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List of works by Katherine A. Roach

A comprehensive summary of disease variants implicated in metal allergy

journal article published in 2022

A hydrophilic organosilane-based coating blocked acute and subchronic silica-induced lung toxicity in an animal model

abstract published in 2022

A possible relationship between telomere length and markers of neurodegeneration in rat brain after welding fume inhalation exposure

journal article published in 2020

Acute in vitro and in vivo toxicity of a commercial grade boron nitride nanotube mixture

journal article published in 2017

Acute toxicity of boron nitride nanotubes in-vitro and in-vivo

abstract published in 2016

Alteration of allergic response following an acute pulmonary exposure to nickel oxide nanoparticles in a murine OVA asthma model

abstract published in 2016

Assessment of welding fume exposure on telomere length and regulation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lung tissue in rats

abstract published in 2019

Bioactivity of boron nitride nanotube preparations that differ in purity in vitro and in vivo

abstract published in 2019

Changes in the serum metabolome of rats following intratracheal instillation of particles representing different potential mode-of-action categories of nanomaterials

abstract published in 2023

Characterization of acute in vitro and in vivo toxicity of boron nitride nanotube and byproducts following dispersion

abstract published in 2017

Characterization of functional and molecular endpoints of potential adverse health effects associated with age, diet, and occupational exposure in an animal model

abstract published in 2018

Characterization of lung toxicity following pulmonary exposure to graphene nanoparticles in different oxidized forms

abstract published in 2016

Characterization of pulmonary toxicity following graphene inhalation

abstract published in 2018

Comparison of product safety data sheet ingredient lists with skin irritants and sensitizers present in a convenience sample of light-curing resins used in additive manufacturing

journal article published in 2022

Differences in nickel oxide nanoparticle-induced pulmonary toxicity and exacerbated allergic response following acute respiratory exposure

abstract published in 2017

Do impurities in boron nitride nanotube material influence toxicity?

abstract published in 2020

Effect of a high-fat diet and occupational exposure in different rat strains on lung and systemic responses: development of an animal model to examine the exposome

abstract published in 2020

Effect of a high-fat diet and occupational exposure in different rat strains on lung and systemic responses: examination of the exposome in an animal model

journal article published in 2020

Effect of age, high-fat diet, and rat strain on serum biomarkers and telomere length and global DNA methylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

journal article published in 2019

Effect of diet and occupational exposure in different rat strains on serum biomarkers and peripheral blood mononuclear cell telomere length: development of an animal model to examine the exposome

abstract published in 2019

Evaluation of telomere length and markers of neurodegeneration after welding fume exposure

abstract published in 2021

Evaluation of the skin sensitizing potential of gold nanomaterials and the impact of established dermal sensitivity to gold on the pulmonary immune response with respect to dose mass and surface area

abstract published in 2019

Evaluation of the skin-sensitizing potential of gold nanoparticles and the impact of established dermal sensitivity on the pulmonary immune response to various forms of gold

journal article published in 2020

Examination of the exposome in an animal model: the impact of high fat diet and rat strain on local and systemic immune markers following occupational welding fume exposure

journal article published in 2023

Examination of the exposome in an animal model: the impact of high fat diet and rat strain on local and systemic immune markers following occupational welding fume exposure (dataset)

research dataset published in 2023

Examination of the exposome in an animal model: the impact of high-fat diet and rat strain on local and systemic immune markers following occupational welding fume exposure

abstract published in 2023

Exposure to graphene nanoparticles induces changes in measures of vascular/renal function in a load and form-dependent manner in mice

journal article published in 2019

In vivo lung toxicity associated with boron nitride nanotubes with different purities

abstract published in 2020

Initiation of pulmonary fibrosis after silica inhalation in rats is linked with dysfunctional shelterin complex and DNA damage response

journal article published in 2019

Lung toxicity and allergy responses in mice exposed to nanoparticle silver

abstract published in 2015

Lung toxicity following a dose-response in vivo study of dispersed boron nitride nanotubes

abstract published in 2017

Metal nanomaterials: immune effects and implications of physicochemical properties on sensitization, elicitation, and exacerbation of allergic disease

journal article published in 2019

Physicochemical characterization and pulmonary in vitro toxicity screening of different categories of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials

abstract published in 2023

Pulmonary inflammation response comparison of nano-clay to machined dusts of nano-clay-enabled composite

abstract published in 2021

Pulmonary toxicity associated with different zinc nanoparticles after intratracheal instillation in rats

abstract published in 2019

Pulmonary toxicity following acute coexposures to diesel particulate matter and alpha-quartz crystalline silica in the Sprague-Dawley rat

journal article published in 2017

Surface area- and mass-based comparison of fine and ultrafine nickel oxide lung toxicity and augmentation of allergic response in an ovalbumin asthma model

journal article published in 2019

Surface area- and mass-based comparison of lung toxicity and allergic exacerbation in an ovalbumin asthma model following pulmonary exposure to fine and ultrafine nickel oxide

abstract published in 2018

Toxicity evaluation following pulmonary exposure to an as-manufactured dispersed boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) material in vivo

journal article published in 2020

Toxicological evaluation of graphene nanomaterials that differ in size and oxidative form following pharyngeal aspiration in mice

abstract published in 2016

Understanding the lung-gut axis by modeling the influence of welding fume inhalation exposure and lifestyle on the profile of gut microbiome and systemic immune cells

abstract published in 2019

Welding fume inhalation exposure and high-fat diet change lipid homeostasis in rat liver

journal article published in 2020

Welding fume inhalation exposure and high-fat diet change lipid homeostasis in rat liver

abstract published in 2021