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List of works by Edward M. Fisher

A method to determine the available UV-C dose for the decontamination of filtering facepiece respirators

journal article published in 2011

A review of decontamination methods for filtering facepiece respirators

journal article published in 2020

Assessing the efficacy of tabs on filtering facepiece respirator straps to increase proper doffing techniques while reducing contact transmission of pathogens

journal article published in 2016

Assessment of environmental and surgical mask contamination at a student health center - 2012-2013 influenza season

journal article published in 2018

Assessment of glove stretch and storage temperature on fentanyl permeation: implications for standard test methods and PPE recommendations

journal article published in 2024

Assessment of influenza virus exposure and recovery from contaminated surgical masks and N95 respirators

journal article published in 2018

COVID-19 and the workplace: research questions for the aerosol science community

publication published in 2020

Considerations for recommending extended use and limited reuse of filtering facepiece respirators in healthcare settings

journal article published in 2014

Development of a test system to apply virus-containing particles to filtering facepiece respirators for the evaluation of decontamination procedures

journal article published in 2009

Development of an experimental technique to determine the barrier performance of medical gloves when stretched

journal article published in 2024

Evaluación de la eficacia de las lengüetas en las tiras de la mascarilla autofiltrante para mejorar las técnicas de retirada adecuadas al mismo tiempo que se reduce la transmisión por contacto de los patógenos

journal article published in 2021

Evaluation of Microwave Steam Bags for the Decontamination of Filtering Facepiece Respirators

scientific article published on April 15, 2011

Evaluation of the survivability of MS2 viral aerosols deposited on filtering face piece respirator samples incorporating antimicrobial technologies

journal article published in 2010

Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings

journal article published in 2018

Fentanyl and carfentanil permeation through commercial disposable gloves

journal article published in 2020

Healthcare personnel exposure in an emergency department during influenza season

journal article published in 2018

MS2 coliphage as a surrogate for 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (pH1N1) in surface survival studies on N95 filtering facepiece respirators

journal article published in 2015

Persistence of SARS-Co-V-2 on N95 filtering facepiece respirators: implications for reuse

journal article published in 2021

Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 on N95 filtering facepiece respirators: implications for reuse (dataset)

research dataset published in 2024

Planning for epidemics and pandemics: assessing the potential impact of extended use and reuse strategies on respirator usage rates to support supply-and-demand planning efforts

journal article published in 2020

Reaerosolization of MS2 Bacteriophage from an N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator by Simulated Coughing

scientific article published on November 29, 2011

Research Questions for Aerosol Scientists Addressing COVID-19 and the Workplace

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2020

Survival of bacteriophage MS2 on filtering facepiece respirator coupons

journal article published in 2010

The effect of soil accumulation on multiple decontamination processing of N95 filtering facepiece respirator coupons using physical methods

journal article published in 2010

Total outward leakage of face-worn products used by the general public for source control

journal article published in 2024

Total outward leakage of half-mask respirators and surgical masks used for source control

journal article published in 2023

Transfer of bacteriophage MS2 and fluorescein from N95 filtering facepiece respirators to hands: measuring fomite potential

journal article published in 2017

Validation and application of models to predict facemask influenza contamination in healthcare settings

journal article published in 2014

Viewpoint: can qPCR replace the standard plaque assay in the ASTM F1671 to assess personal protective equipment barrier performance?

publication published in 2024