in 2012

Design of a water curtain to reduce accumulations of float coal dust in longwall returns

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Design of a water curtain to reduce accumulations of float coal dust in longwall returns

journal article published in 2020

Diesel aerosols and gases in underground mines: guide to exposure assessment and control

NIOSH publication published in 2011

Diesel aerosols in an underground coal mine

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Diesel aerosols in an underground coal mine

journal article published in 2022

Diesel particulate matter control technologies and measurements in U.S. mines

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Differential activation of RAW 264.7 macrophages by size-segregated crystalline silica

journal article published in 2016

Differential pressure as a measure of particulate matter emissions from diesel engines

journal article published in 2005

Effectiveness of selected diesel particulate matter control technologies for underground mining applications: isolated zone study, 2003

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2006

Effectiveness of selected diesel particulate matter control technologies for underground mining applications: isolated zone study, 2004

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2006

Effectiveness of the CPDM in reducing overexposures to coal mine dust

journal article published in 2022

Effectiveness of the CPDM in reducing overexposures to coal mine dust

abstract published in 2022

Effects of alternative fuels on concentrations of nanometer and ultrafine particles in an underground mine

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Effects of low-NO2 continuously regenerated trap on aerosol and gaseous emissions from heavy-duty diesel powered underground mining vehicles

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Effects of sintered metal filter systems on emissions from light-duty diesel powered underground mining vehicles

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Equivalency of PDM3700 and PDM3600 dust monitors

journal article published in 2024

Equivalency of a personal dust monitor to the current United States coal mine respirable dust sampler

journal article published in 2008

Evaluation of diesel emission control technologies used in U.S. underground coal and noncoal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Evaluation of diesel particulate filter systems and biodiesel blends in an underground mine

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Evaluation of diesel particulate filter systems and biodiesel blends in an underground mine

journal article published in 2006

Field measurement of diesel particulate matter emissions

journal article published in 2008

Instrumentation for diesel particulate matter emissions research

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Laboratory and field performance of a continuously measuring personal respirable dust monitor

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2006

Measuring diesel particulate matter in underground mines using submicron elemental carbon as a surrogate

conference proceedings item published in 2006

NIOSH Respiratory Health Program (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2019

NO2 Emission Increases Associated with the Use of Certain Diesel Particulate Filters in Underground Mines

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2009

Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces

journal article published in 2018

Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces

journal article published in 2019

Performance of a new personal respirable dust monitor for mine use

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2004

Real-time diesel particulate monitor for underground mines

journal article published in 2013

Real-time particle size distribution measurements of coarse coal dust

abstract published in 2016

Relationship between elemental carbon, total carbon, and diesel particulate matter in several underground metal/non-metal mines

journal article published in 2007

Respiratory Health Program (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2018

Sampling and analysis method for measuring airborne coal dust mass in mixtures with limestone (rock) dust

journal article published in 2016

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in July 2005

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Testing a revised inlet for the personal dust monitor

journal article published in 2019

The effects of passive diesel particulate filters on diesel particulate matter concentrations in two underground metal/nonmetal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2010

The elemental carbon content in DPM of vehicles in an underground metal mine with and without diesel particulate filters

abstract published in 2004

Water spray knockdown efficiencies of airborne float coal dust measured using cloud, aerosol, and precipitation spectrometer

conference proceedings item published in 2017