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List of works by Stephen J. Gilbert

A re-examination of risk estimates from the NIOSH occupational noise and hearing survey (ONHS)

journal article published in 1997

Alternate measures of risk for communicating study results: comparisons of injury and chronic disease mortality in the NIOSH Colorado uranium miners cohort

abstract published in 2000

An alternate characterization of hazard in occupational epidemiology: years of life lost per years worked

journal article published in 2002

An examination of longitudinal hearing conservation databases for evidence of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

conference proceedings item published in 1995

An exposure-response analysis of respiratory disease risk associated with occupational exposure to chrysotile asbestos

journal article published in 1997

Case study demonstrating the utility of occupational exposure banding

abstract published in 2017

Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione

NIOSH criteria document published in 2016

Crystalline silica exposure and lung cancer mortality in diatomaceous earth industry workers: a quantitative risk assessment

journal article published in 2001

Current intelligence bulletin 63: occupational exposure to titanium dioxide

NIOSH current intelligence bulletin published in 2011

Current intelligence bulletin 69: NIOSH practices in occupational risk assessment

NIOSH current intelligence bulletin published in 2020

Current intelligence bulletin 69: NIOSH practices in occupational risk assessment (superseded)

superseded NIOSH current intelligence bulletin published in 2020

Epidemiologic approaches to risk assessment

journal article published in 1999

Evaluation of the risk of noise-induced hearing loss among unscreened male industrial workers

journal article published in 2003

Exposure to crystalline silica, silicosis, and lung disease other than cancer in diatomaceous earth industry workers: a quantitative risk assessment

journal article published in 2002

Exposure-response analysis of risk of respiratory disease associated with occupational exposure to chrysotile asbestos

journal article published in 1997

Fiber size-specific exposure estimates and updated mortality analysis of chrysotile asbestos textile workers

abstract published in 2006

Human cancer risk and exposure to 1,3-butadiene - a tale of mice and men

journal article published in 2000

Occupational exposure banding e-tool demonstration

abstract published in 2017

Preliminary evaluation of the draft NIOSH occupational exposure banding protocol

abstract published in 2016

Pulmonary impairment and risk assessment in a diacetyl-exposed population: microwave popcorn workers

journal article published in 2018

Re: An alternate characterization of hazard in occupational epidemiology: years of life lost per years worked. Am J Ind Med 42:1-10, 2002

publication published in 2003

Response to "comments on 'a re-examination of risk estimates from the NIOSH occupational noise and hearing survey'."

journal article published in 1998

Sources of uncertainty in dose-response modeling of epidemiological data for cancer risk assessment

journal article published in 1999

Technical report: the NIOSH occupational exposure banding process for chemical risk management

NIOSH technical report published in 2019

Trends in occupational fatal injury rates in the United States (1983-1992)

conference abstract published in 1997

Using epidemiologic data for a risk assessment of silica exposure

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Years of potential life lost due to occupational fatal injury in the United States

journal article published in 1998

Years of potential life lost in the National Traumatic Occupational Fatality database

abstract published in 2000