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List of works by Marcia L. Stanton

A field evaluation of a single sampler for respirable and inhalable indium and dust measurements at an indium-tin oxide manufacturing facility

journal article published in 2019

A workplace investigation of lymphocytic bronchiolitis characterized by proliferation of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)

abstract published in 2013

An evaluation of nonresponse and bias in a study of asthma in healthcare workers

abstract published in 2016

Association of metrics of peak exposure with beryllium sensitisation

abstract published in 2016

Associations of metrics of peak inhalation exposure and skin exposure indices with beryllium sensitization at a beryllium manufacturing facility

journal article published in 2019

B-cell lymphocytic bronchiolitis and alveolar ductitis in a man with exposure to metalworking fluids - a novel occupational lung disease

abstract published in 2016

Case study: efficacy of engineering controls in mitigating diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione emissions during coffee grinding

journal article published in 2022

Characterisation of wet work and glove use in healthcare occupations

abstract published in 2014

Characterisation of work tasks and exposures to cleaning and disinfecting chemicals in healthcare occupations

abstract published in 2013

Characteristics of beryllium exposure to small particles at a beryllium production facility

journal article published in 2011

Characterization of cleaning and disinfecting tasks and product use among hospital occupations

journal article published in 2015

Characterization of microbial components present in bioconcept metalworking fluid that may contribute to the development of severe lung pathology

abstract published in 2024

Clustering asthma symptoms and cleaning and disinfecting activities and evaluating their associations among healthcare workers

journal article published in 2019

Considerations of peak exposure indices for the epidemiology of beryllium sensitization

abstract published in 2011

Decrements in lung function and respiratory abnormalities associated with exposure to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione in coffee production workers

journal article published in 2022

Development of historical exposure estimates for an epidemiologic study of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a beryllium production facility

abstract published in 2008

Evaluation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) transmission from Asian elephants to zoo employees

field study published in 2021

Evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee roasting and packaging facility

field study published in 2019

Evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee roasting, flavoring, and packaging facility

field study published in 2020

Evaluation of exposures and respiratory health concerns in a paper converting equipment manufacturing facility

field study published in 2019

Examining multiple exposure pathways of beryllium using mixed and structural equation moding techniques

abstract published in 2014

Exposure pathway assessment at a copper-beryllium alloy facility

journal article published in 2007

Exposures and emissions in coffee roasting facilities and cafés: diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, and other volatile organic compounds

journal article published in 2020

Exposures to volatile organic compounds among healthcare workers: modeling the effects of cleaning tasks and product use

journal article published in 2018

Frequency of sensitization and disease among workers in beryllium service and distribution centers

conference abstract published in 2003

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2009-0214-3153, an evaluation of preventive measures at an indium-tin oxide production facility - Rhode Island

field study published in 2012

Health hazard evaluation report: an evaluation of respiratory health at a flavoring manufacturing facility - Kentucky

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: an evaluation of respiratory health at a syntactic foam manufacturing facility

field study published in 2015

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposure and respiratory health at a coffee processing facility

field study published in 2017

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee processing facility

field study published in 2017

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee roasting and packaging facility

field study published in January 2018

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee roasting and packaging facility and associated café

field study published in 2018

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at a coffee roasting and packaging facility and attached retail cafe

field study published in 2017

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of exposures and respiratory health at two coffee roasting and packaging facilities

field study published in 2018

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of respiratory concerns at a snack food production facility, New York

field study published in 2013

Impact of negatively charged patches on the surface of MHC class II antigen-presenting proteins on risk of chronic beryllium disease

journal article published in 2008

Indium Lung Disease

scientific article published on December 29, 2011

Long‐Term Efficacy of a Program to Prevent Beryllium Disease

scientific article published on February 28, 2013

Lung function abnormalities in U.S. indium-tin oxide production workers

abstract published in 2011

Metalworking fluid-associated respiratory morbidity in a production facility with a cluster of lymphocytic bronchiolitis

abstract published in 2015

Migration of beryllium via multiple exposure pathways among work processes in four different facilities

journal article published in 2014

Occupation and task as risk factors for asthma-related outcomes among healthcare workers in New York City

journal article published in 2019

Occupational exposure to styrene during cured-in-place pipe installations: an emerging issue

abstract published in 2024

Occupational respiratory and skin diseases among workers exposed to metalworking fluids

journal article published in 2021

Peaks, means, and determinants of real-time TVOC exposures associated with cleaning and disinfecting tasks in healthcare settings

journal article published in 2019

Physicochemical characteristics of aerosol particles generated during the milling of beryllium silicate ores: implications for risk assessment

journal article published in 2008

Practical impact of programmatic research results in the beryillium industry

conference abstract published in 2006

Respirable indium exposures, plasma indium, and respiratory health among indium-tin oxide (ITO) workers

journal article published in 2016

Respiratory symptoms and lung function abnormalities related to work at a flavouring manufacturing facility

journal article published in 2014

Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease among workers in copper-beryllium distribution centers

journal article published in 2006

Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 1: historical exposure reconstruction

journal article published in 2012

Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 2: validation of historical exposures

journal article published in 2012

Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 3: exposure-response among short-term workers

journal article published in 2012

Serial evaluations at an indium‐tin oxide production facility

scientific article published on October 25, 2012

Severe lung disease characterized by lymphocytic bronchiolitis, alveolar ductitis, and emphysema (BADE) in industrial machine-manufacturing workers

journal article published in 2019

Two-year follow-up of exposure, engineering controls, respiratory protection and respiratory health among workers at an indium-tin oxide (ITO) production and reclamation facility

journal article published in 2022

Validating historical beryllium exposure estimates at a beryllium manufacturing facility

abstract published in 2011

Work tasks as determinants of respirable and inhalable indium exposure among workers at an indium-tin oxide production and reclamation facility

journal article published in 2020

Work-related adverse respiratory health outcomes at a machine manufacturing facility with a cluster of bronchiolitis, alveolar ductitis and emphysema (BADE)

journal article published in 2020

Work-related asthma at a syntactic foam manufacturer detected through surveillance

abstract published in 2015

Workplace indoor environmental quality and asthma-related outcomes in healthcare workers

journal article published in 2020