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List of works by James D. Addis

A case-study of roof support alternatives for deep cover room-and-pillar retreat mining using in-situ monitoring and numerical modeling

conference proceedings item published in February 2019

Analysis of variation in longwall-induced permeability under different mining depths

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Anti-caking treated rock dust and its effect on downwind respirable dust measurements

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Development and applications of a scaled aerodynamic model for simulations of airflows in a longwall panel

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Effects of longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes on shale gas well integrity and safety under shallow cover

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Enhancing ventilation and development planning in underground stone mines: insights from a CFD-based study

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Evaluation of mine ventilation in large-opening underground stone mines

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Evaluation of permeability and transport characteristics formed by the induced fracture network around gas wells drilled through longwall abutment pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Face ventilation on a bleederless longwall panel

journal article published in 2019

Face ventilation on a bleederless longwall panel

abstract published in 2019

Investigating the impact of caving on longwall mine ventilation using scaled physical modeling

journal article published in 2019

Investigating the impact of caving on longwall mine ventilation using scaled physical modeling

abstract published in 2019

Laboratory development and pilot-scale deployment of a two-part foamed rock dust

journal article published in 2022

Longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes-shale gas well casing integrity implication

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Methane-air detonation experiments at NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory

journal article published in 2013

Methane-air detonation experiments at NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Mine ventilation pathway simulation on a hypothetical shale gas well breach utilizing the Longwall Instrumented Aerodynamic Model (LIAM)

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Permeability determination for potential interaction between shale gas wells and the coal mine environment due to longwall-induced deformations

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Permeability determination for potential interaction between shale gas wells and the coal mine environment due to longwall-induced deformations under deep cover

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Simulating the impact of a shale gas well breach on longwall mine ventilation utilizing a scaled physical model

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Studying longwall ventilation with physical modeling

journal article published in 2018

Tracer gas study to determine face ventilation air and gob gas movement patterns on a bleederless longwall panel

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Tracer gas study to determine face ventilation air and gob gas movement patterns on a bleederless longwall panel

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Tube bundle system for monitoring of coal mine atmosphere

journal article published in 2014

Tube bundle system for monitoring of coal mine atmosphere

journal article published in 2013

Ventilation research findings for enhanced worker safety when mining near unconventional gas wells in longwall abutment pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2023